Fufeng Dynasty, Hundred Battles.

Baizhan Pass is adjacent to the Demon Beast Mountain Range, and it has been the first Xiongguan of the Fufeng Dynasty to reject the north since ancient times.

Standing in the tide of beasts for thousands of years without falling, taking the meaning of being invincible in a hundred battles.

On this day, on the west street of Baizhan Guancheng, a young man in a white shirt walked slowly.

The man's face was pale, his body seemed to be quite weak, and he would stop coughing a few times every few steps, coughing until an unnatural flush appeared on his face, but with his handsome appearance and the trace of nobility exuded from his body, it gave people the temperament of a sick man.

It's like a noble son in distress.

This person is Gu Xuan, who has been living since then.

Gu Xuan walked back to the small courtyard where he had lived alone for many days, and sat down casually in the courtyard.

He reached out and stroked a weed in front of him, and there was a special rhyme flowing on his body.

Soon, the weed that was caressed by his hand exuded vigor, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed to have grown in a circle.

At this time, the rhyme around Gu Xuan's body changed, and the weeds that had just been rejuvenated quickly withered and withered in an instant, and finally turned into a cluster of withered yellow.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and his face showed a look of satisfaction.

"This artistic conception of life and death has been fully comprehended by me, and the injuries that have been left so far can also be recovered. "

Outside the Demon Burial Cave, Gu Xuan used the death qi seed in his body to detonate the death calamity on the body of the sick young man who was a powerhouse in the realm of life and death, and he was also injured by it, but fortunately, his physique was strong enough, and he had the vitality replenishment of the extreme elixir, so he was only seriously injured and did not die.

Not only that, Gu Xuan was also seriously injured and dying, and when the vitality in his body emerged, he unexpectedly realized the mystery between life and death.

In order to gain a deeper understanding, Gu Xuan specially kept himself in a state of serious injury so that he could comprehend at any time.

Until now, Gu Xuan finally fully comprehended the meaning of life and death, making it one of his hole cards.

"The meaning of life and death, integrated into the Infernal Sword Technique, directly caused the power of my Infernal Sword Technique to skyrocket several times. Moreover, it seems that I can create an original sword technique on the basis of these two martial intents, as an extension and supplement of the Infernal Sword Technique..."

Gu Xuan's mind quickly deduced, and countless inspirations erupted.

The Infernal Sword Method is just taken from the Infernal Hell, but the Infernal Hell is only a layer in the Infernal Hell.

Above hell, when there is an underworld, there is a ghost gate, there is helplessness, there is a yellow spring...

The rudiments of a sword technique appeared in Gu Xuan's heart, which was even more powerful than the Infernal Sword Technique, and could even be compared to his current strongest sword technique, the Heavenly Sword.

However, the Tao and the Dharma involved in it are too profound and profound to be fully deduced at this time.

"Let's heal the injury first, now that the Hidden Dragon Gold List has been born, another round of competition is imminent, and restoring the strength of the heyday is the key..."

Gu Xuan shook his head, temporarily suppressed the countless inspirations in his mind, and began to breathe.

In the dantian, the silent Xuantu seems to have grown up a little.

The little baby clenched its fists, its eyelashes fluttering slightly, as if it wanted to open its eyes.

"Tianyang Sutra" is worthy of being one of the four great ancient scriptures, and it is extremely mysterious.

Gu Xuan also discovered after being injured that after his own re-trauma, he would force out the potential of the Xuan Fetus, so that the physical body could be further transformed.

If it is not broken, it will not stand, and it will stand after it is broken.

That's probably the truth.

Xuanfei gently stretched his body, and opened his eyes for the first time like the first cry when Xuanfei first became a child.

In an instant, the tide of spiritual energy between heaven and earth was triggered.

The void cracked, and a large amount of spiritual energy flowed out of the void, pouring into Gu Xuan's body, quickly repairing his seriously injured body.

Gu Xuan's injuries healed quickly, and at the same time, his cultivation was constantly improving.

In a few breaths, it reaches the peak of this stage.

Then, the breakthrough was a matter of course.

Gendan Yae!

The long river of aura continues to be instilled, and the cultivation continues to increase.

Gendan Yae Mid-Middle...

Late stage of the Xuandan Yae...

Xuandan Eightfold Perfection...

Breakthrough, Xuandan Ninefold!

It was only at this time that the tide of spiritual energy triggered by the Xuan Fetus gradually receded.

Gu Xuan looked inward, and unexpectedly found that the divine tree seed in the Xuan fetus had sprouted at some point, and it was constantly exuding a thick vitality, like gurgling water.

"If this continues, there won't be a towering tree growing in my body..."

Gu Xuan thought strangely.

By this time, his injuries had fully healed.

Not only that, but the cultivation realm has also gone further, and its strength is several times stronger than before.

Gu Xuan stood up, his eyes were scorching, his demeanor was so prosperous that it was difficult to force his eyes, and his previous pale and sick posture was swept away, and he once again found his previous posture of immortality.

But soon, all the brilliance on him faded.

It is like a piece of top-quality jade that is hard to find in the world, covered in dust and obscure, and only shows its brilliance when necessary.

At this time, a cheerful voice came from outside the small courtyard.

"Brother Gu, Brother Gu ..."

A little boy of seven or eight years old ran in through the door.

The boy has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is quite cute.

The boy also had a long knife made of wood pinned to his waist, like a small knife man.

Seeing the boy, Gu Xuan had a smile on his face and said, "Shaoyang, why did you come here so early today?"

The boy replied: "Mr. has something to do today, and the school is on holiday, so I came over early." "

Gu Xuan said: "I'm afraid it's not that you skipped school and deliberately didn't go to class." "

The boy's face turned red, and he said with some embarrassment: "Brother Gu, you don't have to tell my father, otherwise he should spank me again." "

Gu Xuan shook his head helplessly.

The boy in front of him was named Yan Shaoyang, which was one of the other important reasons why Gu Xuan chose to stay here.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, Yan Shaoyang's body exuded a layer of brilliant golden brilliance.

And the line of chance, which represented the light of this golden chance, actually fell on Gu Xuan.

Not only that, Gu Xuan also had a golden line of chance on his body, extending to Yan Shaoyang.

It was the first time Gu Xuan had encountered such a strange thing, and he had never been able to figure it out, so he could only try his best to have a good relationship with Yan Shaoyang's family.

Fortunately, Yan Shaoyang was very interested in martial arts at a young age, and after accidentally discovering that Gu Xuan was a martial artist, he kept pestering Gu Xuan to ask Gu Xuan to teach him martial arts.

Gu Xuan pushed the boat along the water, and when he had nothing to do, he casually taught Yan Shaoyang a few of the most basic knife techniques.

This is far more attractive to Yan Shaoyang than going to the academy.

So this little guy ran to Gu Xuan every day when he had nothing to do.

"You came to me, but how many sword techniques I taught you before are you almost done?"

Gu Xuan asked.

Yan Shaoyang smiled, took out a piece of paper from his arms, and said: "Brother Gu, the top ten characters on the Qianlong Gold List are almost all out, I can't read completely, you say I'll listen to it.."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he reached out to take the white paper in Yan Shaoyang's hand.

His eyes swept over, and at a glance, he saw a line of small characters on the white paper.

"Sixth place on the Qianlong Gold List, Nanli Dynasty, Su Prison Xing!"


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