“... Do you say that everyone is the number one on the hidden dragon list?"

As soon as the speaker speaks, he regrets it.

Because he took the opportunity to glance at Gu Xuan.

At first glance, Gu Xuan felt mediocre, at best, his appearance and temperament were better than ordinary people.

But if you look closely, you always feel that Gu Xuan seems to have a faint layer of fog on his body, and he can't get rid of it.

Especially those deep and indifferent eyes, as if hiding a bottomless whirlpool, and the soul will be sucked into it.

This person was shocked, and said secretly: No one knows what he looks like or where he is now, so he shouldn't be so unlucky, he really ran into the main master.

However, Gu Xuan was not angry at his words, he just glanced at him lightly and withdrew his gaze.

However, Yan Shaoyang was a big ghost, and he shouted at the man unconvinced: "What's your business...!

A cadre of people is talking about the liveliness of the Qianlong Gold List at the post station.

At this moment, a blood-stained warrior stumbled into the Hundred Battles Pass, shouting loudly: "Beast... The beast tide is coming.."

After speaking, he fell to the ground and passed out directly.

This sudden news shocked everyone.

Before everyone could confirm the truth of the matter, the horn of "Woo Woo-" had already sounded at the head of the Hundred Battles Pass.

Someone had an ugly face and said, "This is the sound of the horn of the city locking, and there must be something big happening in this retreat." Looks like the beast tide thing should be true..."

"Isn't the beast tide always erupting at the beginning of spring every year, this year's beast tide has already come once, how can there be a second time?"

"Who knows, go over and have a look!"

Everyone scattered in fear.

Gu Xuan's divine thoughts were scattered, and the huge divine thoughts brought by "Nerve Eater" made his divine thoughts probe up to nearly a thousand miles away.

Shen Nian swept through the Hundred Battles Pass and came to the outside of the Hundred Battles Pass, in the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away from the Hundred Battles Pass.

Gu Xuan "saw" that countless demon beasts were rushing towards the direction of the Hundred Battles Pass like a rapid march.

The scene was so spectacular and shocking that even Gu Xuan was slightly moved.

The beast tide is really coming.

Gu Xuan hurriedly returned with Yan Shaoyang.

Not long after, the order of the City Lord's Mansion was issued.

In the Hundred Battles Pass, all warriors, or young and strong, are ready to resist the invasion of the beast tide.

In the huge Hundred Battle Pass, countless people looked serious, holding weapons and hurriedly walked to the wall of the city pass.

Gu Xuan and Yan Shaoyang's family stood at the same city wall.

Yan Shaoyang's father, Yan Qingshan, was a strong man who made a living from hunting.

Looking at the beast tide rushing in the distance, Yan Qingshan's face condensed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "The Hundred Battles Pass has not fully recovered from the loss of the beast tide last time, and if it encounters the beast tide again, I don't know if it can be stopped this time." "

Gu Xuan said lightly: "There are many strong people in the Hundred Battles Pass, so there shouldn't be any big problems in the future. "

"It was better to do so. "

Yan Qingshan thought about it, and couldn't help but say to Gu Xuan: "Brother Gu, if something really happens later, please help me take care of Shaoyang." "

Yan Shaoyang raised his head, brandished the small wooden knife in his hand, and said loudly: "Dad, I don't have to take care of my eldest brother, I want to kill demon beasts like you!"

Yan Qingshan said: "You are in the Hundred Battles Pass, and sooner or later you will have to go on the field to kill demon beasts, but not now." You're still young, so I just want you to see with your own eyes how terrible the beast tide is, and after reading it, hurry down and go home and hide it.

Oh yes, wait a little bit for the beast tide to get closer, but don't be scared into peeing your pants!"

Yan Shaoyang's face turned red, and he said loudly: "I won't be scared to pee my pants!"


The solemn atmosphere is rare to exchange for a touch of relaxation.

As time passed, the beast tide in the distance got closer and closer to the Hundred Battles Pass.

And the terrifying momentum of ten thousand beasts galloping and mighty also made everyone's expressions more and more serious.

"This beast tide seems to be more than the one at the beginning of spring this year, I see a lot of innate demon beasts in the Spirit Sea Realm!"

"Damn, these monsters are crazy, toss twice in a year!"

"Hey, I hope there will be fewer deaths in this beast tide. "

Gu Xuan looked at the beast tide rushing in the distance, his eyes flickering slightly.

In his opinion, it was the best decision to take the initiative to weaken the momentum of a wave of beast tides at this time.

Yan Shaoyang's little face was tense, a little nervous, and a little afraid.

But he always kept his eyes open and looked at the direction where the beast tide was coming, and he didn't retreat a step, but it was good.

At this moment, a group of warriors suddenly rushed out of the city wall of Baizhan Pass.

These men leapt down from the city walls, and with all their might, they rushed towards the tide of beasts like big birds in mid-air.

"It's someone from the City Lord's Mansion!"

Someone shouted in surprise.

Each of these martial artists who took the initiative to attack the beast tide exuded at least the aura of the Xuandan Realm, and they were extremely powerful.

Dozens of Xuandan powerhouses rushed into the beast tide and slaughtered in the beast tide.

At this time, the guards on the Hundred Battles Pass also used weapons such as bows and arrows, throwing guns, and catapults to suppress the beast tide remotely.

The menacing beast tide was suppressed at once.

Yan Qingshan's eyes flashed, and he said with some excitement: "This time, the City Lord's Mansion has sent a lot of masters, and we don't need to do anything to cross the beast tide!"

As he was talking, suddenly there was a cry of cracking stones through the clouds overhead.


Everyone looked up, and a huge golden bird wrapped in black qi rushed towards the direction of the city.

"Not good!"

Someone was shocked, "This is the Great Demon Black Feather Jinpeng in the late stage of Xuandan!

The martial artist's division of the strength of the Xuandan Realm demon beasts is not so detailed, but it is roughly divided into three stages: the early, middle and late stages of the Xuandan.

The great demon in the late stage of Xuandan is equivalent to the martial artist of Xuandan Eightfold or even Xuandan Ninefold.

Moreover, the Black Feather Jinpeng comes and goes like the wind, and can fly, far more powerful than the ordinary Xuandan Ten Folds powerhouse.

Most of the people guarding the city pass are idle martial artists from the Spirit Sea Realm and the Innate Realm, how can they resist such a terrifying demon.

Seeing that a bloody battle is coming.

"Shaoyang, let's go!!"

As soon as Yan Qingshan grabbed Yan Shaoyang, he wanted to take him down.

At this time, the fishy wind belonging to the Black Feather Jinpeng was already blowing to the side of the city wall.

Gu Xuan's eyes moved slightly, and his right hand was lightly placed on the handle of Minghong's knife, and the sword qi was brewing, ready to strike at any time.

At this moment, an extremely brilliant dark cyan sword light suddenly erupted from the city.

The sword light swept over the black feather Jinpeng.

The huge demon body of the Black Feather Jinpeng was easily split into two halves like a rag doll under the sword light.

Demon blood splattered in the sky, and countless people were stunned.

Then I saw a cold swordsman with a tall posture and a hunting robe take a step forward, catching the demon pill that fell from the black feather Jinpeng in mid-air.

The long sword was stained with demon blood, and the demeanor of the moment made many people look sideways.

Someone below opened his eyes wide and shouted in ecstasy: "This is the peerless Tianjiao of the Fufeng Dynasty, the genius swordsman Liao Chengyun who ranks thirty-fourth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List!!"

As soon as the identity of the young swordsman was revealed, it immediately caused a commotion in the crowd below.


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