"Infernal Knife Technique, Bitter Infernality!"

Gu Xuan's knife was cut out, and the huge sword shadow on the fighting platform was heavy, and the ghost shadow was forested.

With him as the center, a sword intent enchantment with black qi rising rose.

And Su Prison is not to be outdone, and it is also a knife.

His sword also brought up a sword intent enchantment like a Senluo ghost domain.

The people below were amazed.

"Both of them have comprehended the sword intent to the Dacheng realm, forming the sword intent enchantment!"

"Why are Gu Xuan's sword intent so similar to Su Xuanxing's?"

Someone said with a strange expression.

Not only others, but even Gu Xuan and Su Jiaoxing found out.

The sword intent that the two of them comprehended was related to purgatory, but Gu Xuan's was infernal hell, and Su Xuan's practice was human purgatory.

The knife collides with the knife, and the sword intent enchantment and the sword intent enchantment also collide together.


The forbidden circle of the competition platform shook violently.

The two separated.

In this round of confrontation, the two were unexpectedly comparable.

Su Prisonxing's eyes turned cold, and there was anger in his eyes.

His cultivation was a whole level higher than Gu Xuan's, but after the fight, he was evenly divided and had no suppressive power, which he couldn't accept.

Gu Xuan's eyes quickly lit up.

"Su Prison's sword intent... It was of great use to me!"

His infernal sword intent was comprehended by the Spirit Sword Sect's Torture Prison Peak, and comprehended the evil in the world that he had seen through the eyes of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

But no matter how real he looks, there is still a certain gap between what he sees and what he has experienced.

Su Prison is different.

Su Prison really suffered a catastrophe.

The whole family died, and they were tortured in the prison.

The monstrous hatred took root in his heart, and in the desperate situation, a supreme sword path was born.

Su Prison's Knife Path....

It can make up for many gaps in Gu Xuan's Infernal Sword Technique!

Gu Xuan's heart moved.

In his mind, the vortex of divine thoughts representing "Nerve Eater" spun rapidly.

Every time Gu Xuan slashed out after that, the knife carried a trace of god-devouring power.

Every time he and Su Jiaoxing clashed, they could devour some sword intent from him.

Every time the two sword intent enchantments collided, Gu Xuan's sword intent enchantments became more complete.

In this process, several of the sword intents that made up Gu Xuan's Infernal Knife Intent increased rapidly.

Desperate knife intent, seventy percent...


Ninety percent!

Painful knife intent, eighty percent...

Ninety percent:

Resentment of the sword intent, eighty percent...

Ninety percent...

Gu Xuan had thought that his Infernal Sword Intent would be stuck in the realm of Ninety Percent Dacheng for a long time, but he didn't expect to run into Su Prison.

Su Prison is the best thing for him....

Wedding dress!

Several sword intent comprehensions increased, prompting the Infernal Sword intent to increase as well.

Ninety out of one...


It had grown to ninety-five by the time it was ninety-five, and at this time, Gu Xuan's sword intent enchantment was infinitely close to consummation.

Collide with Su Prison's sword intent enchantment.

Gu Xuan's sword intent enchantment smashed into it, directly shattering and collapsing Su Xuanxing's sword intent enchantment...


The audience at the bottom saw that something was wrong.

"How do I feel, Gu Xuan's sword intent has been growing! It seems that he has absorbed the nutrients in Su Xuanxing's sword intent, becoming more and more perfect, more and more complete..."

"I also found out that Su Xuanxing has the sword intent, Gu Xuan also has it, Gu Xuan's knife intent is there, but Su Xuanxing has not had it!

The sword intent of the two was originally divided into courts, but now Gu Xuan's sword intent is completely above Su Xuanxing's sword intent!"

"Is it possible..."

Someone said in disbelief: "When Gu Xuan fought with Su Prison, he comprehended the essence of Su Prison's Dao, so as to complete his own Dao?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around them were terrified.

There is no lack of demons in the cultivation world that never forget, have a comprehension that reaches the sky, and can learn all the essence of the other party's moves with a single fight.

But that's all things that can only happen at the low realm.

The Divine Realm, especially a demonic existence like Su Prison Xing who has stepped out of his own way.

It's unbelievable that when you fight with someone, you can "steal" your own sword essence away.

How high does Gu Xuan's comprehension have to be to do this?


Who can believe it if they don't see it with their own eyes?

At this time, Su Prison also found out that something was wrong.

Every time he fought against Gu Xuan, Su Xuanxing felt a tingling pain in his soul.

At first, he thought it was the mystery carried in Gu Xuandao's technique, but gradually, the pain became more and more intense.

Su Prison even had a strong sense of emptiness that part of his soul had been cut off from life.

"Damn it!"

Su Jiaoxing's eyes were full of murderous energy, and he roared lowly, and his whole body was full of black energy.

Behind him, a forest purgatory descended majestically.

In purgatory, a magic knife stood quietly, and a full thirteen scars surrounded the magic knife.

The magic knife trembled, exuding an earth-shattering murderous aura.

Su Prisonxing's momentum has been rising, and it has more than doubled.

Su Xuanxing's black hair danced wildly, and he was holding a long knife like a Shura who had come out of hell, and slashed at Gu Xuan with a knife.

"Give me death!"

This sword slashed through the void, plunging most of the Dragon Snatching Platform into darkness, and its power was even greater than that of the previous sword in the Ling Tian Domain.

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as stars, and the whirlpool of divine thoughts in his mind was extremely spinning.

He slashed it out with a single blow.

This knife is wrapped in ninety-five infernal knife intent, as well as the power of "Nerve Eater".

The light of the sword refracted the infernal infernal, and within the infernal there was an unfathomable vortex.

Gu Xuan's sword light collided with Su Xuanxing's sword light.

Immediately, Su Xuanxing's sword light was sucked into most of it by Gu Xuan, as if it had been cut into a black hole.


Su Prisonxing's face changed sharply, and before he could react, he suddenly felt another sharp pain in his mind.

It felt like someone was holding a knife and messing around in his head.

A piece of the soul was cut off.

The sword intent on Gu Xuan's body was instantly sheng.

Several sword intents, such as despair knife intent and pain knife intent, suddenly became complete.


Gu Xuan slashed out again.

There seemed to be countless Gu Xuan and countless sword lights in the void.

The Purgatory Demon Knife behind Su Prison was smashed, and Su Prison vomited blood and flew back.

Su Prison Line, defeat!

Compared with the Prince of Prison Yan who was defeated by Gu Xuan before, Su Prison's injuries were more serious.

The trauma he suffered was on the divine soul, and the comprehension of his own sword path in Su Xuanxing's divine soul was forcibly deprived by Gu Xuan.

It takes a long time for such an injury to heal.

And to be able to do this, only Gu Xuan, who is burdened with "Nerve Eater", can do it.

Gu Xuan's subordinates are still merciful, if he kills, he can even hit Su Xuanxing's soul with a single sword, and it is possible to become an idiot from now on.

"It's your honor to be a part of my supreme sword path. Treat me and him day by day, and you can be regarded as a credit. "

Gu Xuan looked at Su Xuanxing condescendingly, and said with a smile: "I won't take your luck." "

Sure enough, this time Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon did not devour Su Xuanxing's luck, but just roared.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the system also sounded in Gu Xuan's mind.

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