In an instant, a large amount of black gas gushed out from the Demon Demon's arm again.

It was as if a sleeping demon had been awakened, and an ancient savage force was reviving.

Flesh sprouts quickly grew from the ends of the Demon Arm, filling half of the Trench like a monster with exposed muscles.

It can be seen that Chao Yan has not completely mastered the power of this level, otherwise it would not have made the Demon Arm show a violent state.

But the power of this out-of-control brought with it a terrifying power that had never been seen before.

Chao Yan stomped his feet on the fighting platform and stepped out of an invisible wave of qi.

The wave of qi spread to the edge of the competition, and the prohibition of the competition platform shook violently, completely exploding.

Chao Yan's whole person was like an ancient troll descending into the world, exuding endless demonic power and ferocity, and even affected the void, causing the void to appear in large swaths of distortion.

The audience at the bottom looked terrified, and subconsciously couldn't help but retreat.

Especially Prince Jiaoyan, who had just been beaten by Chao Yan, had an ugly face.

If Chao Yan was in this state when he fought him, it was estimated that one punch would be able to blow him up.

"In the history of the Southern Regions, the descendants of the Demon Sect with the Demon Arm also suppressed an era, and when I see it today, I know how terrifying the torso of this ancient demon is..."

"This power is estimated to be able to give birth to a demon in the late stage of the gods!"

"If I fight with it, this magic power alone can crush me alive, and I don't have the strength to do it at all!"

"It's terrifying, Chao Yan's strength is definitely qualified to compete for the first place on the True Dragon List. It is worthy of an unprecedented world, and the Tianjiao characters who can overwhelm the younger generation in the past have appeared one after another, all of which have converged in one period, and this year's True Dragon List is definitely the one with the highest gold content. "

"This punch, I don't know if Gu Xuan can take it..."

Chao Yan's expression was hideous and distorted, and he was already on the verge of going berserk.

His voice also became low and hoarse because of the Demon Arm, and his crazy eyes stared at Gu Xuan tightly, and he said angrily: "What about the Divine Body? You're going to lose me too!"

As he spoke, the terrifying demon arm was wrapped in the terrifying aura of the wilderness and ancient times, tearing through the void and heading towards Gu Xuanmian's door.

This punch directly knocked the void out of layers of twisted folds, like crumpled paper, and the waves of qi were stacked layer by layer, and layer after layer burst open.

It seemed that the roar of the Ancient Demon sounded in everyone's ears, and at this moment, it seemed that even time had slowed down.

An earth-shattering punch.

Like a landslide and tsunami, terrifying waves pressed down overhead.

Even if they weren't in the dueling ring and didn't face the punch directly, many people felt a suffocating pressure.

Even many young giants have shown their expressions.

Ji Lingsheng's eyes flashed, and he said softly: "This punch has the qualifications to make me serious." "

And in the face of Chao Yan's powerful punch, Gu Xuan's face did not make any waves.

His eyes were lowered, and his consciousness sank into his body.

In front of him, there were two Dao palaces that had opened a gap.

Gu Xuan gently put his hand on it and pressed hard.

"Divine Power Dao Palace, open it again!"

"Doom Dao Palace, open again!"

After being promoted to the Xuan Body, he was already qualified to open a bigger gap between the two Dao Palaces.


A dull roar came from Gu Xuan's body, and the doors of the two ancient Dao Palaces opened a larger gap again.

A surging force poured out.

The divine patterns on Gu Xuan's body lit up one after another, and the power in his body soared directly.

Twenty-five Dragons...

Thirty Dragons' Strength....

The power of forty dragons...

It continued to increase until it was close to the power of fifty dragons, and this power stopped.

At this moment, Gu Xuan felt as if he could grasp the veins of the Great Dao with his bare hands, and he had a feeling that everything in the universe was in the palm of his hand.

"When the strength of the body reaches the extreme, it can also walk on a straight road..."

Gu Xuan had a burst of realization in his heart, and then his right hand gently poked out.

The same scene reappeared, but this time, it was more shocking.

Gu Xuan grabbed Chao Yan's demon arm, a strong divine light burst out of his eyes, and he said coldly: "Kneel!"

On your knees!

These two words made Chao Yan look stunned, and the people below were all stunned.

The next moment, I saw Gu Xuan's hand pressed.

He forced Chao Yan's arm down.

The Demon Arm unsealed the size of the Forty Percent Trench and swelled to almost twice that of Gu Xuan.

He stood in front of Gu Xuan, like an adult strong man swinging his fist at a child.

But the result was that the strong man's fist was easily grabbed by the child, and he was even forced to kneel!

The impact of this contrast on everyone was so great that they couldn't speak.

"Get on your knees!"

Gu Xuan repeated these two words again, his face expressionless.

This time, Gu Xuan's voice was like rolling thunder, echoing in the sky above the Dragon Capture Platform.

Chao Yan's face was hideous, and his eyes showed shame, unwillingness, and disbelief.

"Impossible! Impossible ..."

He couldn't believe that the Demon Arm was unsealed and forty percent, why was it not Gu Xuan's opponent.

The terrifying power that went out of control made even him, the manipulator, tremble, like a child dancing with a big knife.

But in Gu Xuan's hands, there was not even a trace of waves.

What does this mean?

This means that the difference in strength between him and Gu Xuan is too big, so big that they can't shake the other party at all.

Chao Yan couldn't believe it, couldn't accept it.

"The Demon Arm is unsealed, fifty percent!"

Chao Yan's eyes turned red, and a crazy roar came out of his mouth.

He had completely lost his mind and wanted to completely surrender his body to the Demon Arm.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and the power in his hand was pressed down fiercely.

"Get on your knees!"

The third whisper was like thunder.

The momentum that had not yet been condensed on Chao Yan's body was directly shattered by Gu Xuan, and his huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

knelt in front of Gu Xuan, as if to show surrender.

The eyes of the people below were wide open and motionless.

This scene is too shocking.

They feel like a peerless demon who has caused trouble in the world, and is finally controlled by the gods and unwilling to fall.

As Chao Yan knelt down, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon behind Gu Xuan flew up violently, biting Chao Yan's Qi Luck Golden Dragon and directly tearing off the small half.

Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon immediately soared, from forty-three zhang to nearly fifty zhang.

The huge dragon body crowned the audience, almost covering the sky above the small half of the dragon capture platform.

The people below looked in a trance.

"Forty percent of the Demon Arms that have been unsealed have all been defeated, how strong is Gu Xuan's physical strength?"

"Is this the power of the divine body? This is still a divine body that has not been fully awakened, if it is fully completed, what kind of power should it have?"

"Gu Xuan's invincible momentum... It's already taking shape!"

"On the Dragon Snatching Platform where the giants of the Divine Aspect Realm are all over the place, the One Xuandan Realm can actually condense into an invincible momentum, it's really..."

I don't know what words to use to describe it, but in my heart, there is only shock left.

The demonic qi on Chao Yan's body gradually dissipated, and the demon arm began to contract.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he let go of Chao Yan's arm.

Chao Yan's face was ugly, and he was panting violently, but he still said in a complicated manner: "Thank you." "

If Gu Xuan hadn't suppressed him, fifty percent of the Demon Arm would have been unsealed, I'm afraid he would have been directly assimilated and devoured by the Demon Arm.

From now on, there will be no such person in the world!

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