Gu Xuan's knife is equivalent to the combination of several perfect sword intents, and the power is so strong that everyone below is discolored.

"I have seen at least three kinds of sword intent that have been perfected, and all of them are top-grade sword intent!"

"Gu Xuan's comprehension, close to the demon, there is no one before!"

"How should Ji Lingsheng take this knife?"

Ji Lingsheng's eyes were scorching, but in the face of Gu Xuan's amazing knife, there was no trace of panic on his face, but he was quite expectant.

"It's good to come!"

Ji Lingsheng's hands were sealed, and the phantom of the human emperor behind him became more and more majestic, and he slowly punched Gu Xuan's sword.

Around the human emperor's phantom, a huge martial intent enchantment spread out.

The fist slowly fell, and several perfect fist intents circulated on the fist peak, crushing the void.


The eyes of the people below widened at the sight.

"Ji Lingsheng has also cultivated several fist intents to the realm of the Great Perfection?!"

"He is still a god and a god, and he uses the body of the high-grade law to perform this punch. Compared with Gu Xuan's sword, although the realm of the two is not much different, the power is very different, Gu Xuan is finished..."

"Hey, the gap in cultivation is too big, in the case of similar talents, the slightest gap in cultivation can become the last straw that crushes the camel, let alone a gap in a big realm!"

"It's a pity..."

Sure enough, Gu Xuan's sword light was easily shattered under Ji Lingsheng's magic fist.


Gu Xuan slashed out again, barely resisting the power of this punch.

"Throw in the towel. "

Ji Lingsheng stood in the void and said to Gu Xuan condescendingly: "My blood is engraved with the vast majority of the martial arts comprehension of an Emperor Realm powerhouse, and it is difficult for you to comprehend the martial arts of ascending to the sky, and for me it is as simple as eating and drinking."

Gu Xuan, I admit that you are amazing, but no matter how high your talent is, how can you compare to me standing on the shoulders of the ancestors.

You can't compete with my imperial bloodline, so don't have to struggle uselessly. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he looked at Ji Lingsheng and said, "Two swords will defeat you." "


Ji Lingsheng was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Shaking his head and saying: "It's ridiculous not to see the coffin and not to shed tears." "

The people below also looked complicated, and their expressions were slightly regretful.

"Gu Xuan still has hole cards that have not yet been played, it should be the knife that defeated Ling Tianyu in the previous move. "

"Although that knife is amazing, if you want to defeat Ji Lingsheng, it seems that it is still a little short. "

"It's a pity Gu Xuan, if you give him another two years to be promoted to the god appearance... The results may be different. "

Xiao Chen, who was in the corner, secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"It seems that this person is going to be defeated, then Ji Lingsheng is still the first on the True Dragon List, this has not changed, and the historical trend of the Southern Regions will not change much, which can facilitate my next actions..."

Just when everyone was not optimistic about Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan slowly slashed out.

This knife was very weird, it seemed to be unremarkable, but it crossed the void, and in an instant, it arrived in front of Ji Lingsheng.

Ji Lingsheng sneered with some disdain, and the body of the law phase behind him reached out to crush this knife directly.

But when the body of the law phase touched this sword light, the power of the law phase suddenly collapsed without warning.

Ji Lingsheng looked startled, and quickly threw a few punches.

But no matter what moves he made, they were silently annihilated in front of this sword light.

There seems to be nothing that can stop the advance of this knife.

"What the hell is this knife technique?!"

Ji Lingsheng let out a low breath in disbelief.

Then he watched as the knife fell on him.


Ji Lingsheng opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his robe shattered, revealing a treasure-filled inner armor inside.

Heavenly Rank Armor!

If it weren't for the armor to block it, I'm afraid this knife would have been able to seriously injure Ji Lingsheng directly!


Ji Lingsheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression was angry, but more of it was shock.

Gu Xuan's knife was too weird, and it had a great impact on him.

The onlookers were even more stunned, especially Su Jiaoxing, whose brows were tightened, as if he was thinking about something.

"What kind of sword technique is Gu Xuan's knife? Ji Lingsheng can't stop it!"

"This knife gives me a feeling that there is nothing to stop, but it's a pity that Ji Lingsheng has a heaven-level armor to protect himself, otherwise Gu Xuan's knife may be able to directly lay the victory!"

"It's terrible, how deep is Gu Xuan's background, and it seems that the hole cards can't be turned over no matter how they are!"

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and there was a slight regret in his heart.

The knife just now is the third killing move of the Infernal Knife Technique-Fruit Infernal.

A sword with the power of cause and effect.

This knife was cut along the line of cause and effect, and from the moment he swung this knife, it meant that Ji Lingsheng would definitely be stabbed.

Gu Xuan's sword swing is the cause, and Ji Lingsheng's knife is the effect.

If it weren't for Gu Xuan's understanding of the power of cause and effect that was still very shallow, otherwise even a heaven-level treasure armor would not be able to stop this sword of karma.

"You're a good knife..."

Ji Lingsheng's mood calmed down, and he looked at Gu Xuan with a calm face: "It's a pity that your knife speed is too slow, if you make this knife again, you will definitely be the one who loses first!"

Ji Lingsheng felt that he had found the weakness of Gu Xuan's knife and regained his confidence and calmness.

Gu Xuan said lightly: "Is it? There is also a knife." "

Ji Lingsheng's eyes flashed coldly, and he snorted coldly: "You can try." "

As he spoke, the human emperor phantom behind Ji Lingsheng was surrounded by bright traces, and countless heaven and earth spiritual qi poured into the phantom, and the phantom almost condensed into substance.

The Human Emperor Phantom punched out.

This punch was several times stronger than the previous one.

Ji Lingsheng stepped into the air step by step, and shouted: "The emperor's bloodline is strong, how can you speculate, give me defeat, Gu Xuan!"

Under this fist that seemed to be pouring into the sky, Gu Xuan's thin figure was like a flat boat in the huge waves, which could capsize at any time.

Many people below have already begun to shake their heads regretfully, and even Zhou Canglan and others have regretful expressions in their eyes.

"So... Still can't defeat Ji Lingsheng?"

But at this moment, Gu Xuan took out the knife.

The moment the knife slashed out, the sky above his head suddenly darkened.

It's the ultimate darkness, deeper than the night.

Everyone was stunned.

I haven't realized what happened.

I saw a sword light piercing the night sky.

Above the sword light, a looming black chain phantom hovered on it, and it seemed that the meaning of the law of the Great Dao was circulating.

"This is...."

Below, everyone's eyes widened little by little.

Su Prison, Zhou Canglan and other young giants jumped forward several steps suddenly, with extremely disbelief and shock on their faces.

"O... The power of the mystery! Gu Xuan actually comprehended the mystery of the sword technique!"

A voice that was so surprised that it had been distorted rang out in the field.


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