Gu Xuan knew that Nangong Yun had a mysterious inheritance and had been practicing somewhere, and her letter made Gu Xuan a little surprised.

Nangong Yun said in the letter that she went to Zhongzhou for the next step of cultivation, so that Gu Xuan should not worry.

also said that when the time is ripe, he will naturally take the initiative to meet him.


Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he secretly said in his heart: Unconsciously, Nangong Yun has already walked so far?

Anu is in Zhongzhou, and now Nangong Yun has also gone to Zhongzhou.

Both of his women went to Zhongzhou, but he was still in a corner of the Southern Regions.

Gu Xuan sometimes thinks about whether he should go to Zhongzhou.

He still remembered that the woman in the Yaotai Holy Land had told him: "... A genius like you is as numerous as the carp crossing the river and the sand of the Ganges River in Zhongzhou..."

Zhongzhou is the place where the fortune of this realm gathers, and the four regions of the east, west, north and south together are not one-fifth the size of Zhongzhou, and the population is far less.

Zhongzhou is vast and rich, and its resource population is 100 times that of the southern region.

There are more people, and there are naturally more opportunities, which is more conducive to Gu Xuan's growth.

Temporarily pressing down this thought, Gu Xuan picked up another letter in his hand.

It's more like a letter, but it's an invitation.

The letter said that Gu Xuan was invited to participate in an ancient secret realm that was about to open.

The person who made the payment was a name that Gu Xuan had never heard of.

Extreme Immortal Alliance!

After reading the two letters, Gu Xuan carefully put away Nangong Yun's letter, then picked up the letter from the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance and strode out of the cultivation room.

Outside the cultivation room, Youyue, who was dressed in palace clothes, was already waiting.

In the past six months, Youyue has often come to Xuanyue Palace's Mansion to find Gu Xuan to drink tea and talk about it, and it is not surprising that she appears here at this time.

"Have you read the letter from the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance?"

As soon as Gu Xuan appeared, Youyue asked.

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "What kind of existence is this Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance? Why have I never heard of it?" "

Youyue shook her head and said, "I don't know very well, the force of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance has always been very mysterious in the Southern Regions, and it has only appeared a few times. However, it is rumored that there are strong people in this force, but they are extremely low-key...

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to invite you to explore the ancient secret realm this time. "

Gu Xuan said, "Will you go with me?"

A hint of excitement flashed in Youyue's eyes, but she said helplessly: "I would like to, but the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance only invited Tianjiao, who was on the double list of True Dragon and Hidden Dragon at the same time, this time, I am not qualified enough, and I did not receive the invitation." "

Youyue ranked forty-seventh on the Hidden Dragon List, but her strength was not enough and she was not on the True Dragon List.

Gu Xuan looked at the invitation in his hand.

Ordinary forces, if they have an ancient secret realm, must be tightly hidden, and the fewer people who know about it, the better, and make a fortune in a muffled voice.

But this Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is good, not only does it not hide it, but it also takes the initiative to invite people to come in and explore, and the one invited must be a double list Tianjiao.

That is, the top handful of people of the Southern Regions generation.

That's a bit weird.

Gu Xuan faintly smelled a smell of conspiracy.

But Gu Xuan saw a golden line of chance on this invitation.

This means that in this ancient secret realm mentioned by the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, there may be something you want.

Looks like we'll have to make a trip.

"Alright, I got it. "

Gu Xuan nodded and made up his mind to agree.

Youyue glanced back, and said quietly: "Then I'll go first, and then stay, I'm afraid that the one in your house will eat me again..."

As he spoke, the moon departed.


Ji Yurou, who was holding the woman's bun, walked in from outside.

Compared with before, today's Ji Yurou has a much plump figure, faded away from the youthfulness of her girlhood, and has become more glamorous and charming.

"That woman, I've come to you twice in three days..."

Ji Yu complained softly.

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, grabbed her waist, and said, "Just talk to me about some cultivation matters, you even eat this vinegar?"

Ji Yurou complained softly: "Is it just a matter of cultivation? I'm not blind and deaf, what has happened outside..."

Indeed, in the past six months, the dark moon has changed a lot.

She no longer wears a veil, shows her true face, and changes her style from the past, her dresses are bright and bright, and she has more of her daughter's charm in her gestures.

The posture of the alluring city is fully revealed, and every time it appears, I don't know how many people are obsessed with it.

It is rumored in the imperial capital that Princess Youyue is happy with King Xuanyue.

This rumor has been spreading, but Youyue has never been silent about it, never admitting it or denying it.

"Everyone said that Youyue wanted to be the princess of Xuanyue, and she wanted to go crazy. I, a princess born in the lower kingdom, are not worthy of you at all, and I am an eyesore between you..."

Ji Yurou's tone became more and more sour.

Gu Xuan was full of helplessness, so he could only comfort: "Listen to what others say, Youyue is also committed to martial arts, how can there be such an idea of a little daughter's family." "

Ji Yurou complained: "Then you dislike my little daughter's family, there is no moon atmosphere?"

Gu Xuan: "... That was not what I meant. "

"And what do you mean?"

Gu Xuan's forehead was sweating, and he hurriedly changed the topic: "How is Shaoyang's martial arts cultivation progress recently?"

Ji Yurou was unrelenting, "You explain it to me clearly before leaving!"

Gu Xuan dodged and suddenly disappeared into the void.

Ji Yu was so angry that she stomped her feet, gritted her teeth and said, "Gu Xuan, if you dare not enter my room tonight, you will die!"


The twenty-eight best people are like crisps, and the sword at the waist slashes ordinary people.

Although I don't see anyone's head falling, I secretly teach the monarch to have dry bone marrow.

Although Gu Xuan is not an ordinary man, and his physique is stronger than the younger generation in the Southern Regions, but after seven or eight days of death entanglement, he can't help but feel a little afraid when he walks out of the Xuanyue Palace.

Ji Yurou seemed to know that it would take a lot of time for him to return after his trip, so she tossed him with her life.

Ji Yurou's martial arts cultivation is not bad, close to the Linghai Ten Fold, plus in the past half a year, I don't know what messy grinding methods I have learned in the harem of Great Xia, even Gu Xuan almost buried his bones in the bed.

After the Divine Realm, Gu Xuan was finally able to resist the wind and fly in the air unscrupulously.

With the blessing of the longitudinal mine light body method, the speed is faster than the flying boat, I don't know how much.

The address described on the letter of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is in the Southern Regions and Northern Wasteland.

Gu Xuan traveled for seven days and finally arrived here.

The Northern Wasteland is more inhospitable than the Southern Barbarian Jedi, with extreme cold and ice all year round, no grass, and few human tracks.

I could only see some demon beasts unique to the north running around the wasteland, kicking up billowing ice and dust.

Gu Xuan was about to arrive at the location, and his expression suddenly moved.

In his divine sense, a sigil was also nearby, and it was getting closer.

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