The strength of this figure is not strong, only the ten-fold cultivation of the Xuandan Realm.

Gu Xuan slashed it with a single sword.

But after the figure exploded, it turned into countless pieces.

Gu Xuan grabbed a piece of shard in his hand, feeling a little like wood and a little like a stone, and the material was not clear.

The figure didn't seem to be conscious, and it didn't feel any different from a puppet.

When he died, he left nothing but fragments.

Gu Xuan landed on the steps and picked up the knife grass that grew on the steps.

As soon as the sword intent grass fell into Gu Xuan's hands, it was immediately absorbed by him, and a strange power poured into Gu Xuan's body, slowly improving his comprehension of life and death sword intent as Gu Xuan's mind turned.

This is an attributeless sword intent grass, which can improve the comprehension of any sword intent, the same as the one Gu Xuan got at the beginning, but the amount of improvement is very small, and it only increases Gu Xuan's life and death sword intent by half a percent.

Maybe it's also because the level of life and death sword intent is too high.

At this time, the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance Divine Powerhouse behind him caught up, pointed to the puppet fragments on the ground and said: "This is the guardian of the secret realm, the strength is not equal, the gods are elusive, Gu Tianjiao must be careful." "

Gu Xuan glanced at him meaningfully, and said lightly, "Thank you for reminding me." "

The Divine Warrior smiled and didn't say anything more.

At this time, the geniuses of the Southern Regions who were following behind Gu Xuan also walked up the steps one after another, going in different directions.

There are many treasures like the Martial Spirit Grass, which exude an alluring treasure light, and are spread all over the various platforms on the steps.

In the process of climbing the steps, from time to time, puppet guards burst out to block everyone's path.

But fortunately, the strength is not strong, and for a genius who can be on the Southern Regions True Dragon List, this obstacle is nothing at all.

"The storm has changed!"

Somewhere in the secret realm, a blue-shirted swordsman with an awe-inspiring sword slashed out.

The dark cyan sword sliced through the sky, slashing a puppet guard of the Xuandan Eightfold in half.

Liao Chengyun landed on the platform and picked up a spirit grass that exuded a faint sword intent, with a look of joy on his face.

"With these sword intent grasses, when I go back this time, my Amazing Cloud Sword Intent may be able to successfully complete and even reach the realm of consummation. "

"It's a real gem!"

Liao Chengyun was about to put the sword intent grass into the storage spirit ring, and the void behind him suddenly cracked silently.

A tall young man walked out of the void and approached Liao Chengyun step by step.


As a swordsman, Liao Chengyun had a keen perception and turned around in an instant.

Seeing the figure that appeared behind him at some point, Liao Chengyun showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Who are you? from the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance?"

The tall young man didn't answer, just sneered.

Then he slowly stretched out his right hand to Liao Chengyun, and an inexplicable rumble enveloped Liao Chengyun.

Liao Chengyun's face changed abruptly, and he exclaimed: "Divine Realm?!"

He was about to draw his sword, but the young man just made a gesture of grasping his hand, and Liao Chengyun's body was squeezed by the void and exploded violently, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Liao Chengyun, the green-shirted swordsman of the Fufeng Dynasty, is dead!

The cyan sword fell to the ground with a clang, and it wailed lowly, as if to lament the loss of its master.

The tall young man casually grabbed Liao Chengyun's storage spirit ring in his hand, and then closed his eyes and felt it.

"Luck has indeed increased a lot, at least about half of it... These mud-legged men in the Southern Regions have low strength, but they are also burdened with a lot of luck, just like walking luck fruits.

You have to take this opportunity to kill a few more quickly, so as not to be robbed of them..."

Muttering to himself, the tall young man re-sank into the void and disappeared here.

Similar scenes kept happening in the secret realm, and just when many geniuses in the Southern Regions were happily collecting all kinds of treasures in the secret realm, the ten heavenly arrogances of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance were also rapidly harvesting their lives.

In a short period of time, nearly one-third of the geniuses of the Southern Regions died.


Gu Xuan slashed out, smashed a puppet of the Xuandan Realm, picked up a knife grass on the platform, and put it into the storage spirit ring.

Gu Xuan had been moving in the direction guided by the line of chance, and when he saw a knife intent grass halfway, he took it for grab.

Along the way, I also got seven or eight swords of sword grass one after another.

It went very well.

Something is not right with the smooth process.

The strength of the puppet guards in the secret realm has basically stayed in the Xuandan realm and has not increased.

The treasures that fell on the platform were as if someone else had placed them here for people to pick up.

And that Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance's divine powerhouse had been hanging far behind Gu Xuan, keeping a distance not far from him.

Even if a treasure appeared beside him, he didn't pay any attention to it, as if he had come to spy on Gu Xuan.

The weirdest thing is that those puppet guards have never attacked this person.

That's a lot of fun.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he went all the way up, and finally saw the landing point of the chance line.

It was a small sapling more than three feet tall, brilliant silvery-white, and there were three silver-white fruits growing on the treetops.

Whether it is a small tree or a fruit, it exudes a strong spatial meaning.

Space Martial Fruit!

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards him with a flash.

At this time, on the steps opposite Gu Xuan, a person also appeared.

With red hair and red eyes, and his body is like a melting pot, it is the prince of Prison Yan who once fought with Gu Xuan on the dragon capture platform.

The location of the Prince of Prison Yan was much closer to that Spatial Martial Fruit than Gu Xuan.

And he also discovered the existence of Wu Yiguo for the first time, and his expression was overjoyed.

Then noticing Gu Xuan, Prince Prison Yan looked surprised, hesitated slightly, and then rushed towards the space martial arts fruit without hesitation.

"You dare!"

Gu Xuan's eyes were cold, and he drank lowly.

It has always been his opportunity to cut off others, and no one has ever dared to cut off his fate under his nose.

Prince Prison Yan was bold, and Gu Xuan's murderous intent burst out in his heart.


Prince Prison Yan sneered: "Gu Xuan, others are afraid of you, but I, Prince Prison Yan, am not afraid of you." Do you really think that you are the child of destiny? Today, I have seized your chance!"

As he spoke, Prince Prison Yan appeared next to Wu Yiguo with a shake.

Looking at Gu Xuan, who had not yet arrived, he was triumphant, and with the attitude of a victor, he was about to pick up the martial fruit in front of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's heart was cold, and his right hand was on the handle of the Ming Hong knife and was about to make a move.

But at this moment, a hole suddenly cracked silently behind Prince Prison Yan.

A thin young man with a cold temperament came out of the crack and grabbed directly at the vest of Prince Jiuyan with one claw.

Prince Yan's steel-cast iron body trembled suddenly, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

Look down at the position of your chest.

There, a pale, powerful palm was poking out, and a beating heart was clutched in the palm.

That was the heart of Prince Prison Yan.

When Gu Xuan saw this scene, his pupils contracted, and the whole person suddenly paused in mid-air.

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