"This person has already comprehended the mystery of the Dao of the Sword?!"

The eyes of the six sons of the Immortal League widened, and their faces showed disbelief, as if they had seen an extremely incredible scene.

Extreme shock was followed by deep fear.

Gu Xuan wiped out more than a dozen divine martial artists with one sword, and his own strength was already terrifying enough, not to mention comprehending the mystery of the sword path.

The six of them subconsciously wanted to escape.

But Gu Xuan's sword light was too fast, and it was too late for them to react.

The darkest mystery slashed through with a knife.

Three of the six people's bodies suddenly cracked, and the three divine spirits broke free from the broken stone fetus, and before they could escape.

Another invisible divine sword light had already caught up.

With a slight twist, the three of them were destroyed.

Ji Lingsheng and the others below saw their eyes widen and looked sluggish.

The impact of this scene on them is too big.

Any one of the six sons of the Immortal Alliance is absolutely crushing Ji Lingsheng and the others, and can beat them to the point of vomiting blood and forcing them to a desperate situation, and even have to use life-saving means to press the bottom of the box.

But under Gu Xuandao, the status of the two sides was completely reversed.

The six of them were like babies who were powerless, and they were easily wiped out by Gu Xuan.

Unconsciously, the gap between them and Gu Xuan was already so big.

Gu Xuan was several levels higher than them!

Xiao Chen, who was in the gap of the void, looked at Gu Xuan's terrifying slaughter, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"This time the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance has fallen on its heels, and what Tianjiao hunting ground has completely become a joke.

This is simply Gu Xuan's personal show.

Killing these eightfold and ninefold Immortal Alliance geniuses with the cultivation of the Divine Appearance Triple is like slaughtering a dog, if it spreads, it is estimated that it can immediately cause a sensation within a small area of Zhongzhou.

Gu Xuan is too terrifying, and he already has the posture of an invincible generation, which reminds me of the scene of the young generation of the protagonists of heaven and earth in the previous life.

It is also such a scene of crushing, slaughtering, and sweeping. "

"But Gu Xuan is so unscrupulous, the old monsters of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance shouldn't sit idly by, right?"

Xiao Chen thought secretly in his heart.

The remaining six sons of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance went to three more in an instant, and they were completely wiped out, and they didn't even escape from the divine soul.

The remaining three looked horrified.

My heart was completely occupied by fear.



All they have in their heads are these words.

It's not at all what they imagined.

Now thinking back to what Gu Xuan had just said, I couldn't help but be shocked.

"Xi Mutian has been sent back by me, and now it's your turn. "

At the time, it only sounded ridiculous, but now that I think about it, I feel chills all over my body.

This person should have been the prey of Xi Mutian, the first person of the younger generation of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, but Xi Mutian has not shown up until now, is it possible....

Xi Mutian has really died under this person's knife?

Once the idea was born, it spread like wildfire.

The three of them ran for their lives, wishing for a few more feet under them.

Just as Gu Xuan was about to wipe out the remaining few people of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance one by one, the void in front of him suddenly collapsed with a "boom".

A terrifying divine thought poked out of the collapsing void and crushed towards Gu Xuan.

"Nanyu child, damn it!"

In his thoughts, there was a monstrous rage.

Gu Xuan's heart was shocked, and subconsciously he slashed at that divine thought.

But the sword that has always been invincible and slashes the soul of the gods is like a mud cow entering the sea, and there is no ripple at all.

King Realm!

Gu Xuan's heart was shocked.

He had experienced the power of the powerhouses of the realm of life and death.

The power of this divine thought is countless times stronger than that of the realm of life and death, and it can only be that the divine thought of the powerhouse of the king realm has descended.

The three members of the Immortal Alliance, who were fleeing, felt the appearance of divine thoughts, and their faces showed ecstasy.

"Erzun Lao! It's the breath of Erzun Lao!"

Ji Lingsheng and the others also looked shocked, and they were stunned on the spot by this sudden arrival of the King Realm Divine Thought.

In the void, Xiao Chen couldn't help but shake his head, and couldn't help but look at Gu Xuan below with sympathetic eyes.

"The king realm of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance really made a move, although Gu Xuan is talented against the sky, but he has a humble background, and he doesn't seem to have any backing, and he doesn't know if he can survive this catastrophe.

It stands to reason that his luck is so strong, even in the realm of mortality, there will be a turnaround, and it is right to turn evil into good fortune...


Before Xiao Chen finished speaking, he was shocked to see it.

Gu Xuan, who was facing the crushing of the powerhouse of the King Realm, suddenly took out an elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, and then rushed straight in his direction without saying a word.

"Want to escape?!"

There was a cold snort from his thoughts, "Even if the old man fights for luck today, he will wipe you out here!"

The terrifying King Realm divine thoughts rumbled down, like the sky falling.

Cracks appeared in the void, and the steps and platforms in the secret realm continued to crumble and fall, as if the end was coming.

Even if he only felt a little bit of aftermath, the faces of many Southern Regions Tianjiao also turned pale one after another, and their bodies were low.

This is the momentum of the powerhouse of the King Realm!

Zhou Canglan clenched the jade talisman in his hand tightly, as if he wanted to block it for Gu Xuan.

But considering that there is only one life-saving hole card in his hand, if he saves Gu Xuan, how can he get out of trouble?

Such a hesitant effort.

That coercion had already fallen on Gu Xuan.

But an astonishing scene happened.

Gu Xuan didn't seem to be affected at all, and he went to the top of the secret realm dome in a flash, tore a hole in the void and quickly drilled in.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Even the powerhouses of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance were shocked and stunned on the spot.

And take advantage of this gap.

Gu Xuan had already arrived outside the secret realm.

This is beyond the void.

The endless darkness, in the darkness flows the blurry and beautiful silver threads, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

But there is great danger in this beauty.

Each silver thread represents a space that has been squeezed to the extreme.

When it falls on people, it is an incomparably terrifying power, which can easily cut the body of any martial artist under the king realm.

Even if they are strong in the King Realm, they must be careful when crossing the void to avoid the risk of falling.

Gu Xuan naturally wouldn't feel that he was stronger than the King Realm, and he couldn't cross the void.

The only purpose for him to come here is - Xiao Chen!

A young man in a blue robe was holding a seven-colored crystal in his hand, wrapped in a seven-colored light mask, and was looking at himself in a daze.

Gu Xuan flew over quickly, squeezed into the light mask extremely domineeringly, and then brutally snatched the crystal from the young man's hand.

A strong spatial power was transmitted into the body.

Gu Xuan's heart was overjoyed, and he said secretly: Good treasure!

Xiao Chen's brain was buzzing, and the whole person was confused.

What kind of plane?

It turned out that Gu Xuan's desperate life, and the turning point of turning evil into good fortune was actually on him? !


What's going on?


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