"This is Cangyu City..."

Gu Xuan looked at the Xiongcheng in front of him and slowly walked into the city.

The strength of Zhongzhou compared to the southern region is reflected in all aspects.

For example, a majestic city like Cangyu City is comparable in scale to the imperial capital of the First Dynasty in the Southern Regions, but in fact, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized city in Zhongzhou.

The city is full of traffic, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

"It seems that the matter of the city lord of Cangyu City recruiting sons-in-law is indeed quite big, attracting a lot of people to come and see the excitement..."

Gu Xuan walked into Cangyu City and walked slowly in the city.

At this time, he was sharp, walking in the crowd, like a peerless son in the turbid world and floating in the world, like a beautiful jade.


From time to time, a streamer crossed the top of his head, and it was the arrival of a strong person in the Divine Realm.

For the people in Cangyu City, this is no surprise.

Suddenly, a dazzling sword light shot out from the sky.

The splendor of this sword light almost divided the huge heavenly dome into two halves, and there was a huge sound of breaking the air, causing the people below to raise their heads one after another.

The sword light approached Cangyu City, and the speed slowed down.

A tall figure appeared in the sword light.

This is a young man in black.

The young man's expression was grim, and his body was filled with a terrifying sword intent.

The eyebrows are like swords, the eyes are like swords, and the body is like swords.

The whole person is like a peerless sword rising into the sky, and the edge is difficult to see.

Someone below recognized the identity of the young man and couldn't help but exclaim.

"This person is 'Little Sword Monarch' Zhuo Tianyi!"

"Ranked thirty-ninth on the Divine Appearance List, it is said that he was born with a sword bone and sword vein, and he is an unborn kendo genius of the Sky Sword Sect!"

"Zhuo Tianyi is one of the top Tianjiao in our Golden Crow God Dynasty, but I didn't expect the city lord to recruit a son-in-law this time, and even he came. "

"It seems that Shangguan Yue's innate ability is very tempting even for a top Tianjiao like Zhuo Tianyi. "

"This time, there are two geniuses who are on the list of gods, and Shangguan Yang's face is big. "

"Who's the other one?"


Just when Zhuo Tianyi descended on Cangyu City, a strong momentum suddenly rose in Cangyu City.

This momentum is masculine and fiery, as if a small sun has suddenly risen in the city.

Many people looked moved.

"It's the Six Princes of the Golden Crow!"

The totem of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty is the ancient sacred bird Golden Crow, and it is said that the people of the royal family have real Golden Crow blood flowing in their bodies, but it is quite thin.

But even so, it is powerful and noble that ordinary people can hardly reach.

The six princes of the Golden Crow sensed Zhuo Tianyi's sword qi and exuded their own momentum, echoing Zhuo Tianyi's thoughts and fighting against each other.

Zhuo Tianyi also looked in the direction of the rising momentum, and there was a sharp aura bursting out of his eyes.

Although the two did not meet each other, the fighting spirit between them had already permeated the entire sky above Cangyu City.

Some of the old monsters of the life and death realm hidden in Cangyu City were alarmed and came out to watch.

"Qiao'er, do you think I can really take the Holy Maiden?"

Somewhere in the city, Ye Tian looked up at Zhuo Tianyi, who was peerless in the air, only to feel that his throat was dry, and said bitterly.

"A character like Zhuo Tianyi, maybe a little finger will kill me, how can I compete with them..."

Ye Tian's face was full of helplessness.

Wu Qiao comforted: "Brother Ye don't have to worry so much, I believe that since it is the Holy Maiden who recruits relatives, it will definitely not be that ordinary form." Even if Brother Ye's strength is poor, he may not have a chance."

"I hope so. "

Gu Xuan was also waiting.

"Zhuo Tianyi?... It's kind of interesting..."

Gu Xuan felt the sword aura on the heavenly dome, and thought in his heart that he would need a few swords to defeat it.

I have to say that Zhongzhou is indeed an outstanding person.

He has already reached the top among the younger generation in the Southern Regions, but there is still a lot of room for growth in Zhongzhou.

There are many young powerhouses like Zhuo Tianyi, waiting for him to surpass them one by one.

Zhuo Tianyi's arrival made the people in Cangyu City excited for a whole morning, and many people were discussing it fiercely.

Immediately after the afternoon, the City Lord's Mansion also released news.

Three days later, the competition officially began.


Three days later, Gu Xuan rushed to the Yanwu Square in the center of Cangyu City.

This place is already crowded, and it is surrounded by people who come to participate in the recruitment of relatives and watch the excitement.

Gu Xuan swept through the scene and saw no less than dozens of powerful auras of the Divine Realm.

Two of the most striking of these are the ones.

One is Zhuo Tianyi.

The other came from a golden-robed young man who was surrounded by many stars and moons.

The golden-robed young man was handsome and noble, and his eyes were also golden, and his gaze swept like the scorching sun.

You don't have to guess to know that it must be the rumored Six Princes of the Golden Crow.

The crowd waited for a while, and a group of people appeared in the field.

The group was led by a middle-aged man with a strong aura and no anger and self-authority.

When this person arrived, many people below showed a faint look of respect on their faces.

It must be Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City.

On Shangguan Yang's side, there was a young girl with an indifferent expression.

The girl's appearance is not very good, but there is an extremely unique mysterious and delicate temperament on her body, which gives people a feeling of brightness.

"It's Shangguan Yue!"

The moment Zhuo Tianyi saw Shangguan Yue, the sword intent on his body fluctuated slightly, and he seemed to be quite uncalm.

The six princes of the Golden Crow also looked at him with a strange light, and said with a smile: "Not bad, just in terms of appearance, it can be regarded as a unique charm." "

In the crowd, Ye Tian and Wu Qiao were standing.

The moment she saw Shangguan Yue appear, Wu Qiao's eyes were tightly glued to her, and she said in a firm tone: "That's right, this person is a saint!"

Ye Tian nodded, and looked at Shangguan Yue's eyes that became a little hot, full of many desires.

"Is this the girl who is rumored to have the power of an unpredictable prophet?

Gu Xuan looked at Shangguan Yue on the stage, thinking in his heart.

Suddenly, Shangguan Yue, who had been lowering his eyes and looking calm, raised his head and looked in Gu Xuan's direction.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan and Shangguan Yue's eyes met.

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to read a little smile and joy in the girl's eyes.

It's as if to say to him: You're here.

But in a blink of an eye, that gaze vanished.

When Gu Xuan looked at Shangguan Yue again, he found that Shangguan Yue had returned to his original appearance of lowering his eyes and being silent.

It's as if the eye contact at that moment was just his hallucination.


Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly.

It's not just this that he's weird, there's another point.

Gu Xuan has been watching on the field for a long time.

found that in the huge field, no one had an organic line on his body that was connected to Shangguan Yue.

"What's going on?"

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he felt surprised.


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