Shangguan Yue lowered his eyes and said lightly: "You don't need to worry about what I do to it. I can't even control the traps in the Nine Dead Yellow Springs Road, whether they will be triggered or not, and the timing of the trigger depends on the will of heaven.

After you go in, it's purely up to you to see how your luck is?"

Everyone below looked at each other.

That means you're completely lucky.

In normal times, probably no one would think that they are unlucky.

But when encountering this kind of life-and-death situation, you really have to weigh it carefully.

Many flinched.

But there are also powerful young geniuses who volunteer and take the initiative to try.

As Shangguan Yue said, the triggering of the formation mechanism in the secret territory was completely random.

Sometimes walking a long distance is calm and risk-free, but the next second you may relax a little, a different peak will protrude, and danger will arise.

Frost, thunder and fire, wind blades, swords, flying stones, poisonous mist, illusions, teleportation arrays... Even spatial turbulence can occur.

Everyone was thrilled to watch.

Only one or two out of ten people had a chance to complete the journey, and even if they did, most of them were covered in bruises and in disarray.

"I'm coming!"

Suddenly, a figure rushed up to the high platform.

Zhuo Tianyi.

After watching for a long time, Zhuo Tianyi finally couldn't hold back and wanted to try it for himself.

The people below hurriedly stared at Zhuo Tianyi intently, watching him step into the secret realm.

After Zhuo Tianyi entered the secret realm, he didn't hesitate, and rushed forward directly.

He was extremely fast, so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

It reminds many people of a saying that as long as I run fast enough, danger can't catch up with me.

However, Shangguan Yue's methods are so simple.

A lot of times, those formation traps are triggered just when you're about to arrive, blocking the way.

It seems like... It was destined to happen.

Zhuo Tianyi's figure changed, and he dodged from an incredible angle.

Although it was inevitable to be scratched by some traps and looked a little embarrassed, it still quickly completed the whole process.

"It's amazing, Zhuo Tianyi!"

"It is worthy of being a top genius on the god list, even if the forbidden air and forbidden law are there, the physical strength is still terrifying!"

"Didn't you notice that Zhuo Tianyi's forward path is like the trajectory of a sword move, this is a terrifying genius who completely integrates the way of the sword into himself. "

"As it turns out, luck also requires a certain amount of strength as a foundation. "

The audience was amazed.

So far, Zhuo Tianyi's clearance speed is the fastest, and it only took a stick of incense.

"Miss Shangguan's Nine Dead Huangquan Road has a profound meaning and has been taught..."

Zhuo Tianyi, who walked out of the secret realm, solemnly saluted Shangguan Yue.

"Zhuo Gongzi's luck is amazing, but Zhuo Gongzi has a catastrophe in his life, if he can survive it safely, his achievements will not be low in the future."

Shangguan Yue's eyebrows were lowered, and he spoke lightly.

Zhuo Tianyi was stunned for a moment, looking a little stunned.

As everyone knows, Shangguan Yue has the ability to predict the future and spy on the heavens, and the advice she suddenly gave herself must not be untargeted.

But Zhuo Tianyi just wanted to ask, but the six princes of the Golden Crow had already grown up and flew into the entrance of the secret realm.

"I'll try!"

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow stepped into the secret realm, which was quite different from Zhuo Tianyi's way of moving forward, he walked forward, although the speed was fast, but it gave people a sense of grandeur.

One formation trap after another was activated, but the six princes of the Golden Crow were able to dodge it just right every time, passing by those dangers.

Even if there was something in front of him, he easily stepped over.

In a short time, the six princes of the Golden Crow successfully completed the journey.

If Zhuo Tianyi's process of passing the test is to go against the trend and survive in danger, then the six princes of the Golden Crow show a complete demeanor like a son of luck.

"After all, he is the sixth prince of the Golden Crow God Dynasty, his bloodline is noble, and it is normal for his luck to be stronger than Zhuo Tianyi!"

The speed of the six princes of the Golden Crow is much faster than Zhuo Tianyi's, and he doesn't even need half of the incense.

Since then, people have continued to try to come to power.

Seeing a young man with a heavy face walking into the secret realm with a nervous face, someone below couldn't help but shake his head.

"I really don't know whether to live or die, this bit of strength goes in, and if you don't die, you have to shed your skin. "

"Is your luck prosperous, don't you have a little pressure in your heart?"

"If you don't do it, you have to come out with a broken arm and a broken leg. "

When Gu Xuan saw this person, he let out a surprised sound of surprise in his mouth.

This person turned out to be.....

Ye Tian!

I saw Ye Tian walking into the secret realm, looking very nervous.

After all, this Nine Dead Huangquan Road can bury a strong person, he is just a newcomer to the gods, and his strength in all aspects is not outstanding, so it is inevitable that he will be weak.

Just a few steps away, Ye Tian accidentally stepped on a stone, his body staggered, and he almost didn't fall.

"This guy .."

There was a laugh from the mouths outside.

But the next moment, their eyes widened.

I saw that between Ye Tian's staggering, two spatial turbulences happened to run down his scalp.

If he hadn't almost fallen, it would have been separated by now.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian was in a state of affairs again.

Either stop and rest for a while to calm down the agitated mood, or be startled by the trap next to you and trot a few steps.

But every time something happened to him, he was able to coincidentally avoid the danger that should have fallen on him.

Until Ye Tian finished the journey, except for his pale face and overly frightened look, there were no scars on his body at all.


The people outside looked stupid, and their mouths were wide open.

"Nima, this kid's luck is too good. "

"That's real shit luck!"

"Unbelievable, could it be that his luck is as strong as the Six Princes of the Golden Crow?"

"The Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow has also encountered a few obstacles, this kid is... Haven't touched it once!"

"I'm numb..."

No one expected that Ye Tian would be the second to break through the first level unscathed.

This point, but even Zhuo Tianyi didn't do it.

Gu Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw it.

It's really worthy of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's strange performance, even the Six Princes of the Golden Crow and Zhuo Tianyi specially looked at him a few more times.

Just when everyone was still talking about Ye Tian fiercely, Gu Xuanshi Shi Ran walked into the secret realm.

What Gu Xuan didn't see was that when he walked into the secret realm, Shangguan Yue, who had been lowering his eyebrows, raised his head suddenly and looked at him intently through the light curtain.

Gu Xuan stood in front of the so-called Nine Deaths Yellow Spring Road, his eyes flickering slightly.

Gu Xuan never believed in luck.

Because he has seen too many lucky people who are full of luck, no matter how lucky these people are, they don't want to be cut off by him?

Gu Xuan only believed in himself and believed in his own strength.

So he didn't plan to break through this so-called Huangquan Road, and rely on luck to win that glimmer of life among the nine deaths.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and slowly raised his fist.

Inside, the two avenue palaces rumbled open.

The power of the flesh skyrocketed wildly.

Yuan Li was sealed, but the sense of fulfillment remained.

Gu Xuan pointed at the end of the road and threw a fierce punch.

His life and death can only be in his own hands.

This punch should pierce the Yellow Spring and separate the road of life and death!


An invisible wave of qi squeezed by the air shot out of Gu Xuan's hand, like a dragon dividing the sea.


The void also spread out large cracks along the way.


The driving seal has been sealed, and efforts are being made to lift the ban...

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