No one expected that for the noble Six Princes of the Golden Crow, Gu Xuan would kill him.

Is this the Golden Crow God Dynasty?!

Killing the prince of the Divine Dynasty in public is too bold.

"What is the background of this person?Even the six princes of the Golden Crow dare to kill?!"

Everyone spoke in a difficult tone and speculated.

By the way, there's one more!

Gu Xuan thought of Zhuo Tianyi.

Zhuo Tianyi is also from a big sect, and if he doesn't do it, he will secretly shake people, do you want to kill him too?

Gu Xuan's gaze fell on Zhuo Tianyi, and Zhuo Tianyi's whole person shuddered fiercely.

Being watched by Gu Xuan's gaze and feeling the undisguised killing intent in it, Zhuo Tianyi's vest was cold.

He inexplicably remembered the sentence of approval that Shangguan Yue had said to him before.

"Zhuo Gongzi's luck is amazing, but Zhuo Gongzi has a catastrophe in his life, if he can survive it safely, his achievements will not be low in the future."

There is a catastrophe in the fate...

Thinking of this, Zhuo Tianyi subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his throat was dry.

Shangguan Yue said that the catastrophe he hit should be now, right?

But fortunately, Gu Xuan finally gave up the idea of killing Zhuo Tianyi.

After all, although Zhuo Tianyi's background is not bad, he didn't lose to him like the six princes of the Golden Crow, so he directly shook people to seek revenge.

Shangguan Yang also looked stupid.

The brain is completely confused.

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow are dead!

also died in his Cangyu City, and died in his daughter Shangguan Yue's martial arts competition.

If the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty investigates thoroughly, he is afraid that he will also be unlucky!

Gu Xuan didn't care so much, anyway, he came to Zhongzhou alone, and he had provoked enough forces.

Extreme Dao Immortal League, Qin Qingmiao, and Yaotai Holy Land...

The so-called lice are not afraid of biting, no matter what kind of prince you are, kill it.

Gu Xuan walked to Shangguan Yue's side.

This time, Shangguan Yue smiled, took the initiative to put his hand in his hand, and was held by him.

"Let's go. "

Gu Xuan spoke softly.

"Uh-huh. "

Shangguan Yue nodded very obediently, and Shangguan Yue, who used to have a cold temperament and an indifferent expression, as if everything was under his control.

Gu Xuan pulled Shangguan Yue and was about to take off.

At this time, Shangguan Yang finally couldn't help it and stood up.


Gu Xuan turned his head, frowned, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Shangguan Yang looked a little embarrassed.

Anyway, I can be regarded as your father-in-law, and he is a strong man in the realm of life and death, can you give some face.

But Gu Xuan had just killed a life and death realm, and Shangguan Yang really didn't dare to make a noise with Gu Xuan.

I could only bite the bullet and say: "This son is now my dragon riding fast son-in-law in Cangyu City, why don't you stay for a few more days..."

Gu Xuan sneered: "I think you are afraid that the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty will blame you and affect you." You want to take me to blame?"

Shangguan Yang was speechless and had no way to refute.

At this time, Shangguan Yue smiled and said, "You don't have to worry, I naturally have a way to solve it." "

Saying that, Shangguan Yue took out a jade slip and threw it at Shangguan Yang.

"There is a good way to survive this, and there is also an opportunity for you to be promoted to the royal realm..."

When Shangguan Yang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he was overjoyed: "Really?!"

said that he took the jade slip and was about to check it, but found that the content in the jade slip was firmly blocked by a layer of prohibition.

"I'm not done yet. The contents of this can only be viewed after three days.

After three days, the ban was automatically lifted.

If you try to forcibly check it, Jade will destroy itself. "

Shangguan Yang had no choice but to give up.

But since Shangguan Yue said so, there must be no mistake.

His heart was also settled.

Gu Xuan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, so he picked up Shangguan Yue and left.

The wind blew Shangguan Yue's hair, bringing a touch of different style.

Gu Xuan's heart moved, and he couldn't help but ask: "The relationship between you and Shangguan Yang doesn't seem to be very good..."

Shangguan Yue said lightly: "It's just the fate of Bo Xue, and he has never really regarded me as his daughter. "

On the edge of the thin snow, the sun melts and disappears.

Gu Xuan seemed to understand something, nodded and stopped asking.

The figures of the two quickly disappeared into the sky.

In the huge field, everyone looked in a trance.

If it weren't for the corpses of the Six Princes of the Golden Crow and the Martial Artists of the Life and Death Realm still lying around, they would definitely think that this was a dream.

It's too shocking, it's too dreamy, it's too incredible, so it doesn't seem real.

Ye Tian looked helplessly in the direction where Gu Xuan had gone.

Until Gu Xuan left, he didn't have a chance to say a word to Gu Xuan.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether the person he saw today, who pushed the whole audience sideways, killed life and death with two knives, and had a peerless demeanor, was the Gu Xuan he knew.

Wu Qiao next to him opened his mouth to comfort him: "Brother Ye, you don't have to think about it, Gu Gongzi and you are friends of life and death, as long as we find him and explain the situation to him, he will definitely agree to let us take the holy girl back." "

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile: "You are right, Brother Gu has always been very good to me, and he will definitely agree to this simple request." "

Then he said with some shame: "It's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to do something for Brother Gu, hey, I really want to help Brother Gu once...."

"There will be a chance. "


Gu Xuan took Shangguan Yue and quickly left the range of Cangyu City, and unconsciously traveled within a range of thousands of miles.

At this time, Shangguan Yue suddenly spoke: "You can stop for a while, I have to help you deal with some beginnings and ends." "

Gu Xuan stopped, blinked suspiciously, and said curiously, "What else is there to deal with?"

Shangguan Yue glanced at him, and said coquettishly: "You really don't think that after killing the Six Princes of the Golden Crow, this matter will simply pass." Although the six princes of the Golden Crow are not considered the top of this generation in the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, they are also the best among the many princes.

And he symbolizes the face of the Golden Crow royal family, dying outside, how can the Golden Crow royal family give up. "

"It doesn't matter. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed and said, "I'll take you away from the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty now." "

Shangguan Yue shook his head and said, "You think it's too simple, you killed the six princes of the Golden Crow, and you have cause and effect on your body, they naturally have countless means to trace your traces." Even fleeing to the ends of the earth will not help. "

Gu Xuan couldn't help frowning, "How about that?"

"I have my own way. "

Shangguan Yue smiled slightly, and her beautiful eyes flashed with wisdom.

Shangguan Yue is not beautiful, but her strategizing and calm and confident temperament that is revealed from time to time always makes Gu Xuanwei's heart move.

Shangguan Yue took out a golden jade plate and patiently explained, "I'll help you shield the heavens now, so that they can't track down your whereabouts." I can't even show your name on the god list..."

Gu Xuan watched Shangguan Yue's operation from the side, and couldn't help but smile: "Good Yue'er, thanks to you." If the people of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty can't find me, they will be furious!"

"That's natural. "

Shangguan Yue also smiled and said, "It is estimated that after they can't find you, they will follow the heavenly opportunity on your body to find the nearest person who is close to you." Of course, only within the confines of Zhongzhou..."

The last person you have a close relationship with?

Gu Xuan thought about it, except for Shangguan Yue in front of him, it seemed that there was only ....

A person immediately popped into his head.

It seems to be Ye Tian!


Shangguan Yue's identity is very mysterious and awesome, and I personally like Shangguan Yue. This kind of wise man, virtuous and helpful confidant, what about you?

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