"Which of you will come first?"

Prince Divine Breath looked at the people on either side.

"I'll do it first. "

The Golden Crow God said lightly to the second prince, and then stepped forward and took out a translucent small bottle from the storage spirit ring.

The bottle contained some golden-red liquid, which looked rather strange.

The old man of Wanbao Pavilion took the jade bottle from the second prince of Jinwu and opened it carefully.

In an instant, a surging power of fire yuan immediately emanated.

"Golden Yuan Fire Marrow?!"

The old man of Wanbao Pavilion snorted, quickly closed the bottle, and said respectfully: "The treasure of the second prince can be included in the third grade and the second grade." "

The second prince of the Golden Crow nodded, and went straight to find a place in the middle of the field and sat down.

There were also bursts of exclamations below, and even Gu Xuan was surprised.

He had swallowed a 10,000-year-old fire essence in Great Xia, and it was already an extremely rare treasure.

This Golden Yuan Fire Essence is a treasure that is more precious than the 10,000-year fire essence, and it takes 10,000 years to generate a drop, and a drop is worth a 10,000-year fire essence.

There is more than one drop in this jade bottle, and the value can be imagined.

"Mine is not as good as the second prince, and I am also ugly.."

The bald young man of the Second Holy Son of the White Elephant Holy Land smiled and took out a white jade-like fruit.

This fruit is quite peculiar, and it seems to be engraved with a solemn Buddha face.

"White Jade Bodhi, taking one can increase 100,000 catties of strength, it is the supreme tonic for physical cultivation, and it can be included in the top three grades!"

Wanbao Pavilion Lao Su introduced.

The bald young man was also seated.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Soul, Zhuo Tianyi, Qin Qingmiao and others also took out some treasures one after another and obtained the qualifications to sit at the table.

A genius with a strong background like them, who has experience outside, and has adventures or something is common, and any one of them is enough to envy everyone.

After a few people threw bricks and jade, everyone below also took out their own treasures for the old man of Wanbao Pavilion to appreciate.

It's just that most of them are ordinary treasures, and they can only be rated as the lower three grades, which are rare and rare, and they don't feel too precious to Gu Xuan and others, and they are only in the middle three grades.

The treasure appraisal process continues little by little.

Just when Gu Xuan was about to yawn out of boredom, suddenly, he noticed that the line of opportunity on the bald young man of the Second Holy Son of the White Elephant Holy Land flickered.

Looking into the middle of the field, I saw a burly man coming out from underneath.

He carefully took out a crumpled animal skin from his bosom and presented it to everyone.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up instantly.

He recognized the hide.

The inheritance of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace, which was obtained from the fourth night of the Yin Moon Dynasty, was recorded on a piece of animal skin.

It's the same as this hide.

Gu Xuan was almost certain that there must be the method of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace that he wanted on this animal skin.

And the bald young man's eyes lit up when he saw this animal skin, and he seemed to be very eager, but he didn't show it, and quickly calmed down.

"This thing has been inherited from ancient times, and it has recorded two powerful methods of refining the body, and the grade can be entered..."

The old man of Wanbao Pavilion thought for a while and said, "Second grade." "


Immediately, there was a violent commotion below.

"God, such a broken animal skin can actually enter the second grade!"

"Haven't you heard, it's an animal skin that records the ancient method of refining the body, but it's not an ordinary animal skin!"

"Good fellow, this supreme inheritance has been taken out, why doesn't he keep it for himself?"

"No matter how strong the exercises are, it depends on whether you have that talent, okay?"

"Yes. "

The young man who took out the animal skin was surrounded by countless eyes, a little nervous, his face was red, and after putting away the animal skin, he went to the stage and hurriedly found a place in the pavilion and sat down.

The animal skins taken out by the young man brought a small climax to the deer cutting feast, and then quickly fell silent again.

The follow-ups offered treasures one after another, and Gu Xuan felt that the time was almost up, and the seats on the stage might be full.

So he grabbed Shangguan Yue's hand and walked forward alone.

When he arrived at Lao Suo, Gu Xuan handed out the stones he had prepared a long time ago.

The moment the stone was taken out, Lao Su was obviously stunned for a moment, and then frowned.


Lao Suo's strange performance attracted the attention of the people on and off the stage, and the eyes of Prince Shenzhi and others came.

Seeing the stone in Lao Suo's hand, a strong sword intent suddenly erupted from the body of the Splitting Knife Duan Soul, and he stared at the stone with burning eyes and said, "There is a spatial aura circulating above...

It's a knife technique, and the meaning of space contained in this knife technique is even stronger than mine!"

Everyone was shocked, and even the Prince of Divine Breath said with strange eyes: "It's not just the spatial sword intent, there is another power on it. It's peculiar and hard to catch..."

The second prince of Jinwu, who had been silent, couldn't help but say: "If you can get your hands on it, you may have unexpected gains."

It is really unexpected that three of the top Tianjiao in the east took the initiative to express their interest in this small stone.

For a while, I don't know how many pairs of eyes on the field converged on Gu Xuan.

There are those who are envious, those who are shocked, and those who laugh at him for being stupid...

"Then how should this thing be ordered?"

The old man of Wanbao Pavilion respectfully asked the Prince of Divine Breath.

Prince Shenxi thought for a while and said, "It's hard to conclude, but there is definitely no problem with entering the third grade, please come up to this brother." "

Gu Xuan put away the stones and walked onto the stage with a calm face, but he was secretly amusing himself in his heart.

This stone, which attracted everyone's amazement, was just the product of Shangguan Yue's processing, and then he casually carved a knife mark containing the mystery of space.

I didn't expect to get through the trick.

Gu Xuan sat on the stage, obviously feeling that many pairs of eyes were circulating on him.

Among them, Duan Soul is the most prosperous, followed by the Prince of Divine Breath and the Second Prince of Jinwu, as well as Qin Qingmiao, who will look at him a few times from time to time.

However, the gaze was not longing for the stone in his hand, but curiosity about him as a person.

"This person always feels like I've seen ?... somewhere"

Looking at Gu Xuan, who was sitting upright, Qin Qingmiao's heart rose with a trace of doubt, and she thought curiously.

When the seats on the stage were almost full, Prince Shenzhi glanced at the audience and smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I also have a treasure for everyone to taste." "

As he spoke, Prince Divine Breath shook his hand and threw out an object.

I saw this thing flying high in the air, exuding an ancient and majestic sword aura, and the platform trembled slightly.

Everyone looked at it and found that it was a piece of iron the size of a baby's palm.

This piece of iron was rusty, but it exuded an incomparably terrifying knife aura, which made everyone look sideways.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and the sword intent in his body almost couldn't help but come out of his body.

The sword intent emanating from this piece of iron was actually six or seven points similar to his heavenly sword intent.

It was exactly the same as the sword intent that he had seen when he was in the secret realm of Lingxiao Pavilion!

This piece of iron...

The origin is not simple!

Not only Gu Xuan, but Duan Soul at this moment was also full of sword energy, and his eyes burst out with a strong light, which was not much different from his performance when he first saw the stone in Gu Xuan's hand.

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