Gu Xuan casually put away the fragments of the magic knife.

If he hadn't been born out of nowhere, this magic knife fragment would have inevitably fallen into the hands of Duan Soul.

With Duan Soul's sword path talent, after the magic knife fragment arrived in his hand, maybe he could really comprehend another powerful sword path.

Of course, it's not possible now.

Gu Xuan put away the fragments of the magic knife and his gaze fell on one person in the field.

There weren't many things he fancied at this deer cutting banquet, except for this magic knife fragment, there was only a nameless beast skin that recorded the nine secret methods of the Dao Palace.

Obviously, Gu Xuan is not the only one who takes a fancy to this animal skin.

"This Dao brother, are you willing to cut your animal skin inheritance?"

The second holy son of the White Elephant Holy Land, the bald young man, said with a smile to the bearer of the animal skin.

In fact, many people were interested in this animal skin, but when they saw the White Elephant Son speak, many people gave up.

Seeing the White Elephant Holy Son asking, the beast skin holder stood up a little nervously and said, "Yes, the method of refining the body above is too difficult and profound for me, and I originally wanted to exchange it for some resources." "

The White Elephant Holy Son picked up the white jade Bodhi in his hand and said with a pleasant face: "How about I exchange this white jade Bodhi with you?"

The bearer of the hide was visibly moved, hesitating whether to agree or not.

At this time, a light laugh rang out in the audience.

"Just a white jade Bodhi wants to change to such a refining Bible, you have a good calculation. "

Hearing this laughter, the White Elephant Son frowned, and everyone on the field also followed the voice.

When they saw the appearance of the person who spoke, everyone was stunned.

Why is it him again?!

It was the mysterious man who had just broken through the strongest defense of the Prince of Divine Breath with one sword and amazed everyone.

If it's not Gu Xuan, who will it be?

The White Elephant Holy Son's gaze fell on Gu Xuan, the smile on his face retracted, and he said in a deep voice, "What does this fellow Daoist mean?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, ignored him, turned his head to the beast skin holder and said, "If you want resources, I am willing to give out ten elixirs whose value is not below the white jade Bodhi;

As long as the hides are given to me, how about that?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Ten elixirs that are no less than white jade Bodhi?

What kind of extravaganza is this?!

"Talented and wealthy, what is the identity of this person?!"

"I don't know if it's a descendant from the second-grade or even first-grade holy land, and it seems that there are only those who inherit the sword path in the first- and second-grade holy land..."

For a while, everyone in the audience speculated about Gu Xuan's identity.

Even the Divine Breath Prince, the Second Prince of the Golden Crow and the others looked at Gu Xuan with a bit of strangeness and exploration in their eyes.

The animal skin holder was stunned when he heard the condition proposed by Gu Xuan.

He knew that the inheritance recorded on this beast skin was quite extraordinary, but he didn't expect that it would be worth so much of it, and it could be worth so much of the cherished elixir and even the Heavenly Rank Exercises.

The White Elephant Holy Son's face became a little ugly when he heard Gu Xuan's words, and he said with a calm face: "I am willing to pay the same conditions as him, and I will also guarantee you an additional position as an inner disciple of the White Elephant Holy Land." "


The skin's eyes widened, and there was a lot of fire in his eyes.

A chance to enter the Holy Land of the Second Grade!

This is not something that can be obtained casually, in a sense, this is even more rare than the top treasure medicine of the Heavenly Rank Exercises.

The bearer of the hide immediately agreed without hesitation: "Holy Son, this thing is for you." "

The skin fell lightly into the hands of the White Elephant Son.

The White Elephant Holy Son's heart was relieved, and he could be regarded as having this thing in his hands.

The hide was a big secret, very important, something he had to get.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy in his heart.

Originally, it was a very simple matter, and it only took a white jade Bodhi to get it, but because someone stepped in sideways, he paid more than ten times the price for it.

It's really hateful.

Thinking about it, the White Elephant Holy Son couldn't help but glance in Gu Xuan's direction, with a faint mockery on his face.

No matter how much you give, this animal skin will not return to me after all.

There are also people at the bottom who are starting to talk about it.

"I still can't compete for the White Elephant Holy Son, the position of a disciple of the inner sect of the second-grade holy land is not something that anyone can give. "

"This person and the Liang Zi of the White Elephant Holy Son are concluded. "

"Both of them are very high-spirited people, and there is no guarantee that there will be no fights in the future. "

But just as everyone was talking, Gu Xuan, who saw that he had lost the beard, suddenly stood up with a calm face and walked in front of the White Elephant Holy Son.

"Congratulations to fellow Daoists, you got what you wanted..."

Gu Xuan congratulated the White Elephant Holy Son.

The White Elephant Holy Son's eyes narrowed slightly, but he did not speak.

Everyone else also looked at Gu Xuan curiously, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd when he suddenly came to congratulate the White Elephant Holy Son.

"But this animal skin is very important to me, I am willing to exchange a very important thing with a Taoist friend, I don't know if Taoist friends are willing?"

Gu Xuan said to the White Elephant Holy Son with a sincere expression.

The White Elephant Saint Son sneered, and shook his head without thinking about it: "Impossible, I won't agree to anything." "

Gu Xuan was silent for a while, and suddenly said very seriously: "Really?

Don't you want to trade your fellow Daoist's life for it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned.

The White Elephant Son was also stunned.

Trade your life?!

What does that mean?

This is simply the threat of the red fruit and the white elephant holy son!

For a moment, everyone in the audience was terrified.

Looking at Gu Xuan's eyes, all changed and changed.

This guy is inevitably too arrogant and domineering, and he even directly threatened a holy son of the second-grade holy land, a young giant in the east, at the deer cutting banquet?!

Even the Prince of Divine Breath and the others were stunned and surprised.

The face of the White Elephant Son quickly turned from white to red, and then from red to iron.

With a cold snort, his face was full of anger, and he directly punched Gu Xuan.

shouted: "Where did you get the confidence?dare to threaten me?!"

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as stars, and he couldn't take his eyes off the punch that the White Elephant Holy Son threw with a bright smile on his face.

He grabbed the fist of the White Elephant Holy Son, and the terrifying physical power of nearly fifty dragons surged.

In the shocked and incredulous gaze of the onlookers, he grabbed the white elephant saint son with one hand and slammed it to the ground.


The huge platform was directly smashed out of a big pit by Gu Xuan.

He pressed the White Elephant Holy Son into the soil, smiled and said, "I'll tell you now, where did I get the confidence!"


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed with coldness, and he smashed it down with a fierce punch.

The big pit on the ground was several feet deeper, and the entire field shook violently, and countless people were shaken.

Gu Xuan's body exuded a terrifying momentum like a wild beast, as well as a monstrous killing intent!

Dare to rob him of the opportunity he fancies, it's so unpleasant, let me die!

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