One person challenged all the Eastern Tianjiao, including giants such as the Prince of Divine Breath, the Second Prince of the Golden Crow.

What is it if it's not crazy?

"Crazy, crazy!"

Onlookers retreated one after another, for fear of becoming a pond fish that would be affected.

I have seen the arrogant, the arrogant, and the unsightly.

But I have never seen such an arrogant person.

Fighting the six heavenly arrogants alone, and even Qin Qingmiao didn't let go, it was simply madness!

"How daring!"

The Prince of Divine Breath snorted coldly, and a strong momentum rose up around his body.

Behind him, a majestic sacred mountain rose from the ground, and nearly fifty Dao marks floated slightly, giving people a sense of unshakable and indestructible.

The second prince of the Golden Crow also had a rising momentum, as if hundreds of volcanoes were erupting at the same time.


With a long, sharp roar, a two-legged golden crow wrapped in raging red golden flames rose from behind him.

The same fifty dao marks scattered, and a terrible heat wave swept across the field, and even the ground was about to be roasted dry.

Immediately after, Duan Soul, Zhuo Tianyi, Qin Qingmiao, and the White Elephant Holy Son and others also exuded their own momentum.

Several of them are all sons of Tianjiao on the god list, and now their momentum is gathered together, and they are putting pressure on one person at the same time.

The void where Gu Xuan was located was crushed.

Onlookers were dazzled.

"Good guy, the six great Tianjiao shot at one person at the same time, and they could crush him to death!"

"This person is just a mere god, although his strength is strong enough, his ambition is more than ten times greater than his strength. The heart is higher than the sky, and I want to be the king of the east of this generation!"

"Give him a few more years and maybe a chance, now... Huh.."

"I don't know whether I live or die, I really think I'm invincible!"

While everyone was talking, they suddenly felt an indescribable terrifying momentum rising from the front.

This momentum is like a sharp knife, breaking through the momentum blockade of the six heavenly prides and soaring.

I saw that a magnificent mysterious divine picture scroll was slowly unfolding behind Gu Xuan.

"If there is no invincible heart..."

As the scroll of the divine picture unfolded, Gu Xuan's voice sounded in everyone's ears word by word.

"He Cheng is invincible!"


The picture scroll of God is fully unfolded.

The sword pattern divine wood connects the sky and the earth, surrounded by dragons and phoenixes, and Ling Xiao, the world, and the nine shadows evolve respectively...

More than one hundred and fifty Dao marks spread all over the void, and the terrifying momentum was like a tsunami from a mountain.

In an instant, the momentum blockade of the six heavenly arrogances was completely broken, surpassing the six people.

Gu Xuan confronted the six people alone, but the momentum on his body still pressed the six people.



The sidelines resounded with the sound of gasps one after another.

The pupils of the Prince of Divine Breath and the others contracted even more, and the whole person seemed to have been hit by a thunderbolt, and his body trembled violently.

"More than a hundred and fifty dao marks?! What grade of Dharma Phase?!"

Zhuo Tianyi's eyes widened suddenly.

From the first moment Gu Xuan appeared, he saw that Gu Xuan was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.

Now, seeing this shocking and familiar body of the Law Phase, Zhuo Tianyi finally remembered.

"It's you!

Zhuo Tianyi couldn't help but scream as if he had seen something unimaginably terrifying.

Gu Xuan was condescending and glanced at him lightly.

Swept by those cold and indifferent eyes, Zhuo Tianyi was like a heavy blow, and the whole person took a few steps back.

His face turned pale, and the sword qi and sword intent on his body showed a tendency to collapse.

The shadow and fear left by Gu Xuan was too great, and in the face of Gu Xuan, Zhuo Tianyi didn't even have the courage to take out his sword.

This scene made the mouth of the others open wide.

Just one look scared Zhuo Tianyi, the top Tianjiao Zhuo Tianyi, who ranked more than 30 on the god list, how terrifying is this person's strength?!


Duan Soul glanced at Zhuo Tianyi, coldly dropped a sentence, and then the sharp edge in his eyes exploded, and he took the lead in attacking Gu Xuan.

With a slash of consummation-level spatial sword intent, he crossed the distance in an instant and arrived in front of Gu Xuan.

When Zhuo Tianyi saw this scene, his pupils contracted, and he subconsciously screamed.

"Be careful, this person..."

Before Zhuo Tianyi finished speaking, he saw Gu Xuan slash out at will.

Heavenly Sword Intent!

Ninety percent of the Heavenly Sword Intent was against the Consummation-level Spatial Sword Intent, but the result was that the latter was easily crushed.

The sword light that traversed the eons shattered the sword light of Duan Soul, and the residual momentum did not decrease, and it slashed heavily on Duan Soul.

Duan Soul snorted and was directly slashed away by the sword light.

At this time, Zhuo Tianyi's remaining half of the sentence came out: "... Person... This person can easily kill life and death!"

One sword, defeat the soul!


The Divine Breath Prince and the Second Prince of the Golden Crow had nothing to hesitate at this time, and rushed towards Gu Xuan almost at the same time.

The Prince of Divine Breath slapped out his palm, and a trace of majestic and heavy aura flowed from his body, as if there was an earthy yellow chain phantom wrapped around his body.

The Mystery of the Earth!

The second prince of the Golden Crow also spread his wings like the Golden Crow, his hands became claws, and a fiery red chain phantom loomed in the void.

The mystery of fire!

"The second prince of the Golden Crow has also comprehended the mystery!"

"Terrible. "

The two eastern giants displayed the Mystery Martial Arts at the same time, and for a while, a large crack appeared in the void where the two were located.

The power was so terrifying that even people like Qin Qingmiao and the White Elephant Holy Son didn't dare to approach.

In the face of the combined attack of the two, Gu Xuan's face did not show the slightest fear, but his eyes were as bright as stars, and there was a raging battle intent burning in them.

"It's good to come!"

"Mystery, Dark!"

Gu Xuan slashed out, and in an instant, the sky was dark, and the sword light floated.

When the light of day reappeared, I saw the Prince of Divine Breath and the Second Prince of the Golden Crow snorting and flying back upside down.

"Two... Twenty percent of the Mystery Sword?!"

Prince Divine Breath looked incredulous.

The face of the second prince of the Golden Crow was also full of consternation.

The onlookers were even more stupid, and it was almost difficult to express their inner feelings in words.

"The second kind of mystery!"

"And the second mystery has also comprehended two percent!!"


"This man is a monster after all!"

With one sword, defeat the prince of God's breath and the second prince of Jinwu!

There are still two left, the White Elephant Holy Son and Qin Qingmiao.

When Gu Xuan's gaze fell on them.

The White Elephant Holy Son, who had just been beaten, touched this gaze and immediately remembered bad memories, and his neck shrank and immediately retreated.

Before Qin Qingmiao could react, she saw a sword light containing the meaning of yin and yang slashing towards her.

I was suddenly shocked and surprised in my heart, and I couldn't help retreating.

At this moment, in the huge field, only Gu Xuan was left standing tall in the air, overlooking everyone.

"I've never been unreasonable..."

Gu Xuandao pointed at the six great heavenly prides, and said with a smile: "Now your lives are in my hands, and you all have to exchange them for treasures..."

"You... Who has an opinion?!"

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