At this time, someone suddenly opened his eyes wide, pointed to the air and whispered in disbelief: "Look, Gu. Gu Xuanhe..."

The man's eyes were straight, and he seemed speechless.

The others turned their heads and said funny: "What is the fuss, could it be that Gu Xuan will be promoted to the realm of life and death now... Uh?!!"

Before the words were finished, the person who had just sworn that Gu Xuan would never be able to advance to the realm of life and death before the age of twenty was stunned.

stared blankly in Gu Xuan's direction, his mouth opened wide, enough to stuff a punch the size of a sandbag.

"It's... This... How is this possible?!"

I saw that the figure in mid-air that the general trend of heaven and earth worshipped suddenly burst out of his body.

It's small, but it's real.

That bit of dead air spread rapidly like wildfire, and the momentum on Gu Xuan's body quickly declined, and the whole person was gradually covered by dead air, falling into a mysterious state.

"The explosion of death qi is indeed a life and death tribulation that must be spent in the promotion of the Divine Aspect Realm to the Life and Death Realm!"

"Gu Xuan... He's really in the realm of life and death!"

Everyone below was stunned, and they didn't know what words to use to describe their inner feelings at the moment.

Especially the guy who patted his chest and said that Gu Xuan could not be promoted to the realm of life and death before the age of twenty, otherwise he would crush Xuan Dan and pull upside down, and his face was even more exciting.

"How can there be someone like Gu Xuan in this world... Completely out of common sense, out of line..."

This man wanted to cry without tears, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

Others comforted: "Don't talk too much about being a man and doing things." This kind of peerless figure born in response to the general trend of fortune is not something that can be measured by common sense.

If you use common sense to calculate a person who jumps out of common sense and breaks the convention, it is the most ridiculous behavior. "

"You're right. "

"So, when is Brother Tai going to perform the self-shattering Xuandan, inverted spiral pull...?"


The vision on Gu Xuan's body continued.

The surging death qi poured out of Gu Xuan's body like a tide.

Gu Xuan's body was quickly completely enveloped in dead qi, and it spread out, quickly spreading around.

In just a few breaths, the scale of the dead qi expanded for dozens of miles, and it was still expanding.

Everyone below looked shocked, and someone said with a shocked expression: "I have seen my sect elder spend the sevenfold death tribulation of the life and death realm, and the overflowing death qi is only infecting a radius of ten miles.

Gu Xuanshen entered life and death, and the first death tribulation he encountered was on such a scale.

How terrifying is his background?!"

"Ordinary life and death realm powerhouses, I'm afraid that as soon as they step into such a dead qi, they will be directly infected by the dead qi and die!"

"It's horrible!"

Before he finished speaking, the dead qi around Gu Xuan's body erupted violently again.

The dead air spread out like a raging wave, startling the faces of the onlookers, and they hurriedly retreated.

The furious dead air seemed to be endless, erupting continuously.

Soon, a terrifying tide of death qi almost enveloped the entire Heavenly Fortune City.

Everyone had to retreat outside the Heavenly Fortune City, looking at the magnificent scene in front of them, which could be called a sea of dead air, and they couldn't find words to describe their inner feelings.

"It's... That's an exaggeration, isn't it?!"

Someone muttered.

"It's really too exaggerated, dozens of Life and Death Realm powerhouses are dying at the same time, and the death qi that erupts is far from reaching this scale!"

"The more turbulent the catastrophe, the greater the benefits after it is over.

I suspect that Gu Xuan is in the realm of life and death, and I am afraid that he will be on the list of life and death!"

"Quite possibly... But, will he really be able to get through it?"

There are doubts.

Indeed, under such a terrifying sea of death, I am afraid that even the existence at the top of the life and death list does not dare to set foot easily.

Gu Xuan's realm is a god, whether he can get out of it or not, it's still two words.

At this moment, everyone was glued to the center of the Dead Sea, watching intently.

I'm afraid that only Shangguan Yue is not worried about whether Gu Xuan can survive this death calamity.

And for others, the death catastrophe is extremely dangerous, but for Gu Xuan, it is not dangerous.

At this time, Gu Xuan's whole body was entangled with a thick death qi.

The soul is obscure, and the body is covered with dust.

He could clearly feel that the Yuan Force in his body was rapidly fading, and the powerful and incomparable body was decaying little by little.

The divine patterns on the flesh and bones are disintegrating.

Moreover, the whirlpool of divine thoughts that rotated all the time in my mind gradually stagnated, and there was a possibility that it would collapse at any time.

But Gu Xuan wasn't worried at all.

In his dantian, the Xuantian fell into an unprecedented state of activity.

The decay of the physical body stimulated the rapid operation of the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", and the Xuantu vibrated endlessly.

Not only that, but the Destiny Dao Palace, which was forcibly propped up by the saplings of the Divine Tree, is also bursting with a lot of vitality all the time.

Perhaps sensing the condition of Gu Xuan's body, even the Shenmu sapling was no longer greedy at this time, not only giving him all the vitality flowing out of the Destiny Dao Palace, but even taking the initiative to release strands of vitality to maintain the vitality in Gu Xuan's body.

With these triple guarantees, even if this death robbery is ten times more ferocious, Gu Xuan is not afraid.

"Death is life, life is death..."

Gu Xuan's mind was immersed, and he simply took this opportunity to begin to comprehend the meaning of life and death.

He is close to a demon, and now he has experienced it personally, and his comprehension of the meaning of life and death can be said to be a thousand miles in a moment!

The comprehension of the meaning of life and death is rapidly increasing.


Forty percent..

Fifty percent...

Sixty percent of small success!


As Gu Xuan's comprehension of the meaning of life and death reached a small level, the sea of dead qi around him suddenly erupted, and the huge movement startled the onlookers.

And Gu Xuan's enlightenment continues.

Seventy percent...


Time passed day by day, and outside Tianyun City, countless geniuses and martial artists were still waiting.

After such a long time, the sea of dead qi showed no sign of receding at all, but became more and more condensed.

In Tianyun City, there are no living creatures at all.

Even the city walls, under the influence of dead air, showed signs of decay and collapse.

"Gu Xuan, shouldn't he have died inside?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, the sea of dead qi in front of everyone's eyes suddenly fluctuated violently.

I saw that the turbulent sea of dead air suddenly collapsed and retreated towards the very center, as if there was a huge sea eye there, which was devouring everything madly.

The expressions of the people were shaken, and they couldn't help but chase forward with the dead air.

Soon, the huge Dead Sea disappeared without a trace.

Everyone saw that a figure sitting cross-legged in the void suddenly opened their eyes.

The moment the man opened his eyes...

The huge Tianyun City, the city is full of flowers.....

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