When everyone stepped into the pillar of light, the scene immediately changed.

It's a white world.

Underneath, there are countless blades densely inserted.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds....

It's almost all broken.

Someone looked at these broken blades and said in a daze: "The Ancient Sword Emperor once suppressed an era, and he has experienced countless battles in his life, large and small, and has never tasted defeat.... These broken blades were all left behind by those who were defeated by the Ancient Sword Emperor?"

"If that's the case, it's amazing!"

Everyone gasped.

The broken blades under their feet were so dense that they could not be seen at a glance.

Like a sea of remnants.

But it's more like an incomparably huge remnant mound, silently telling the glory of the owner of the tomb before his death.

Just when everyone sighed, suddenly, the remnants of the soldiers below suddenly moved.

I saw a lot of remnants buzzing and shaking with broken blades.

Gathered together, they formed a series of humanoid puppets composed entirely of blades, and the spirit of the soldiers soared into the sky.

These remnant puppets didn't say a word, and directly attacked and killed everyone.

A Divine Realm martial artist was the closest, and before he could react, he was directly cut into two pieces by the remnant puppet and died on the spot.


The crowd changed color slightly.

The strength of these remnant puppets is far beyond their imagination, and almost all of the worst have the strength to be close to life and death.

It was difficult for ordinary God Realm powerhouses to resist alone, so they could only fight side by side.

Even Tianjiao, who is at the top of the Divine Appearance List, is similar to the Prince of Divine Breath, and the likes of the Divine Sword Sect, all of them have to be in a group to ensure safety.

And the powerhouses of the life and death realm are not easy to fight.

"Purple Jade Heavenly Tower!"

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion slapped out with one palm, and the billowing purple qi formed a towering building, exuding a trace of majestic power, directly smashing a remnant puppet to pieces.

"Miss Qin, you are by your side, there is absolutely no danger..."

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion was smiling, and he was about to ask Qin Qing for credit.

Suddenly, I glanced at a place, and my pupils suddenly contracted.

I saw that Yuan Jiansheng's expression was calm, and he didn't see any movement, just walked forward.

But as long as those remnant puppets of the life and death realm approached him within a kilometer, they would immediately be slashed by the endless and disillusioned infinite sword qi around Yuan Jiansheng's body, and quickly disintegrate into a pile of scrap iron.

And the performance of the black-haired young man, the heir of the Ancient Sword Emperor, was even more amazing.

The remnant knife in his hand was raised, and he slashed it down.

A sword light hundreds of zhang long swept past, and everywhere it passed, the remnant puppets of the life and death realm fell one after another as if they were cutting wheat.

Whether it is Yuan Jiansheng or the black-haired young man who stops killing, the strength shown by the two of them is far beyond that of the ordinary life and death list.

Even some of the old powerhouses of the nine-fold and ten-fold realms of life and death are slightly inferior to the two.

Compared with these two people, the performance of the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion just now was even more bleak.

Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi's killing speed was extremely fast, and he quickly shook off everyone and walked towards the front of the remnant mound.

And many life and death lists are also based on their respective strengths, and the gap between them is gradually widened.

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion watched people with similar strength to him overtake him, thinking that it was possible for someone to take the lead by chance, and he had the heart to catch up, but with a Qin Qingmiao by his side, he really couldn't get up quickly.

Qin Qingmiao saw the hesitation and entanglement of the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, and couldn't help sneering: "The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion doesn't have to worry about me, go first, although Qingmiao's strength is not strong, it should be more than enough for self-preservation." "

"What is Miss Qin talking about, how can I be the kind of person who leaves you casually?"

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion said righteously.

"Then the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, please. "

Qin Qingmiao said lightly.

"Ziyan, you are responsible for protecting Qingmo, and I will take care of these puppets. "

Yutai Qingyin commanded Zhu Ziyan, and threw out one powerful yuan force after another in his hand, forcing the puppets who were approaching to retreat one by one.

Su Qingmo hid under the protection of the two senior sisters and looked left and right curiously.

This is the first time in her life that she has participated in this kind of trial, and she is full of curiosity about everything in the secret realm, but she is still worried in her heart: "Childe, where are you..."

The crowd fought with the remnants of the puppets as they walked forward.

There are people falling along the way, which shows the danger and cruelty of this place.

Finally, the endless remnant mound came to an end, and steps appeared in front of everyone.

These steps spiral upward, assuming in the void, like a ladder to heaven.

Looking up the stairs, there seems to be a huge platform on top of it.

And Yuan Jiansheng, the black-haired young man who had overtaken everyone before, the Golden Crow Prince, the Daoyan Holy Son and others had already stood on the steps.

There are also some powerful veteran powerhouses, all on the steps.

However, what is surprising is that these people walk extremely slowly on the steps, and it seems that every step they take, they are under great pressure.

When the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but say to Qin Qingmiao: "Miss Qin, let's go up quickly." "

Qin Qingmiao nodded, and the two quickly approached in the direction of the steps.

The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion looked at a step, and his divine thoughts swept over, and he found that there were several veteran Life and Death Realm powerhouses who were eight or nine years old in the Life and Death Realm, and they seemed to have taken a fancy to his target.

They all rushed towards the nearest staircase.

The Purple Mansion Holy Son frowned, and the aura on his body surged, ready to make a move at any time.

But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded behind him.

"What's that?!"

The Purple Mansion Holy Son turned his head, and his pupils contracted fiercely.

I saw that behind them, a figure was walking quickly like a lightning speed.

This person is like a heavenly knife, sharp and unparalleled.

Although he only has the strength of life and death, his combat power is terrifying.

Everywhere he passed, those remnant puppets who tried to block the way, no matter what the realm of life and death was, before they could get close to him, their bodies exploded one after another.

The speed at which this person caught up was even faster than the previous Yuan Jiansheng and Stop Killing.

In an instant, the figure was in front of everyone.

And this person's goal happened to be directly aimed at this step near the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion.

A veteran powerhouse in the realm of life and death furrowed, rushed out directly, and shouted: "Boy, go somewhere else.."

But before this old powerhouse in the realm of life and death finished speaking, he heard a cold scolding.

"Get out of here!"

I saw that a large area of black mist suddenly poured out from behind this person, and the black mist condensed into a huge terrifying shadow.

The demon shadow contains the ancient general trend of heaven and earth, and it is slashed out with one sword.

Before the ninefold powerhouse of the Life and Death Realm could react, he was slashed by his knife and vomited blood and fell, and disappeared directly into the remnants of the soldiers below.

Defeat with one sword and retreat from the ninefold realm of life and death?!

This person's strength is so domineering and terrifying!

The eyes of everyone in the audience widened, and their faces showed a great look of horror.

At this time, the figure also stepped on the steps.

The crowd was able to see the man's face.

I saw that this person was extremely young, and his appearance was handsome, which was rare in the world, and his body exuded a unique momentum that made heaven and earth worship him all the time.

The Purple Mansion Holy Son looked stunned, and muttered, "Who is this person? When did such an amazing genius appear on the life and death list?"

Next to him, Qin Qingmiao glanced at him, and then looked at the person on the steps intently, the brilliance in his beautiful eyes flowed, the corners of his mouth smiled, and in a rather proud tone, he said word by word: "He is the first knife in Zhongtian, Gu Xuan!"


When the Holy Son of Zifu heard this, his body trembled violently, and the whole person was stunned in place, unable to say a word.

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