The Holy Son of Daoyan got an ancient bronze fragment from the ancient tree, and no one knew its origin, but the Holy Son of Daoyan was overjoyed as if he had obtained a treasure.

Immediately afterwards, the White Elephant Holy Son's body resisted the four swords of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul, and the fifth sword was defeated.

The first saint of the Yaotai Holy Land, Shantai Qingyin, blocked the black shadow remnant soul four times in a row, and also chose to give up when the fifth knife was about to fall.

The same is true of the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion.

Then there were a few Life and Death Realm Grandmasters of the same level as the Demon Heart Monster.

Almost all of them stopped before the fifth sword of the Black Shadow Remnant.

This fifth knife is like a moat, which makes people rush to despair and cannot be crossed.

"Only Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Kill have not tried, and I don't know if they can break this shackle?"

"It's hard to say, so far Yuan Jiansheng has never made a move, and he has come all the way here with his body protection sword qi alone, his strength is unfathomable, and he may have the qualifications to challenge the fifth sword. "

"I think it's more likely to stop killing, don't you see that he still holds the half-handled magic knife of the Ancient Sword Emperor in his hand? The Ancient Sword Emperor inheritance is divided into three, he has one alone, and with such a big advantage, it is estimated that this inheritance is most likely to be in his pocket. "

There was a lot of talking.

As everyone said, the black-haired young man smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking like an old god was there, and he didn't seem to be worried about what his predecessors had done.

Yuan Jiansheng glanced at the killing, his gaze swept over a figure in the corner who was still in an epiphany, and stepped out.

The spirits of the crowd were lifted.

"Yuan Jiansheng is going to challenge!"

As a legend of the young generation in Zhongzhou, there are too many incredible things about Yuan Jiansheng.

Before Gu Xuan was born, Yuan Jiansheng was the only legend of the young generation in Zhongzhou.

An insurmountable peak is pressing on the heads of all the life and death lists, and everyone needs to look up at him.

So far, the legend that belongs to Yuan Jiansheng continues.

Yuan Jiansheng walked out indifferently, and with one step, he came to the Black Shadow Remnant Soul.

The remnant soul of the black shadow sensed the sword qi on Yuan Jiansheng's body and directly slashed it out.

Yuan Jiansheng stood in place as usual as if he hadn't seen it.


The sword of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul was affected by the sword qi around Yuan Jiansheng's body before it completely fell, and it continued to disintegrate under the wear and tear of the sword qi, and finally turned into invisible.

The Shadow Remnant quickly slashed a second time.

The same is true of the second sword, which was deceived to within a zhang of Yuan Jiansheng's side, and it was unable to continue, and was offset by the disillusioned sword qi.

The faces of the onlookers showed a look of emotion.

It is said that Yuan Jian is strong, but he rarely sees it with his own eyes.

Now they finally know how terrifying Yuan Jiansheng really is.

The Black Shadow Remnant Soul slashed twice in a row, and it couldn't even break through Yuan Jiansheng's body protection sword qi, which was simply incredible.

Based on this alone, Yuan Jiansheng was much better than many Heaven and Death Rank Tianjiao, and he was no worse than the Demon Heart Ancestor and other Life and Death Realm Grandmasters.

Immediately after, the Shadow Remnant slashed out the third sword.

The sword light is like a black rainbow, tearing through the void and slashing it with one sword.

This sword has already reached the eightfold limit of the realm of life and death, and the cultivation of Jiaoyuan Sword is even stronger.

But the result didn't seem to have changed much, the sword light burst into Yuan Jiansheng's body one foot outside, and finally stopped ten inches above his head, shattering.

At this point, the three knives have been out.

Yuan Jiansheng didn't even move his fingers, and he didn't blink his eyelids once.


Everyone gasped.

"Yuan Jiansheng, it's too strong!"

After three swords in a row, Yuan Jian was not forced, and the Black Shadow Remnant Soul seemed to be a little dissatisfied.

There is almost no gap between the fourth and third knives.

A sword light that spanned the eons fell from the sky, and its power also reached the limit of the tenfold realm of life and death.

This time, Yuan Jiansheng finally made a move.

I saw that his left hand was behind him, and his right hand pointed out.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless sword lights on Yuan Jiansheng's index finger, and he was disillusioned.


The index finger touched the sword light, making a crisp sound like a silver bead falling on a jade plate.

The next moment, the sword light shattered, and Yuan Jiansheng withdrew his hand, still with a light and light color.

"Good fellow.."

"The fourth sword is also so unfazed, worthy of Yuan Jiansheng!"

Everyone was amazed, and even the black-haired young man squinted his eyes slightly.

Finally, the fifth sword of the Black Shadow Sword Soul fell.

This knife slashed out, and an aura that was infinitely close to the royal realm was revealed.

Everyone's eyes widened and they stared at the knife.

They wanted to see if Yuan Jiansheng could block this sword.

In the face of this sword, Yuan Jiansheng's eyes also lit up with a bright light.

He stretched out his index finger again, and the majestic sword mountain method behind him appeared, and all the sword qi in his body converged towards his index finger.

Yuan Jiansheng's index finger became incomparably bright, and there were several mystical powers circulating on his fingertips, and countless sword lights were living and dying, as if condensing a small world of sword light.

Finally, the index finger touches the knife light.


A great force erupted, shaking many people on the field and couldn't stop retreating.

Everyone tried to keep their eyes open, trying to see the result this time.

The light faded, and they saw that Yuan Jiansheng was standing in place.

His face was a little pale, his right hand was lowered, and drops of blood were dripping from the tips of his index fingers.


He blocked it!

Yuan Jiansheng blocked this sword!

Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

"Yuan Jiansheng actually blocked the fifth sword?!"

"It's amazing, I'm afraid it's not the first person of the young generation in Zhongzhou!"

"The gap between the fourth sword and the fifth sword is too big, Yuan Jiansheng is too much to beat the other Tianjiao on the life and death list..."

Everyone sighed, and their eyes were full of awe and amazement when they looked at Yuan Jiansheng.

Only the black-haired young man had a gloomy face, and his eyes flashed, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the fifth sword, the remnant soul of the black shadow fell silent, and it seemed that the test of this level was only five knives in total.

Thinking about it, the fifth sword is infinitely close to the king realm, and the sixth sword is stronger than the fifth sword, wouldn't it be to directly reach the king realm level?

That's too much of a bully!

Yuan Jiansheng's test was over, and a huge ball of light that had never been seen before on the ancient tree flew down and fell into Yuan Jiansheng's hands.

The light dissipated, revealing an ancient and exquisite sword, which exuded a thick edge and mysterious aura.

Pity... The sword is broken.

"Lingxiao Sect's Relic Sword?!"

Yuan Jiansheng's eyes lit up when he saw the broken sword, and then he looked at the black shadow remnant soul in front of him, and said with a light smile: "I know that you won't pass it on to me, and it won't be bad for me if you don't know this."

Back then, Ling Xiaozong was destroyed by your sword, but it's a pity..."

Yuan Jiansheng shook his head and sighed softly: "It's a pity that the Lingxiao Sect didn't have me Yuan Jiansheng back then!"

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and then they were shocked.

It's a pity that Ling Xiao didn't have a self Yuan Jiansheng back then!

The meaning of Yuan Jiansheng's words was to regret that he could not be born in the same era as the Ancient Sword Emperor.

He is ....

I want to compete with the Ancient Sword Emperor!

How can such courage, such talent, not make people shake and marvel....

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