"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Upanisham Comprehension Pill (Yicheng)*1"

The pleasant prompt sound of the system sounded in his ears, and Gu Xuan looked at the fragment of the magic knife in his hand, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's dangerous.

In order to fully absorb the sword inherited by the Demon Priest, he fell into an epiphany for a little longer.

By the way, I also used the Mysterian Comprehension Pill that I had intercepted before.

Demon Heaven's knife made his Mystery of Destruction climb to thirty and a half, plus the Mystery Comprehension Pill, now Gu Xuan's comprehension of the Mystery of Destruction is...

Forty and a half!

An unbeatable height.

If you add the Mystery Comprehension Pill you just obtained, you can directly reach an unprecedented fifty and a half percent!

However, Gu Xuan was not in a hurry to use it.

"The fragment of the Demon Blade of Demon Pao Tian contains his understanding of the Destruction Knife Dao, even if I don't use the Mystery Comprehension Pill, my comprehension of the Destruction Mystery can be greatly improved. Now that I have used this Mystery Comprehension Pill, it is a bit wasteful..."


Gu Xuan's gaze shifted to the killing body below.

There is also a golden edge line floating on the stop kill, and the edge line is connected to the broken knife in the stop killer.

If he can take away the part of the inheritance in his hand, the benefits will be even greater.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was still immersed in the great shock of Gu Xuan's sudden appearance and taking away the inheritance.

The change came so fast that no one reacted.

The remnant soul of the black shadow who was about to sacrifice his inheritance to stop killing was unexpectedly slashed by Gu Xuan's knife!

It's... A black shadow remnant soul with the strength of infinitely close to the royal realm!

Even if you are caught off guard, it is not a simple matter to be able to blow it up.

The key is that Gu Xuan is not the strength of the dual realm of life and death.

It's shocking.

At this time, the stunned stop killing finally came back to his senses from his stunnedness.

Stop killing a fierce face, distorted little by little.

Waves of murderous aura surged out of him like a mountain and a tsunami.

With the killing as the center, the temperature of the air in the surrounding area dropped sharply a lot.

"I want you... Die!"

Stop killing and gritting his teeth, and spit out words word by word.

The sound is like a cold wind blowing from a 10,000-year-old glacier, and the forest is biting.

The eyes of the killer were like blood diamonds, and the knife in his hand suddenly raised, and he slashed at Gu Xuan.

In an instant, the bloody aura in the air was extremely thick, and a blood-colored chain phantom appeared, accompanied by the fantasy of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.


With the slash of stopping the killing, the color of the people in the audience changed, and even the eyelids of several Life and Death Realm Grandmasters jumped fiercely.

"Just you?"

Facing this knife, Gu Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were indifferent.

Minghong's knife was unsheathed, trembling.

It seems that because he is about to compete with the legendary Ancient Sword Emperor Sabre, even the Ming Hong Sword trembles with excitement, and the red lark on the hilt of the knife is almost alive and ready to fly.

Gu Xuan's posterior god picture scroll slowly unfolded, and more than three hundred Dao marks shook in unison, raising his momentum to an unprecedented height, and even suppressing it.

Gu Xuan slashed out, the sky was dark, and the shadow of the knife floated.

Sancheng, a knife of extreme darkness and mystery.

These three percent of the extremely dark mystery of the knife and the killing mystery of stopping the killing collide and eliminate each other.

But Gu Xuan's comprehension of the extremely dark meaning is obviously deeper than the comprehension of the mystery of killing by stopping killing, and he retreats from stopping killing.

"Damn it!"

Stop killing and scolded, the anger on his face became more and more angry, and he slashed out again.

The sword light was rolling, and there was a thick power of destruction circulating on it, shattering the void.

However, these space fragments that were shattered by the stop killing were gathered under Gu Xuan's traction, forming a silvery-white light, directly cutting and shattering the stop killing knife.

Twenty percent, the mystery of space!


Stop Kill's eyes widened, a little incredulous, gritted his teeth, and began to frantically urge the broken knife in his hand.

The Broken Knife was urged by him, and it seemed that an ancient and terrible knife had awakened from the knife.

The momentum on the body of the stop kill skyrocketed wildly.

Gu Xuan just looked at this scene indifferently, and then said, "The inheritance of the Demon Heaven, are you worthy of it?"

Zhizhi's face distorted, and he roared wildly: "I'm not worthy of it, it's not your turn to comment!

As soon as the killing was out, the ancient knife momentum on the broken knife completely bloomed.

The mystery of destruction to stop killing was blessed by this sword momentum, and it rose wildly.

"This is..."

The onlookers widened their eyes, looking at the terrifying sword light that stopped killing, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Forty percent of the mystery of destruction?!"

"Even if there is no forty percent, it is infinitely close to forty percent!"

This was so amazing that even the Demon Heart Old Monster and other Life and Death Realm Grandmasters showed a look of emotion on their faces.

There may not be one in a hundred who can comprehend the mystery of the divine realm.

Although there are more people who comprehend the mystery among the powerhouses of the realm of life and death, this does not mean that the mystery is something that is rotten in the realm of life and death.

In particular, the higher you go up, the more difficult it becomes.

Thirty percent is a threshold.

For example, the Demon Heart Old Monster and other masters of the Life and Death Realm, in order to reach the limit of the Life and Death Realm, half a step forward is the King Realm.

But the power of their own martial arts is also stuck in thirty percent, and they can't make an inch.

If there is no great opportunity, if you can't enter the king realm, it is estimated that you will be at this level for the rest of your life.

And now the killing actually exerts the power of forty percent of the mysteries, and it is also the legendary mystery of destruction.

Even with the inheritance bonus of the Ancient Sword Emperor, it is remarkable enough.

This talent can be called shocking.

Everyone was moved by the killing, and Su Qingmo in the corner tightened her sleeves nervously, her beautiful eyes were full of worry.

"Childe, be careful..."

And in the face of the knife of stopping killing, the expression on Gu Xuan's face did not fluctuate in the slightest.

He just raised his knife indifferently and slowly slashed out.

"I'll tell you now why you're unworthy. "

In an instant, a brilliant sword light bloomed in Gu Xuan's hand.

The knife slashed out a thick black chain phantom.

There was a thick smell of destruction emanating from the chains.

The two sword lights, how similar.

But Gu Xuan's knife is more majestic and condensed than the knife that stops killing... More powerful!


The knife light collided, and the knife light of the stop kill shattered, and the broken knife in the stop killing hand almost had to be held unsteadily and come out of the hand.


Zhi Kill's eyes widened, his face showed a look of disbelief, and he couldn't help but scream directly.

And the onlookers saw that their eyeballs were about to bulge out of their sockets.

An old powerhouse in the realm of life and death trembled when he saw it, and shouted tremblingly: "Four... More than forty percent of the mystery of destruction?!"


Everyone seemed to have been struck by an invisible thunderbolt, their bodies trembled, and their brains went blank.

The eyes stared straight at the scene in front of him, the terrifying sword light, lost the ability to think....

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