Gu Xuan's brows furrowed, and he said, "What's the matter, I'll go with you." "

Shangguan Yue smiled slightly, gently stroked Gu Xuan's cheek, and said, "You don't need to go to this matter, I'll just go alone." "

Gu Xuan thought about it, and could only nod and say, "Okay." "

Shangguan Yue's origin is very mysterious, and he seems to have lived many lives.

However, Shangguan Yue didn't say it, and he didn't ask.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other again soon. "

Shangguan Yue wiped out all the reluctance between Gu Xuan's eyebrows, pursed his lips and chuckled: "The next time we meet, I will help you transform the meaning of the sword intent of fate." "

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand the meaning of Shangguan Yue's words.

His heart fluttered, but before he could answer, Shangguan Yue had already left.

Three days later, in a hidden cave in a mountain stream.

Gu Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the void in front of him, and said lightly, "You are here." "

I saw ripples in the void, and a mysterious man in a cloak wrapped in black mist walked out of the void.

It is the people of Hades.

It stands to reason that the Void Shuttle is exclusive to the King Realm, and this person is just a cultivator in the Life and Death Realm, and it is really unreasonable to walk in the Void every time he appears and disappears.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Xuan has always been quite jealous of the underworld.

"In the past six months, you have indeed given us a great surprise..."

Under the cloak, a pair of eyes full of amazement and exploration projected out, falling on Gu Xuan, and there was no stinginess in his words.

Gu Xuan just snorted coldly, and the divine thoughts that belonged to the king realm came out of his body, and immediately blocked back the divine thoughts that the cloaked man was probing.

The cloaked man took two sharp steps back, a sound of rage coming out of his mouth.


But when he met Gu Xuan's cold eyes, he immediately softened again, and sneered: "The Hades Festival is about to begin, and I came to take you to Hades this time." "

"I know. "

Gu Xuan got up and stood up, and said lightly: "Since that's the case, then let's go." "

At the beginning, the cloaked man had mentioned this matter to Gu Xuan, but now that more than half a year has passed, the time has officially arrived.

"Good. "

The cloaked man didn't talk nonsense, nodded and said, "You come with me." "

Immediately, the cloaked man turned, and an entrance rippled out of the void.

The cloaked man walked in, Gu Xuan hesitated for a moment, and then walked in.

Stepping into the void, the black mist on the cloaked man immediately spread out like tentacles.

"Follow me. "

The cloaked man shuttled quickly in the void, Gu Xuan followed behind him, and the Wang Realm divine thoughts were also emanating from the outside of his body, ready to guard against accidents at any time.

The most dangerous thing about the Void Shuttle is the spatial turbulence that can erupt at any time.

The appearance of spatial turbulence is silent and without warning, and the strength is enough to easily touch and kill any existence under the king realm, so it is extremely dangerous to want to travel through space without the strength of the king realm.

Unless it's like Gu Xuan last time, with the help of a space treasure like an ethereal crystal.

And the black mist tentacles emitted from this cloak man seemed to have the ability to sense the outbreak of spatial turbulence in advance.

Even if it is swept up in the turbulence of space, it has no effect on the cloaked man.

Like a great octopus, he walked cautiously through the void.

Gu Xuan followed behind the cloaked man, and he didn't know how long he had been walking, and finally an exit emitting a bright light finally appeared in front of him.

The cloaked man walked out along the exit, and Gu Xuan followed.

Leaving the gap in the space, Gu Xuan found himself in a brightly lit place.

There were black rock walls all around and overhead, and there was a passage that sloped down in front of you, and the mind spread out, as if it were deep underground.

Immediately after that, the cloaked man continued to lead Gu Xuan forward.

The long corridor spirals downward.

As the two of them walked down, the torches lit around them lit one by one, like a passage to a bottomless abyss.

All the way to the bottom of the passage, a huge black vortex appeared in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

The cloaked man turned his head to look at him and said meaningfully, "Here, take a step forward... It's Hades. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, he didn't say anything, and stepped directly into the whirlpool.

He came to a new world again.

The space in the whirlpool was even bigger than Gu Xuan had imagined.

Gu Xuan saw an incomparably large building, suspended in mid-air, in the shape of an inverted cone.

The building seems to be made up of countless black peaks, and many strange statues and patterns are built on it.

The style is eerie and gives people an eerie and dark feeling.

Gu Xuan remembered that Shangguan Yue had said that the people of the underworld were from foreign regions, and some clues could be seen from this.

"Welcome, Hades!"

The cloaked man caught up from behind, stood beside Gu Xuan, pointed ahead and said to him: "What you see is only the tip of the iceberg of the underworld, the real underworld is actually in the endless abyss below..."

Gu Xuan looked down at his feet, and sure enough, he found that there was an extremely thick black mist underneath.

This black mist is very similar to the black mist on the cloaked man.

The black mist surged silently, flashing scarlet lightning from time to time, and there seemed to be an indescribable terror lurking in it.

"Let's go, I'll take you into the city of the underworld. "

The cloaked man beckoned Gu Xuan to fly towards the hanging ghost town.

Gu Xuan followed behind him and asked, "I haven't asked you all this time, what's your name?"

The cloaked man sneered twice, and said, "Just call me a crow." "

The two entered the ghost town, and there were more people in the ghost city than Gu Xuan imagined.

Most of them were like crows, cloaked in large cloaks and covered in black mist.

Although Gu Xuan was dressed similarly to them, he looked out of place when he mixed them in, and he received a lot of cold and probing glances as soon as he came.

The crow took Gu Xuan to a residence and settled him down.

"Hades will begin soon, so stay here for a few days.

If you need anything, just use your Shuai Token to notify you, and someone will naturally come to serve you. "

The crow smiled slightly and said, "Then we'll see each other in a few days... Xuanyue is handsome. "

As he spoke, the crow's whole person turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared in front of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked at the place around him that was full of strange aura, his eyes flashed, and he didn't say anything, he sat down cross-legged in his residence and practiced silently.

At this time, in a dark and gloomy hall.

The crow who had just greeted Gu Xuan before was kneeling on the ground respectfully.

Above him, a figure shrouded in black mist sat on a throne in the main hall, and beside him was another mysterious person wearing the robes of the underworld.

"Jue Yin, your men did a good job this time. can pull the protagonist of Zhongzhou's era into his command.


As he spoke, the majestic figure on the throne raised his hand and shot out a black light.

The black light did not enter the crow's body, and the crow immediately trembled, the black mist on his body surged rapidly, and the whole person was almost crying out with comfort.

"Thank you Throne! Thank you Throne ..."

The crow bowed excitedly.

The Great Yin Immortal Officer next to him said lightly: "This person is the best in Zhongzhou in terms of talent and combat power, and with this person, we are at least eighty percent sure of the position of the prince of the underworld this time..."


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