
The ancient and majestic Nai He Bridge made an overwhelming sound.

The bridge is collapsing, collapsing.


The water of the Yellow Spring is even more like crazy, and the waves of hundreds of miles of rivers are surging, setting off monstrous waves, like an angry dragon churning underneath.

Countless illusory and distorted ghosts flew out from the bottom of the water, densely packed, and spread all over the entire Naihe Bridge.


On the square of the underworld, all the powerhouses of the underworld were stunned.

The person who laughed at Gu Xuan before was even more stunned, unable to say a word with his mouth wide open.

The faces of the sixteenth underworld officials were full of shock.

There were even ten halls of Hades who clenched the armrests of the throne with both hands, and almost didn't get up from the throne.

"However, the bridge collapsed, the Yellow Spring collapsed, and thousands of ghosts poured into their nests.... Even Nai He Qiao can't bear the cause and effect of the sins on this person, how many sins and cause and effect this person has carried!"

Someone muttered with a look of disbelief on his face.

The eighteenth layer of hell pass trial, but the bridge stands on the Yellow Spring, during which I don't know how many amazing and brilliant Tianjiao demons have passed.

But there has never been...

Because he couldn't bear the sins and cause and effect of one person, the bridge collapsed.



"This person's crime is heinous, but the bridge has collapsed, how can he cross the bridge?!"

Someone muttered.

He is obviously not the only one who has such doubts.

But I saw that the tall body in the picture walked step by step, walking very steadily.

However, the bridge collapsed under his feet, and where he passed, the raging yellow spring water parted automatically.

The turbid waves on both sides were monstrous, but the wind and waves were calm under this person.

Countless souls buried in the Yellow Spring gathered at his feet, condensed into a way of souls, and carried him step by step to the other side.


Outside the field, countless powerhouses of the underworld gasped, and the horror and shock in their hearts were difficult to express in words.

"Yellow spring water, unjust souls become enlightened.... Who is this person, what is his identity, and why can he have such a terrifying vision!"

"This person seems to be the underworld commander under the Hades King of Shandu!"

"It's amazing!

The king of the mountain capital laughed, his expression was full of joy, overflowing with words.

The other Nine Hall Hades Kings had gloomy faces, especially the Equality King, who coldly cast a cold gaze at the Mountain Capital Hades King.

The most surprising thing was the crow.

As the guide who personally brought Gu Xuan into the underworld, he naturally knew Gu Xuan's true identity, and he also knew how famous Gu Xuan was in Zhongzhou.

But he never imagined that Gu Xuan could be so unexpected when he arrived in the Underworld, which was unbelievable.

In the Ghost Gate Pass, those who had not yet crossed the river and were already standing on the other side of the river were naturally alarmed by Gu Xuan's movements.

One by one, they were shocked and horrified.

However, the bridge collapsed, the yellow spring was water, and the soul was the way...

All of this has completely exceeded their imagination and broken their cognition.

I don't even know how to react.

The two who were familiar with Gu Xuan, who were also under the Peerless Yin Great Immortal Official, were even more dumbfounded, and muttered: "Lord Xuanyue..."

It's a pity that many of them have already entered the Hell Pass first, and they haven't seen Gu Xuan's shocking scene at all, otherwise they don't know how much trouble they will make.

Some of the powerhouses of the underworld who had not yet passed the Yellow Spring looked at the Yellow Spring River that was gradually calming down in front of them, and they were all dumbfounded.

However, the bridge was trampled on by Gu Xuan, and there was no other bridge on Huangquan, so how should they cross the river?

Someone glanced at Gu Xuan, who easily crossed the river by stepping on the path of countless unjust souls, thought about it, and stepped into the Yellow Spring with courage.

But before he could step on his other foot, Huang Quanzhong had already stretched out countless pairs of unjust soul hands and dragged him into the river.

A strong man at the level of the Immortal Shuai quietly drowned in the Yellow Spring.

I saw that the others were all over the body and their faces were full of horror.

Looking at Gu Xuan, who crossed the Yellow Spring like a leisurely stroll, the shock on his face was even stronger, and there was a faint hint of awe.

Facts have proved that it is not that Huangquan is not dangerous enough, but that Gu Xuan is too incredible.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's figure quickly rose up in the eyes of many powerhouses in the underworld, becoming extremely mysterious.

"Yellow Springs..."


In the picture scroll of the gods, after the ghost gate pass and the point of no return, Huangquan and Nai He Bridge were also performed by Gu Xuan.

At this time, the number of Gu Xuan's Law Aspect Dao Marks had reached more than four hundred and thirty.

It was hard to imagine what an earth-shattering scene it would be when he completely deduced the entire eighteenth layer of hell and the prototype of the Nine Shadows Sword Dao came out.

Gu Xuan stepped ashore, his eyes flashing, full of anticipation for the next Hell Pass.

The powerhouse of the underworld on the banks of the Huangquan River unconsciously made way for Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan walked forward and saw a bottomless pit.

In the huge pit, there is a faint fire.

Billowing smoke came from below, and you could hear a terrible howl of pain, and a scream that almost punctured a person's eardrums...

The first level of the eighteenth layer of hell.

Tongue Pulling Hell!

Many powerhouses of the underworld looked at the huge pit below, and their faces all showed solemnity and caution.

Gu Xuan smiled at the corners of his mouth, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and with a look of anticipation on his face, he jumped into the huge pit.

The scorching wind swept across Gu Xuan's face, and the air was filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

After more than a dozen breaths, Gu Xuan gently fell to the ground.

When I looked up, I saw that the vast expanse in front of me was full of countless unjust spirits and ghosts.

The half-illusory bodies of these ghosts with long arms and feet and terrifying appearances are not under the divine realm.

They grab the unjust souls around them all the time, reach out and break open the mouths of the unjust souls, grab the tongues of the unjust souls, and drag them outwards fiercely, stretching...

"All those who are alive who sow discord, slander and harm others, who are glib-tongued, who speak skillfully and lie and deceive, will go to hell after death, and suffer the eternal torment of tongue pulling..."

Looking at those unjust souls who were howling in pain, with a strange mouth and a strange long tongue, Gu Xuan had a kind of realization in his heart.

At the same time, the first level of the eighteen-layer hell level in the picture scroll of the gods, the tongue pulling hell level, is also constantly deducing and emerging...


Gu Xuan's appearance quickly attracted the attention of countless tongue-pulling ghosts.

When these ghosts saw him, they were like fish smelling fish, and their eyes flashed fiercely.

Obviously, torturing an outsider like Gu Xuan was much more interesting to them than torturing these weak souls.

In an instant, countless ghosts around Gu Xuan swarmed towards him.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and the Ming Hong knife fell into his hand and swept it lightly.


In an instant, hundreds of ghost creatures were cut in two by Gu Xuan's knife from the waist position.

The area around Gu Xuan was immediately emptied, and he walked quickly towards the entrance to the next layer of Hell Pass.

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