Seeing that Shen Di was about to be caught up by Gu Xuan.

The latter suddenly stopped, faced Gu Xuan, and made a strange gesture towards Gu Xuan with his fingers interlocked.


Suddenly, an esoteric power emanated from Shen Di's body.

This power seems to have connected the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and at this moment, the gods are faintly fused with the power world.

In the next moment, all the icebergs in the iceberg hell shook and let out a rumbling roar.

Then he swarmed towards Gu Xuan and moved sideways.


Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and his face showed a little surprise.

How did this god manage the icebergs of iceberg hell?


Gu Xuan blasted an iceberg into slag with a punch and broke the ice.

The iceberg hell breeds extreme cold, and the icebergs standing in it have existed for an unknown number of thousands of years, and the hardness is even greater than that of ordinary heaven-level weapons.

But under Gu Xuan's hands, he was like tofu scum, and he was easily crushed by him.

However, the number of icebergs was too much, and although it did not pose any danger to Gu Xuan, it also hindered his progress.

"Boom, boom—"

One iceberg after another collapsed under Gu Xuan's fist.

Gu Xuan is like an ancient god, rampant.

Shen Tu glanced at Gu Xuan coldly, there seemed to be a bit of mockery in his eyes, and he immediately turned around and left quickly.

"This guy's identity is mysterious, and it's full of mysteries, but there's no need to rush after him now..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he temporarily dispelled the idea of chasing the gods.

He didn't believe that the gods could keep running away.

The eighteenth layer of hell will become more and more dangerous and difficult the further he goes, and he will stop sooner or later, and it will be easy to catch him when the time comes.

And for Gu Xuan, it is even more important to deduce the eighteen-layer hell pass in the God Picture Scroll now.

This opportunity is very rare for him.

So Gu Xuan no longer deliberately chased the figure of the gods, but returned to his original state.

Unhurried, while breaking through the level, while deducing the scene of the hell level in his mind.

Iceberg hell...

Oil pan hell...

Cow Pit Hell...

Stone Pressed Hell...

Gu Xuan walked through the hell passes one after another, and the layers of hell in the divine picture scroll were deduced by him, and they became more and more perfect.

The number of Dao marks in the Dharma Phase became more and more, and soon exceeded five hundred.

It's a virtuous circle.

Although the difficulty of the eighteenth layer of hell is constantly improving, Gu Xuan's speed is not slow at all, but has a tendency to get faster and smoother.

And he has been maintaining the progress of the same layer of hell as Shen Di, and Shen Nian has firmly locked the other party, ready to catch up at any time.

Gu Xuan didn't forget that there was still a golden opportunity on Shen Di's body.


"Good fellow, this is... The thirteenth floor!"

Outside the ghost gate, a strong man from the underworld looked at Gu Xuan and Shen Di in the picture, and their faces were already full of emotion.

"The eighteenth layer of hell, the further back, the more dangerous and difficult it becomes. It's been many years since we've had a genius in the underworld who can go to the bottom six layers, and now there are two of them all at once!"

"Shen Tu is okay, that Xuanyue is too exaggerated. pushed all the way across, and now it still looks like he is at ease and has not used all his strength.

Is he really only a mere six-fold realm of life and death?!"

"But they should be about the end of it. The six layers after the eighteenth layer of hell are not at all something that a martial artist in the realm of life and death can break through.

This blood pool hell gathers the filthy things of the world, and when you step into it under the realm of the king, you will be melted into a pool of dirty blood and melt into the sea of blood within a moment or three.

There is a high probability that the two of them will be here... Hmm?!wait!"

Halfway through his words, a strong man from the underworld looked at a certain figure walking on the sea of blood in the picture, his eyes suddenly widened, and he whispered in disbelief: "The one under the feet of the gods... That.. What's that?!"


At the same time, the blood pool in hell.

Shen Tu stood quietly in the thick dark red sea of blood.

At his feet, a monster that looked like a fish, not a fish, a beast and not a beast lurked in the sea of blood, carrying him quickly in the sea of blood.

This is like a flood of fierce beasts in the ordinary realm of life and death, and the sea of blood that will die if it touches it, but it is like a fish in water for this monster, and it has no impact at all.


Shen Tu looked at the monster under his feet, smiled and said to himself: "This ancient filthy beast has finally come in handy, and it has not wasted so many resources on cultivating it in vain..."

Then he looked at the oppressive and dead sea of blood around him, and his eyes flickered.

"That phoenix egg should be hidden in the blood pool hell of the eighteenth layer of hell, in the sea of blood right now...

When I get this Dark Phoenix Pill, I'll come and meet you for a while...

The first knife in Zhongtian, Gu Xuan!"

Shen Tu glanced back, muttered a low word, and then harnessed the Filthy Eater to quickly move in one direction.

And Gu Xuan also fell into this at the same time.

At this time, Gu Xuan, compared with when he came, had a dark and gloomy temperament around his body, giving people an extremely depressed feeling, as if he had come out of the nine shadows.

This is the manifestation of his Nine Shadows Sword Dao that is about to become a small success.

Along the way, Gu Xuan has received too many benefits.

He witnessed with his own eyes all kinds of extremely dark places in the eighteenth layer of hell passes, and deduced the hell scene in his own dharma appearance, and even the comprehension of the extremely dark meaning skyrocketed.

It's already 50 percent.

"Bloody Hell..."

Gu Xuan looked around and suddenly guessed what level of hell he was in now.

The Blood Pool Hell gathers the extreme filth of the world, which can easily pollute the body and soul of a warrior.

If you don't enter the king's realm, it will be difficult to stay in the sea of blood for too long.

However, his divine soul had already entered the king realm, and his physical body was about to be promoted to divine body, so this erosion was nothing to him.

"If you don't enter the sea of blood, how can you comprehend the sea of blood..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the next moment, he stepped directly into the sea of blood.

The thick and filthy sea of blood quickly submerged it, and Gu Xuan disappeared into the sea of blood.


"My God, Xuanyue actually entered the sea of blood directly!"

Outside the Ghost Gate, a strong man in the underworld saw his eyes widen and exhaled in shock.

"Is he crazy?!!"

This scene is amazing.

Ordinary people didn't have time to avoid the sea of blood, Gu Xuan actually took the initiative to step in, and no one knew what he wanted to do.

"One is unhindered by the help of strange beasts, and the other is directly into the sea of blood... These two guys, one is more outrageous than the other!"

There were constant exclamations of amazement from the mouths of the crowd.

Whether it was Shen Di or Gu Xuan, there were too many surprises for them.

Not only the ordinary powerhouses of the underworld, but even the sixteen great underworld officials and the ten halls of the underworld kings and the like, their expressions became solemn.

At this moment, everyone saw that in the picture, Shen Tu was standing somewhere in the sea of blood.

The sea of blood parted beneath his feet, revealing a large black cobblestone.

"This is...."

Onlookers' eyes widened and they exclaimed.

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