It's shocking.

Gu Xuan's strong slash to kill the King Realm Nether Owl caused an unprecedented huge impact on the people in the audience.

It's amazing.

It was so amazing that many powerhouses in the underworld even doubted whether such an outstanding person really existed in the world.

"The King of Life and Death Realm, even in my Underworld, there has never been such an amazing and brilliant Tianjiao..."

"It is worthy of the strongest protagonist born in a great world, and it gave me a big surprise..."

The Hades King of Shandu smiled, looked at Gu Xuan in the picture and said slowly.

"Jueyin, this time you have the best work, and there are also many rewards for the crows under you!"

"Thank you, Lord Santo!"

The Absolute Yin Great Immortal Officer said respectfully, and then said with some hesitation: "My lord, this person is so brilliant, I'm afraid he won't be willing to just be our pawn in the future." I'm afraid there is a risk of backlash..."

The eyes of the King of the Underworld were cold, and he said lightly: "It doesn't matter, as long as he sits in the position of the prince of the underworld, many things will not depend on him." I have my own secret method to make him obedient."

"Understood. "

The Great Yin Immortal seemed to have thought of something, and nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, the blood pool is in the middle of hell.

Shen Xuan stared blankly at Gu Xuan in front of him, still in a huge shock and shock, and did not come back to his senses.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he lost his mind, the Wang Realm Divine Thought came out of his body.


The black mist on Shen Di's body dissipated, and the mask on his face quietly shattered.

A pale and beautiful, trance-like face appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Is it a woman?!

Gu Xuan's expression moved.

And it's a woman I've never seen before.


Shen Tu reacted immediately, and a woman's coquettish cry came out of his mouth.

She stroked her sleeve in shame, hiding her face again, and her voice quickly changed to her original neutral hoarse voice.

"You're damned!"

Shen Tuxing's eyes were round, staring at Gu Xuan, and said through gritted teeth.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said, "I know who you are..."

"You are the descendant of the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, the Imperial Bible, and you control the demon beasts of the King Realm with the body of the realm of life and death, and it is impossible to do it without the effect of this strange scripture..."

Shen Tu sneered and sneered: "Since you know that I am the Imperial Bible, one of the four great ancient scriptures, you should know..."

Shen Tu glanced at the black cobblestone floating in the sea of blood, and said, "This dark phoenix egg can only be hatched when it reaches my hands, and even if you get it, it will be a dead egg." "

"Not necessarily..."

Gu Xuan shook his head and said lightly: "I naturally have a way to hatch it, but you, although you have the "Imperial Bible", it is estimated that you are helpless against it. "

"You underestimate me?!"

Shen Di looked at Gu Xuan and snorted coldly: "If you have the ability, give me the Dark Phoenix Egg, within three years, if I can't hatch it, I will let you slaughter it!"

"You're at my mercy now. "

Gu Xuan's eyes were indifferent, "If I kill you, you can still obtain the inheritance of the Imperial Bible." "

In an instant, Gu Xuan's body exuded a cold murderous intent.

This murderous intent spread to Shen Di, making her tremble uncontrollably, her expression frightened, and she quickly retreated a long way.

"If I want to kill you, I can just turn my hand, even if you escape to the edge of the sky, you can't escape. "

Gu Xuan said to Shen Di word by word.

Shen Di's face was extremely ugly, and he said stiffly: "Then you can try it." "

As he spoke, Shen Di's eyes flickered rapidly, as if he was preparing some means.

Gu Xuan didn't care about her careful thoughts, and said indifferently: "I let you live until now, just to let you know..."

"I am more worthy of the inheritance of the Royal Bible than you!"

"It will take you three years to hatch this phoenix egg..."

"I can do it now!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan stretched out his hand, and the black cobblestone in the sea of blood fell into his hand.

Shen Tu was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "I'm afraid you're not talking about a dream." "

Gu Xuan ignored her, but instead used the mystery of life and death in his body, and continuously transformed the vitality emitted by the Destiny Gate Dao Palace and the Divine Tree into the same pure death qi and injected it into the Dark Phoenix Egg.

Shen Tu's eyes were strange, and he said in a low voice: "Knowing that the Stygian Phoenix is a Nine Shades Holy Beast, it eats death qi and is tired of anger, and uses death qi to induce, which is quite a bit insightful.

But even if you know this, with this bit of dead qi infusion, if you want to have a chance to hatch the Dark Phoenix Egg, it will take at least five years..."


Gu Xuan said lightly: "What about now." "

She was stunned for a moment, and in the next moment, her pupils shrank.

Seeing that Gu Xuan's body suddenly surged with monstrous death.

This dead qi surged into a sea, and in just a few breaths, it almost covered the entire blood pool hell.

"Die... Death?!"

Shen Tu muttered, and suddenly shouted as if frightened: "You call this a death calamity?!"

How can there be such a turbulent death catastrophe in this world?!"


Outside the Ghost Gate, a group of Hades powerhouses also saw Gu Xuan's death calamity erupt, and a steady stream of dead qi poured into the Stygian Phoenix Egg.

"Xuanyue, this is what you want... Try to hatch the phoenix eggs?!"

"Foolish dreams..."

There are ten halls of the Hades King sneered and said: "At the beginning, the Eastern Ghost Emperor instilled an unknown amount of dead qi and filthy qi into this dark phoenix egg, and it would have been hatched a long time ago if it could hatch... If it is said to be a dead egg, it is a real dead egg.

But if there is the slightest possibility of hatching, how can such a holy relic be thrown into the blood pool hell for 10,000 years without anyone caring for it..."


Another Hades-level figure said slowly: "If you want to hatch this Pluto Phoenix egg, I'm afraid you really have to reincarnate the Yin Heavenly Son, and the blessing of the Nine Shadows Qi Luck is possible." "

The crowd nodded thoughtfully, looking at Gu Xuan's behavior in the picture, which was a little more banter and sneer.

But at this moment, in the picture.

The black cobblestone in the center of the Sea of Dead Qi suddenly shook slightly.


A strange voice clearly came into everyone's minds through the picture.

Everyone present followed this voice, and their hearts beat hard.


The sound of a heartbeat coming from the phoenix egg!


The eyes of the crowd widened instantly, and seven or eight of the Hades Kings of the Ten Halls stood up from their thrones suddenly, staring at the scene in the picture, their faces full of incomparably shocked.

"There was a heartbeat from the phoenix egg?! How is this possible!"

A Immortal snorted in disbelief.

"Could it be that this kid is really the reincarnation of the Son of the Cloud?!"

At this time, in the blood pool hell, the expression of the god who was watching coldly was also like seeing a ghost.

Under her gaze, the phoenix egg shrouded in death qi trembled slightly.

And then......

The tremor became more and more violent...



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