"These old monsters of the underworld who have lived for an unknown number of years, if they really think that I am the so-called reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi because of a little vision, then it is really strange..."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart whether to find an opportunity to leave this place as soon as possible.

At this moment, the little phoenix on his shoulder suddenly sighed, flew up suddenly, and whispered in the direction outside the main hall.

Someone's coming...

Gu Xuan's expression moved.

Now that he is the "reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi", there are few people who dare to break into his residence without such a swagger.

There is a high probability that it is a figure at the level of the Great Hades Official or the Hades King of the Ten Palaces.


Gu Xuan snorted in a deep voice, Xiao Mingfeng felt his mind, and also became irritable, and the black flames on his body quickly swelled, becoming fierce.


Crisp footsteps resounded in the empty hall.

Soon, a figure in a black robe appeared in front of Gu Xuan.

Seeing this person, Gu Xuan's expression froze for a moment, and a rather complicated expression appeared in his eyes.

It was a tangle of speculation, suspicion, but uncertainty.

"It turned out to be you.."

Gu Xuan said with a complicated look in his eyes, and before he could think about how to test the other party, he saw an arm as white as a jade lotus stretching out from under the black robe, and gently pulled the hood on his head back...

"The new ghost mother Nangong Yun, meet Your Majesty the Yin Tianzi!"

Under the cloak, there is a familiar face that is stunningly beautiful, with a smile at the corners of the mouth and a flow of eyes in beautiful eyes.

Seeing the true face of the ghost mother, Gu Xuan's whole person was stunned in place, motionless, as if he was stupid.

Nangong Yun pursed her lips and chuckled, and said to Gu Xuan with a pretended resentment: "I haven't seen you for a few years, it seems that Gu Lang has forgotten me... Ay.. Anyway, it's my own passion, and I'm going to leave now..."

Saying that, Nangong Yun was about to leave.

But before she could turn around, Gu Xuan appeared in front of her, grabbed her hands tightly, and whispered in surprise: "Sister Yun!"

This Sister Yun made Nangong Yun's heart melt, her body trembled violently, and she looked at Gu Xuan intently, her eyes were red, and she was full of joy and laughter.

"It's really you... I didn't expect it to be you!"

Gu Xuan was surprised and delighted.

Looking at Nangong Yun before, he just had a guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to believe it.

Now that Nangong Yun has lifted the veil, he can finally be sure that the person in front of him is Nangong Yun, who he hasn't seen for several years after separating from him!

"Sister Yun, why did you suddenly become the new ghost mother of the underworld?"

Gu Xuan calmed down his excited and happy mood, and couldn't help but express the doubts in his heart.

Nangong Yun replied: "My inheritance has something to do with the underworld, so it is reasonable to become the new ghost mother of the underworld." "

Gu Xuan's expression was complicated.

He never knew what Nangong Yun's inheritance was.

But since she hasn't seen her in just a few years, Nangong Yun has already gone from a person who is completely unfamiliar with martial arts to a new ghost mother in the Hades, a genuine powerhouse in the King Realm, and her status is on an equal footing with the Hades King of the Ten Palaces.

The legacy she carries must be remarkable.

And the underworld mentioned by Nangong Yun should be the true origin of the underworld.

Nangong Yun looked at Gu Xuan, and asked with a smile, "Then how did you become the reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi?"

Gu Xuan shook his head with a wry smile, "I was just forcibly put in this position by you, Sister Yun, the Hades King of the Ten Palaces of Hades, the Ghost Emperor of the Quartet, who would really think in their hearts that I was the real reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi...

I guess they're already thinking about what to do with me, but they don't have a unified idea. "

Nangong Yun nodded slightly and said, "You have seen it very thoroughly, and I am here for this matter today." "

“.. I don't know if you know, but the Hades are not the forces of the Tianxuan Continent, but from another realm, the Underworld.

The vastness of the Underworld far surpasses that of the Heavenly Xuan Continent, and there are countless strong people among them, and there are even real Emperor Sealing powerhouses..."

When Gu Xuan heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, and his heart shook.

Emperor Strong!

This is not an ordinary realm.

It is difficult to breed a "strong emperor" in an era, and throughout the history of the Tianxuan Continent, since ancient times, there are only a handful of strong people who can have the qualification of being an emperor.

As far as the peerless Demon Heaven is seen, it is only the strength of the Imperial Realm.

However, the genius of the magic robe is very beautiful, but his luck is not very good, if he hadn't fallen halfway, maybe there was really the possibility of becoming an emperor.

Gu Xuan had heard people say more than once that in this great world, it was very likely that the Tianxuan Continent would give birth to a real Emperor powerhouse.

This also proves that there is no emperor powerhouse in Tianxuan at present.

And Nangong Yun said that there are powerful emperors in the underworld, and at this point alone, the strength of the underworld is beyond the reach of Tianxuan.

“... However, it is precisely because there are many powerhouses in the underworld that the underworld has been in an extremely chaotic situation.

And Hades is one of the forces.

This faction was defeated in the battle of the Netherworld, so much so that it had to flee to the Underworld to recuperate...

And Yin Tianzi is a powerful emperor who once ruled the underworld and left a great prestige in the history of the underworld.

After the fall of the Yin Tianzi, he became the spiritual sustenance of the people of the underworld..."

Listening to Nangong Yun's narration, Gu Xuan's heart shook.

The strength of Hades is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong.

Sixteen Great Hades Officials, Ten Halls Hades King plus Five Ghost Emperors.

There are more than twenty King Realm powerhouses and five Emperor Realm powerhouses here, and there is no Saint Land-level force in Zhongzhou that can compare.

And this is the underworld, and it can still be beaten to the point that it has to flee from the underworld, flee to other domains, and even secretly develop its power in the Tianxuan Continent to strengthen itself.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful the enemies of Hades must be in the underworld.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan thought of something again, and couldn't help but ask: "Sister Yun, what is the existence of the Ancient Divine Court that has been fighting against the Underworld, is it also a force in the Outer Realm?"

Nangong Yun shook her head and replied, "The Ancient Divine Court is the local force of the Tianxuan Continent, and it can be regarded as the last foundation of the Tianxuan Continent.

The Ancient Divine Court is a force formed by a group of ancient relics who once dominated the Tianxuan Continent.

These people have always regarded themselves as the actual controllers of the Tianxuan Continent.

And an external force like Hades has invaded the territory that originally belonged to them, and these people naturally regard Hades as a thorn in their eyes.

The two sides have been fighting for many, many years..."

Speaking of this, Nangong Yun paused and said solemnly to Gu Xuan: "Xiao Xuan'er, if you listen to me say this, don't think that the Ancient Divine Court is a good existence.

Compared to the Underworld, in fact, the group of people in the Ancient Divine Court are more indifferent, more mean and ruthless..."

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