"Tianjiao Competition, enter as a player, and the winner can be rewarded with Yuan Shi and points..."

"There are too many good things that can be exchanged for points, and the elixir spirit grass that has almost disappeared in Zhongzhou only needs such a few points to be exchanged?

There is also the Enlightenment Stone, the Life Extension Pill... The opportunity to receive the empowerment of the holy relics of all tribes can be exchanged?!"

Gu Xuan looked through the memories of the bereaved family just now and got a lot of information that surprised him.

This three-day Tianjiao competition arena is simply a place of opportunity tailored for him.

The higher the realm of life and death, the more terrifying the resources and accumulation required.

He is now a cultivator of the Seventh Heaven of the Life and Death Realm, and he still has a Life and Death Tribulation Pill in his hand that he has not taken.

It's not that he doesn't want to take it, it's that he hasn't reached the optimal time to take it.

Because the accumulation is not enough.

The Life and Death Tribulation Pill can only make Gu Xuan's death tribulation come in advance, and after it has passed, it will naturally reach the next realm.

But what if you don't spend it?

After all, the death tribulation that Gu Xuan was facing now was already tens or even hundreds of times more ferocity than ordinary life and death realm powerhouses.

Previously, he survived the catastrophe as if he was on the ground, because he had an incomparably strong background to support him.

Now, this foundation is a bit stretched and needs to be deepened.

The current Tianjiao competition arena is a great opportunity.

"Regardless of the various heavenly treasures that can be exchanged for points, the spirit stones that can be exchanged for one battle alone are enough to make my heart move..."

From the memories of the bereaved family, it can be known that the matches in the arena have odds and can be betted.

The greater the fame, the more viewers it attracts, the higher the odds, and the greater the benefits.

This remnant clan has seen once, a certain strong person in the arena, after a competition, won hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones.

Gu Xuan could take advantage of this opportunity to complete the accumulation that ordinary people could not achieve for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"I'll use the name of Lei Lie in the next three days to participate in the competition, and if something happens, I'll just pat my ass and leave, hehe..."

Gu Xuan had already made up his mind, and immediately followed his memory all the way to the arena located in the center of the city.

It was a huge bowl-shaped building.

In the sky above the building, there is a monstrous evil aura, murderous aura, war aura, and blood aura... Mixed together, combined into the phantom of an ancient beast, it is shocking to look at from afar.

Gu Xuan strode to the door of the arena, and a remnant with a faint fiery aura around him sat at the door, lazy.

It can be seen that it should be a person from the fire department in the middle of the third day.

"I'm going to see a matchup in the arena!"

Gu Xuan spoke lightly to this Fire Clansman.

The people from the Fire Department glanced at him, not having the slightest doubt about his dress, but casually asked, "Name.."

"Three days later, Lei Lie!"

"I didn't ask you where you came from... No one cares where you come from. "

The person from the Fire Department sneered twice, casually threw him a jade token, and said, "Hand over a hundred top-grade spirit stones, go in and wait, naturally someone will arrange a competition for you." "

This was far more relaxed than Gu Xuan's expectations.

If you think about it, in a place like this, you don't know how many people are killed every day, and how many people will care about your origins.

Unless you become famous, like Yuan Jiansheng and others, and attract the attention of many people.

However, to participate in the competition, you have to pay a hundred top-grade spirit stones first, which is still quite dark.

Gu Xuan scolded a few words, simply took out a hundred top-grade spirit stones, and then walked into the arena with the token given by the person from the Fire Department.

There are two passages in the arena, one leads to the audience, and the other leads to the waiting area for people like Gu Xuan who are preparing to fight.

There are also many ancient relics who participated in the competition.

Almost every one of these people is imposing and powerful.

Gu Xuan's appearance immediately attracted some hostile gazes.

As long as you enter the arena, you are an opponent.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and the divine soul belonging to the king realm let go a little, and counterattacked back with an extremely domineering and arrogant attitude following the gaze of these people.

Suddenly, those eyes retracted as quickly as if they had touched a hot soldering iron, and several muffled snorts sounded during the process.

At this moment, everyone's eyes looking at Shaoyang were suddenly full of jealousy and solemnity.

Gu Xuan sneered, and directly found a place to sit down, not taking anyone in his eyes at all.

Arrogance, arrogance, domineering, domineering...

This is the effect Gu Xuan wants.

Anyway, sooner or later, he will show his strength in the arena, and sooner or later he will attract the attention of a group.

simply set up an image that did not match him in the eyes of others at the beginning, so as not to be recognized.

Gu Xuan waited in the waiting area for a while, and people came in one after another, arranging for people to compete.

Finally, it was his turn.

"Lei Lie in the next three days, it's time for you to play!"

A man with an indifferent look walked in and shouted.

Gu Xuan stood up indifferently, followed the person out of the waiting area, and walked along a passage all the way forward, and soon heard a faint lively voice coming from in front of him.


Before entering the arena, Gu Xuan stopped the person who led the way and asked, "Who is my opponent this time?"

The man glanced at him and said impatiently, "You'll know when you go in." No matter who the opponent is, it's too late for you to regret it now..."

Gu Xuan said coldly: "I want to know, what are my odds?"

The man glanced at Gu Xuan in some surprise and said, "You are one to ten, and the other party is one to five." "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed.

It seems that his opponent this time is not ordinary.

With such a disparity in odds, I am afraid that I will be used as a fish.

Gu Xuan didn't care either, and said directly: "Then help me bet, I'll win by myself, 10,000 top-grade spirit stones." "

The person leading the way was stunned for a moment, and looked at Gu Xuan with a rather strange gaze.

"Boy, you're very confident.

Do you know who your opponent is?

You dare to bet 10,000?"

Gu Xuan snorted coldly and said, "Can't I get down?"

The man had a strange look on his face, and said with a smile: "Of course you can, anyway, if you die on the stage, all your property will be cheaper than your opponent, so it's better to earn us some money." "

After speaking, he took Gu Xuan's bet very happily and left with a smile.

Gu Xuan ignored the other party and strode into the arena.

In the arena, there was a lot of voice.

There are still a lot of people who watched his fight, and his popularity is quite high.

Gu Xuan's gaze fell on his opponent.

He is a big man with knotted muscles, and his body is at least two heads taller than the average person.

The muscles are high, and the skin has a faint metallic sheen, and there is a feeling of steel-poured strength.

Dahan noticed Gu Xuan's appearance, and a hideous smile slowly appeared on his face full of meat, and his eyes were staring at him, as if a bloodthirsty beast was eyeing some prey.

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