In this case, Gu Xuan received 100,000 top-grade spirit stones.

Coupled with the opponent's inheritance, after two games, Gu Xuan directly got more than 200,000 top-grade spirit stones.

Not only that, but because the stakes are too big, it is equivalent to a chance in itself.

Defeating the opponent, Gu Xuan is also equivalent to cutting off the opportunity on the opponent.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: 100x Comprehension Pill*1"

"Congratulations to the host for his successful chance of cutting off the beard and receiving the reward: Upanishads Comprehension Pill*1"

The three-day Tianjiao competition arena was simply a supreme blessing for Gu Xuan, and there were a large amount of spirit stones in the account, and there were opportunities to cut off Hu in every field.

Gu Xuan, who was in the middle of it, was rapidly rising at an unbelievable speed.



The thunder exploded, like a thunder roaring, and Gu Xuan's opponent flew out at a speed several times faster than when he came.

Slammed into the forbidden circle on the edge of the fighting platform, smashing out large cracks, and then slowly sliding down like a hanging painting.


As usual, there were gasps in the audience.

Then it quickly turned into a boil.

"Damn! One punch, another punch to end the fight, this thunder is really too strong! Twenty consecutive victories in a row, no one can even force him to use a second punch!"

"Cool! Follow the thunder pressure, and you will win every game!"

"Hey, this battle is really not interesting, every time it is a few breaths to solve the battle, the ticket is not worth it!"

Gu Xuan, who was covered in a black robe, turned around and left with a calm face.

In this level of fighting, even his fighting spirit can't be provoked, and every time it's as if he just went through the motions on stage.

Raise your hand, punch out, and it's over!

In just one month, Gu Xuan rose like a comet in the Tianjiao Arena of the Sixth Heaven Jade Xuantian, accumulating his victories at an unparalleled speed.

Twenty wins in a row...

Thirty wins in a row...

Forty wins in a row...

All the way to... Ninety-nine consecutive wins!

"If you have one more winning streak and achieve the Hundred Wins Achievement, you can enter the fifth day of Yuqingtian...."

In a certain cultivation room of Yu Xuantian, Gu Xuan sat cross-legged in it, his eyes flashing, and he thought silently.

In the past month, Gu Xuan has quickly accumulated a large amount of top-grade spirit stones.

This is still because his follow-up odds continue to decrease, and he can't earn many spirit stones in a single game.

However, Rao is like this, Gu Xuan has also accumulated more than one million top-grade spirit stones, as well as many rewards for cutting off the fate of the beard, plus the points of the competition arena, it is simply a lot of money!

"When I enter Yuqingtian and the opponent's strength becomes stronger, my odds should increase again..."

Gu Xuan thought and waved his hand.

In an instant, countless top-grade spirit stones fell like raindrops.

Endlessly, several storage rings were emptied in a row, and finally a huge cultivation room was filled.

Gu Xuan's body shook slightly, and a wisp of sword qi came out of his body.

In an instant, all the spirit stones in the entire cultivation room collapsed, and an indescribable majestic aura escaped from the spirit stones, condensing and turning into mist almost instantly, and then turning into liquid, and finally even condensing into stones again...

Even the forbidden circle in the cultivation room was almost burst.

Gu Xuanxuan's body let go, and his body shook slightly.

The pores of the whole body are open, like countless black hole whirlpools.

Billowing aura poured into his body.

And his whole person is like a bottomless pit, frantically absorbing this majestic and immeasurable aura.

In a short time, all the massive spiritual energy in the huge cultivation room was absorbed by Gu Xuan.

Then Gu Xuan took out the Life and Death Tribulation Pill that had been in his hand for a long time and swallowed it in one gulp.

A large amount of dead qi poured out of Gu Xuan's body.

After a few breaths, it forms a torrent that becomes uncontrollable and unstoppable.

Gu Xuan seemed to have expected this situation.

The mystery of life and death flowed, and after the rolling dead qi gushed out, it was immediately transformed into vitality and fed back to Gu Xuan himself.

The transformation of dead qi and vitality forms a harmonious and perfect closed loop, which is always within the control of Gu Xuan.

In this process, Gu Xuan's understanding of the mystery of life and death has also improved rapidly.

I don't know how long it lasted.

When the last wisp of dead qi dissipated, a powerful and incomparable momentum suddenly emerged from Gu Xuan's body.

Life and Death... Yaeten!

Not only that, Gu Xuan's perception of the mystery of life and death has also reached sixty percent... The realm of small success!

"The cycle of life and death, the foundation of the Nine Shadows..."

Gu Xuan's eyes seemed to have a black and white grinding disc circulating slightly, and he whispered to himself: "If I use the Nine Shadows Sword Dao now, what terrifying power should I achieve? I don't know, can I..."

"Kill the king head-on!"

Gu Xuan slowly stretched out his hands, and purple and black thunder jumped in his palms.

Immortality, and destruction.

During this time in the Tianjiao Arena, Gu Xuan almost completely relied on his physical body and the power of thunder to fight.

His Xuan body is too powerful, and it has been covered by the light of the sword path before, and now that he takes it out, it is still the power to suppress his peers.

"During this period of time, several Great Dao Palaces in my body have been stimulated, and the degree of opening has also increased slightly, basically reaching more than 20% of the opening degree...

And I can feel that I'm getting closer and closer to the divine body..."

The metaphysical body and the divine body are completely two different levels of concepts, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are worlds apart.

If you want to get through this completely, you need to accumulate too much.

Gu Xuan had a vague premonition that if he wanted to achieve a divine body, he might have to fall on the last death tribulation transformation in the realm of life and death.

It was the final step of transcendent sanctification, the transformation of the mortal body into the royal body.

That power may be able to completely bring his physical body into the ranks of gods.

"King Realm, in the final analysis, we still have to be promoted to the King Realm as soon as possible!"

Gu Xuan thought, and suddenly at this time, the competition field token in the storage spirit ring flashed.

He picked it up casually and saw that it was a notification from the arena that he had already arranged his opponent for the hundredth game.

Gu Xuan got up indifferently, and he in a black robe flew out of the cultivation room like a dark cloud, and walked quickly in the direction of the arena.


At the same time, inside the arena.

Several young people in gorgeous robes were in the lounge, these people had noble temperaments and were otherworldly, and they looked a little out of place in the Nine Heavens of the Relics, standing out from the crowd.

It was the Holy Sons of the Zhongzhou Holy Land who had entered the Nine Heavens together at the beginning.

"After the battle of the Holy Son of Yaori, he is the first person in our trip to enter the fifth day of the Yuqing Heaven Tournament except for Yuan Jiansheng!

As far as I know, there are only a handful of Zhongzhou Tianjiao who have come to Zhongzhou Tianjiao to compete in the arena in the past to do this in just one month!"

A saint-level figure smiled and complimented a handsome young man next to him who was dressed in a red gold robe, as noble and dazzling as the sun.

"Yes, among the young people in Zhongzhou, except for Yuan Jiansheng, there is a gap between us and the Holy Son of Yaori, and it is difficult to catch up... Hey.."

The Holy Land of Yao Sun is one of the best holy places in Zhongzhou, and the identity of the Holy Son of Yao Sun is also very important among many Holy Son-level figures.

It was like the stars and the moon, and was guarded by several people.

Listening to the compliments of others, the Holy Son of Yao Ri smiled faintly and said casually: "What about Yuan Jiansheng? He just walked a few steps faster than us.

The ultimate goal of my coming to the Nine Heavens Trial this time was not him, but to suppress the Heavenly Prides of the Ancient Relic Clans.

Those people are stronger than Yuan Jiansheng! If you can fight these people, you can be regarded as among the real top ...."


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