"Defeated, the Holy Son of the Wind was defeated! And he was defeated by two swords."

"How can this swordsman be so strong? I haven't seen him fight like this before? This progress is too fast, right?!"



Yuan Jiansheng easily defeated the Holy Son of the Wind Department, Qing Xiao, shocking the audience, and countless people were shocked and discussed.

Even the rest of the Holy Sons looked at him with gloomy expressions, sneering on their faces, and regarded him as an opponent.

"Swordsman?... It's kind of interesting. "

Immediately afterwards, many people beat their chests and feet, and ghosts cried wolves.

"Damn, I lost all my net worth to win against Qingma, and now I'm going to lose everything!"

"Waste! Qing Wei is really a waste, even the untouchables in Zhongzhou can't beat it, and I lost all the spirit stones!"

"It's not just the blue nightmare that is waste, but the people in the wind department are waste!"

", what are you talking about, you want to die, right?!"

"Let's fight!"


Gu Xuan turned a deaf ear to the noise in his ears, and a smile slowly appeared on his face under the cloak.

Yuan Jiansheng did not disappoint him and defeated the so-called Wind Saint Son.

Grudging... It is qualified to stand in front of him and become his opponent.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yuan Jiansheng made him earn a lot of spirit stones.

With odds of one to nine, he placed one million top-grade spirit stones, and directly earned a full nine million top-grade spirit stones!


Gu Xuan's eyes looked at Yuan Jiansheng on the fighting platform, and said with a chuckle: "For the sake of these nine million top-grade spirit stones, next time I fight with you, I won't kill you!"

After speaking, Gu Xuan turned around and left.

At the same time, Yuan Jiansheng on the fighting platform seemed to feel something, and looked in the direction of Gu Xuan.

It's a pity that he only saw the back of a black-robed body.

"Who is it..."

Yuan Jiansheng's eyes flickered, and he always felt that he had a feeling of being particularly familiar with this back.


"Lord Overlord!"

The personnel in the arena respectfully sent Gu Xuanying's nine million top-grade spirit stones to him.

Gu Xuan casually took the storage ring, glanced at it, and turned to this person and said, "Help me arrange a competition." "

The man was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who does the overlord want to fight against?"

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he replied slowly: "The Holy Sons of the Middle Three Heavens.."

The man looked embarrassed, and replied cautiously: "I can help you issue a war letter to them, but whether you will agree or not is a matter of two words." After all, all those adults have won more than 5,000 games, and it is difficult for ordinary people to attract them to the end."

Gu Xuan thought for a while and sneered, "You help me add one more condition." "

Gu Xuan directly threw his identity token and the storage ring that had just arrived on the ground, and said, "Whoever promised to fight with me, the winner, will take away all the points on my identity token, as well as ten million top-grade spirit stones."

Of course, whoever loses, has to pay the same price.."

The man's face was shaken.

Gu Xuan put forward such a condition, even if it was the top figure in the fourth day competition, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse.

"This guy is a battle maniac! Isn't he afraid of dying on the fighting ring..."

The man swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "I'll go and arrange it for the adults now! I don't know which opponent the adults prefer?"

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's just.... Him!"

This person took a deep breath, glanced at Gu Xuan deeply, and nodded, "Yes." "

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Using additional conditions to increase the bet to attract strong opponents is the fastest way for Gu Xuan to accumulate points.


"Three days later, Lei Lie!"

A big man who was more than a few feet tall, with knotted muscles all over his body, thunder patterns all over his body, and a small thunder light in his eyes, looked at the war book in his hand, and his expression became extremely cold.


The Holy Son of the Middle Three Days Thunder Department crumpled the battle book to pieces, and said with pity: "Do the wastes of the Middle Three Days Thunder Department dare to challenge the majesty of our Middle Three Days Thunder Department? Okay, nine million top-grade spirit stones, five thousand points...

Why don't I want to send it for nothing.

If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Soon, the news of Gu Xuan's challenge to the Holy Son of the Thunder Department spread throughout the entire fourth day of the competition.

Countless people were shocked and shaken.

"Thunder in the next three days?

I think I've heard the name!"

"Good guy, this person's strength is not simple. On the fourth day of the promotion of a thousand consecutive victories, it took less than three months during the period, no wonder he had the confidence to challenge the Holy Son of the Thunder Department!"

"In the next three days, the Thunder Department Tianjiao will challenge the Thunder Saint Son in the middle three days, are the two of them going to compete for the title of the strongest person in the Thunder Department's generation?

All of a sudden, countless people heard the news.

The news of the battle between Gu Xuan and the Holy Son of the Middle Three Days Thunder Department was hyped, and many people were shocked.

On the day of the competition, countless people gathered in the arena.

The Holy Sons of the Ministry, as well as Yuan Jiansheng, and many Holy Son-level figures in Zhongzhou also came.

"That's Lei Lie?!"

Everyone saw Gu Xuan standing on the stage at a glance.

The black robe was added, and the breath was silent and depressed, like a dark cloud hovering there.

But compared with the arrogant, such as the Holy Son of the Middle Three Days Thunder Sect who was in the Thunder Prison, Gu Xuan's momentum was undoubtedly much weaker.

"Life and Death Realm Ninefold?!This guy's cultivation is one level lower than that of the Holy Son of the Thunder Department, how dare he?"

"They are also the top Tianjiao figures in the Nine Heavens, could it be that he still wants to challenge the next level?!"

"Obey, give me all the pressure on the Holy Son of the Thunder Department to win!"

"I also crush the Holy Son of the Thunder Department to win!"

"Sure enough, as soon as this guy came up, he challenged the Thunder Son of the Middle Three Days!"

On the Zhongzhou side, many holy sons heard the news and specially rushed up from the fifth day to watch the battle.

"Do you think he can win?"

"I don't know..."

The Holy Son gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "No matter, I am willing to believe in this thunder once, and I will press him to win." "

"Then I'll press you too!"

Several Saint Son-level figures in Zhongzhou had deeply felt the fear of being dominated by Gu Xuan in the fifth day of Yu Qingtian, so even if everyone was optimistic about the Holy Son of the Middle Three Days Thunder Division, they also chose to believe Gu Xuan, and they all put a heavy bet on Gu Xuan.

made the people next to them look at them as if they were looking at fools, and secretly sneered.

"These buns from Zhongzhou actually thought that Lei Lie would win in the next three days, and when they cried, they would cry. "


At the same time, Yuan Jiansheng was also looking at the two people on the fighting platform.

His gaze fell on Gu Xuan for a long time.

Yuan Jiansheng remembered that this was the back he had seen after the battle with the Holy Son of the Wind Department.

I don't know why, but this person always gave him a rather familiar feeling.

And as soon as he saw this person, the sword qi and battle intent in his chest tended to be stupid.

"Who are you..."

Yuan Jiansheng stared at Gu Xuan tightly and whispered to himself.

He couldn't help but think of a person in his mind, but he didn't dare to be sure...

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