Yuan Jiansheng's face flashed with coldness, and he gently raised the long sword in his hand and slowly cut Gu Xuan down.

Although he didn't speak, anyone could see that Yuan Jiansheng was angry.

The sword intent was boiling, and the sword qi was surging wildly like the water of the heavenly river, surging wildly.

After the tide of sword light, an illusory scene slowly unfolded.


It's all swords!

It's like a world of swords.

"Senluo Kendo, slash!"

Yuan Jiansheng snorted lightly, and the bright sword light split the entire arena into two, including the void, everything.

This sword is so amazing that everyone is amazed.

It's amazing.

The power of this sword has exceeded the limit of life and death.

Who can stop it?

No one can stop you!

"Yuan Jiansheng this sword..."

In the spectator seat, a saint-level figure muttered: "It's enough to compete with the Wang Realm!"

Everyone was intimidated by Yuan Jiansheng's sword...

Except for Gu Xuan.

At this time, the Spear of Destruction in Gu Xuan's right hand was also condensed to the extreme.

Nearly eighty percent of the mystery of destruction, the black chain phantom, like a demon Jiao, entrenched on the spear body.

Looking at Yuan Jiansheng's sword, Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he just lightly threw his spear.

The black spear pierced the void, colliding with the sword light in an instant.

The two extreme powers collided, and a breath of annihilation emerged.

In the area at the center of the collision between the two, the void is constantly collapsing.

The buildings in the arena collapsed like crazy.

Those carefully arranged circles were torn like pieces of broken paper, and they were swept into the center of the collapse.

A terrible suction that sweeps everything and devours everything.

Everyone looked horrified and retreated.

The strength displayed by Yuan Jiansheng and Gu Xuan at this moment was far beyond the limit that the Jade Yuan Heaven Fighting Place could accommodate.

Break through the realm of life and death and reach a new height of terror.


On the black spear of destruction, cracks suddenly appeared.

The sword light became more and more intense, and Yuan Jiansheng, who had always been light-hearted, also showed a little madness at this time.

"I am the dawn of Zhongzhou Wannian Kendo, my sword, including all swords in the world, my sword, will set a precedent for future generations of swords...

I will achieve the ultimate in kendo like never before!


Yuan Jiansheng's fair and handsome face was bruised, and he pressed the sword light down fiercely, and let out a long roar: ".. Why don't you go under the knife?!"

In an instant, the Sen Luo Sword Diagram behind Yuan Jiansheng trembled wildly.

An illusory sword almost condensed into substance and jumped out of the scroll.

With Yuan Jiansheng as the center, within hundreds of miles nearby, there is a sword domain.

This realm is stronger, compared to the realm of thunder and the realm of wind...

It's a little bit stronger.

The prototype of the realm of the king!

The onlookers were so shocked that they almost forgot to think, and all that was left in their minds was extreme shock.

At this moment, Yuan Jiansheng's figure has risen to a height that everyone needs to look up to.


There are more and more cracks on the Spear of Destruction, and there is a faint tendency to collapse.

Yuan Jianchang roared, "If you don't make a sword, then you will be defeated!"

The momentum was like a collapse in the sky, and it pressed hard against Gu Xuan.

In the eyes of others, Gu Xuan at this time was like a mortal facing the collapse of the sky.

Thin and weak, it will be swallowed by sword light at any time...

And Gu Xuan's face was still calm.

He took a light step, and the next moment he appeared in front of the Spear of Destruction.

With his left hand, he gently grasped the Spear of Destruction, which was about to collapse, and purple lightning burst out of his hand and merged into the spear body.


Immortal intent is infused, and the cracks on the Spear of Destruction, which is on the verge of collapse, heals quickly, and becomes stronger because of the new power infused.

"I said..."

Gu Xuan clenched the newborn Spear of Destruction and stabbed it at Yuan Jiansheng, little by little.

Calmly said: "If you want me to go out with the knife, you are not worthy of it now!"

As the last word was spoken, Gu Xuan's subordinates slammed into force.

In an instant, the sword light in the sky shattered.

The spears drove straight in, and the thunder intertwined.

The forces of destruction and immortality fused together to give birth to a horror never seen before.

Under this force, Yuan Jiansheng's sword light, sword diagram... All shattered.

Yuan Jiansheng's eyes widened, and a look of extreme disbelief and shock appeared on his face.

Whispering: "Mystery Fusion?!You've come this far?.."

Before the onlookers could react, Yuan Jiansheng's sword light and sword diagram had already been shattered.

The black spear entwined with purple lightning fell from the sky, piercing Yuan Jiansheng's shoulder and pinning him to the ground.


A large amount of blood spurted out of Yuan Jiansheng's mouth, and his face turned pale.

The power of destruction and immortality contained in the spear of destruction wrapped around his wounds like a bone appendage, wreaking havoc on his body.

His injuries were much worse than they looked.

Gu Xuan stepped forward, walked up to Yuan Jiansheng, who had collapsed on the ground, grabbed the spear of destruction and gently pulled it out from Yuan Jiansheng's body.

Yuan Jiansheng opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the spear of destruction disintegrated little by little in Gu Xuan's hand, turning into thunder.

Gu Xuan looked at Yuan Jiansheng condescendingly, and only a pair of cold and indifferent eyes were revealed under the cover of the black robe.

"Do you want me to use the sword? "

After speaking, Gu Xuan stopped looking at him and turned to leave.


Yuan Jiansheng's eyes widened violently when he heard this.

The whole body was tense, and his expression was so complicated that he couldn't speak.

Yuan Jiansheng knew that Gu Xuan was very strong, and among his peers, he had always only regarded Gu Xuan as his real opponent.

He has put in countless efforts and efforts for today's battle, and he thought it would be a hearty fateful battle.

It is the first confrontation between the sword path and the sword path supreme in the Tianxuan Continent in the future.

But I never thought...

He didn't even have the qualifications to let Gu Xuan go out with the knife at all!

Humiliation, frustration, unwillingness...

All kinds of emotions shrouded Yuan Jiansheng's heart.

But more than that, it's still shocking.

"Do you want me to use the sword? "

Gu Xuan's words rang in Yuan Jiansheng's ears over and over again.

Yuan Jiansheng felt a trace of powerlessness and despair.

This is something he has never experienced since he started practicing martial arts.

Among his peers, only others have always looked up to him and chased him, when will it be his turn to look up to others? !

Now, this man has appeared.

Gu Xuan!

Gu Xuan's progress was too fast and terrifying.

Even Yuan Jiansheng, who had always been known as a demonic monster, couldn't help but shudder.

The last time he saw Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan needed to take advantage of the situation to force back from the Wang Realm.

And now, Gu Xuan doesn't use a knife, and he has a combat power that can rival the king realm.

Such a rate of progress is simply astonishing!

As Gu Xuan said, without the strength of Wang Jing, he is not worthy of letting him sword at all.


Yuan Jiansheng coughed a few times, looked at the figure in the distance, and couldn't help but show a wry smile on his face for a while.

And the other people present at this time had already seen numbness.

The impact was too much, too big, and I was numb to the shock.

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