"The order of the Great Priest of the Doubu!"


The great priests are all high-ranking figures in the last three days, and each of them is a powerhouse in the king realm, this guy is just a mere cultivation in the realm of life and death, where did the great priest token come from!"

"Even the great priest dares to pretend, you are so bold!"

The first reaction of many Fire Tribal people after seeing the token was not to believe it.

But soon someone had a flash of inspiration in their minds.

"No! The Great Priest of Doube... There really is one!"


"That.. That man..."

The others also reacted quickly, their eyes staring at Gu Xuan, their faces showing a thick look of shock and fear.

Someone said word by word in a difficult tone: "The first person of the young generation of the Nine Heavens, the Great Priest appointed by the Doubu Xingjun. Lei Lie!"


The sound of gasping suddenly sounded on the field.

Many people subconsciously took a few steps back, far away from Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan said lightly: "You still have two points of eyesight."

I'm here to receive the inheritance of the sacred relics of the Three Days of Fire from you, so lead the way. "

The identity was confirmed, and the Fire Clansmen didn't dare to make a mistake anymore, so they respectfully handed Gu Xuan's Great Priest Token back to him.

Everyone knows that this person in front of him is a peerless murderer.

With his own strength to subdue the holy sons of the entire Nine Heavens, he can even enjoy the position of the great priest of the Dou Department with the realm of life and death, and the strength can be imagined.

The Fire Clansmen left one to lead the way for Gu Xuan, and the rest hurriedly ran back, it should have been to report the news.

Not long after, Gu Xuan saw that in the vast fire clan land, one after another flames rose into the sky.

Each flame represents a Fire Clansman.

As Gu Xuan walked, thousands of pillars of fire erupted from under his feet, which seemed to outsiders to be extremely spectacular.

Almost the entire middle and three fire tribesmen came.

Heard the news.

I heard that the Holy Son of the Fire Department who had nailed them to death on the competition platform for three days, and now he was still seriously injured and had not yet recovered, came to the Fire Department, and many people rushed to see the excitement.

One by one, the Fire Clansmen gathered around Gu Xuan, stared at him, and accompanied him.

The more people gathered, the more they gathered.

These people's attitude towards Gu Xuan was not friendly, and their curiosity was mixed with a hint of hostility.

Gu Xuan turned a deaf ear, even though he was surrounded by thousands of hostile eyes, his expression was still calm, as if he was walking in a no-man's land.

This courage and courage even many people of the Fire Tribe can't help but be broken.

"What a first person of the young generation of the Nine Heavens!"

With the sound of a majestic voice, an old man with red hair and arrogant hair and wearing animal skins walked out of the volcanic mountain range and came to Gu Xuan.

"The Great Elder of the Fire Department in the middle of the three days?"

Gu Xuan looked at the person in front of him, stopped, and said lightly.

The red-haired old man nodded, looking at Gu Xuan's eyes with a bit of appreciation, he nodded and said, "Just call the old man fire technique." "

Although Gu Xuan was not a powerhouse in the King Realm, as a great priest of the Dou Ministry, his status was slightly higher than that of the Great Elder of the Fire Ministry.

"Elder Fire should know what I'm here for?"

Gu Xuan said lightly.

Huojutsu turned his head to look at a place where the crimson flame faintly shone with a red golden fire, and said with a smile: "The Immortal Flame of my Fire Department is there, you can go at any time.."

Gu Xuan nodded, and was about to make a move.


Huo Shu said lightly: "Don't say that I didn't remind you in advance, the Immortal Divine Flame doesn't like people who don't have the bloodline of the Fire Department. If you are expelled or even punished by the Divine Flame, it is no wonder that we are in the Fire Department.

It's not unheard of before when his tribesmen tried to bear the power of the Divine Flame in vain, and finally died in the wrath of the Divine Flame."

"Thanks for the reminder. "

Gu Xuan nodded, and immediately flew straight in the direction pointed by the fire technique.

It was a sea of blazing magma.

The temperature was high enough to melt a Ground Tier weapon.

In the center of the magma ocean, there was a golden flame, and the shape could not be seen clearly, and only the surging fire power emanating from it could be felt.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he walked towards the golden flame step by step.

In his mind, the little phoenix kept transmitting the consciousness of longing and excitement.

Gu Xuan is the same.

Flame lines began to appear on him.

Although there is a Xuanti harmony, because he has absorbed a large amount of thunder power in a short period of time, Gu Xuan's Xuan's body at this time is also in a state of thunder and fire imbalance.

It is necessary to absorb the same level of fire power as Immortal Thunder to balance.

The Immortal Flame in front of him couldn't be more suitable.

"The Royal Bible!"

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, and the "Imperial Bible" and "Nerve Eater" urged at the same time.

Wang Jing's divine thoughts stabbed fiercely into the center of the golden flames, and an angry roar sounded in his ears....

"Great Elder, really let this person enter our ancestral land and accept the Divine Flame Inheritance?"

The Fire Clansmen were still gathered in the sky, all looking at the direction in which Gu Xuan had disappeared, and someone said to the Fire Technique with a disgruntled face.

Huo Jutsu looked coldly in the direction of the ancestral land and said, "It's okay, I have already greeted Divine Flame. This kid can't take advantage of our fire department, and even has to suffer a big loss!"

"The elder is wise!"

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened in the sky of the Fire Ministry, and a tall and burly figure surrounded by thunder appeared in front of the Fire Tribal people.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately released an incomparably powerful coercion, which made countless Fire Clansmen lower their bodies one after another.

The powerhouse of the King Realm!

"Ancient Annihilation!"

Seeing this person, a strong momentum quickly rose from the fire technique, confronting him.

"Okay, the thunder department is not staying, what are you doing in our fire department?"

Huoshu's eyes narrowed, and his tone was cold.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two parts of Thunder and Fire is not harmonious.

The Great Elder of the Thunder Department swept his gaze underneath, and said with a dark face, "Is Lei Lie's guy in your Fire Department?"

Huo Shu said lightly: "What's the matter? What does it have to do with you? As far as I know, Lei Lie is not one of you from the Three Days Thunder Division. "


The Great Elder of the Thunder Department snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what he did in our Thunder Department?"


The Great Elder of the Thunder Department squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, word by word.

"He drained the power of my Thunder Immortal Thunder! Fire Technique, don't blame me for not reminding you. This kid is extremely weird, you let him enter the ancestral land, be careful that the inheritance relics of the Fire Department are also sucked dry by him!"


The pupils of the fire spell constricted slightly.

Great Elder Leibu's words startled him, and he instinctively couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, he is only a mere realm of life and death, how can he suck up the immortal thunder of your thunder department?"

The Great Elder of the Thunder Department said with an ugly face, "I don't believe it either, so I'm looking for him now." "

Huo Shu's face changed for a while, and finally calmed down, and sneered: "Even so, what can it be? Lei Lie himself has your Thunder bloodline, and it is not too outrageous to be able to do this.

He's not from our Fire Clan, and I've even greeted the Immortal Flame.

Wait, it won't be long before this kid rolls out in disgrace..."

The Great Elder of the Thunder Department looked at the confident appearance of the fire technique, his eyes flickered for a while, and he suddenly stopped worrying.

"I hope so..."

He said slowly and meaningfully.

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