The colorful light and rain in the sky, the seven-colored conch, the sound of the underworld, the purple qi of thousands of miles...

All kinds of visions shocked everyone present.

The astonishing old Wang Jing looked excited, and shouted incoherently: "That's right, I have seen the Holy Lord of the Ten Thousand Beginnings Holy Land become the emperor, and it is the same scene.

This vision is even more prominent and magnificent than when the Ten Thousand Saint Lord became emperors!

Heavenly pity, my Tianxuan Continent has another Emperor Realm powerhouse..."

Lao Wang Jing was extremely excited, and the words that came out of his mouth shook the hearts of everyone present like a big drum.

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord, the Seven Xuan Holy Lord, and other King Realm powerhouses present all looked moved.

Lao Wangjing's words evoked fragmentary memories in their minds.

Indeed, more than one of them had read about it in ancient books.

The vision of a warrior achieving the imperial realm seems to be like this.

As for the rest of the martial artists under the King Realm, the Tianjiao Junjie were even more surprised.

There are five first-grade holy lands in the Tianxuan Continent, and in each holy land, there is an Emperor Realm powerhouse sitting in charge.

There are only five emperors in the entire Zhongzhou, and this number has not been broken for a long time.

But now, someone suddenly became the emperor.

It is also the luck of the vast majority of them to be able to witness this scene in their lifetimes.

"This life is really an unprecedented world, before the world is opened, someone will become an emperor, maybe it is really as someone predicted, there will be a strong emperor in this era..."

Someone said with great emotion.

Everyone looked at the sky that was still spreading, and there were even visions of increasingly intense images, and their expressions were complicated.

Suddenly, someone seemed to remember something and said, "Which king is the emperor?"

Only then did everyone react.

Yes, which king became the emperor?

"This matter is simple, just take a look at the changes in the emperor list..."

The Daoyan Holy Land King Realm powerhouse immediately stretched out his hand and lightly touched the void.

I saw a little spiritual light flying out of the fingertips of the Daoyan Holy Land King Realm.

The aura quickly magnified, casually turning into a huge curtain of water.

The waves and lights flow in the water curtain, and a faint picture is revealed.

The powerhouse of the Daoyan Holy Land King Realm opened his mouth and explained: "My Daoyan Holy Land is a magical power, and I can see the scene thousands of miles away, and this time it can come in handy..."

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord couldn't help but praise: "Dao friendship and supernatural powers. "

Wang Jing of the Daoyan Holy Land shook his head with a smile and replied, "If there is a slight obstruction of the magic circle, it will not be able to probe it, and it is just a small means." "

After the greetings, the Daoyan Holy Land King Realm concentrated on exerting his magical powers.

The rest of the people also watched intently at the scene unfolding in the water curtain.

I saw that the picture in the water curtain gradually became clear, it was Zhongzhou Tianyun City, the place where many Tianjiao powerhouses held martial arts tea parties.

In the center of Tianyun City, several black ancient monuments stand quietly.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously focused on the most majestic and tallest black ancient monument.

Although this ancient monument is the highest and most prominent, it has the fewest names engraved on it.

There are only a few names.

Wait a minute...

Five names?!

"There is no change in the emperor's list?!"

Lao Wang Jing, who was the first to chant the vision of becoming an emperor, couldn't help but blurt out: "How is this possible?!"

The vision of becoming an emperor is obviously in front of him, but the emperor list has not changed.

The Emperor Bang was born by sensing the rules of the Heavenly Dao, so naturally there will be nothing wrong, so could it be that this vision of becoming an emperor is fake?

"It may have just become an emperor, and the strength is not enough to be on the emperor list. "

Wang Jing analyzed: "Look at which one is missing from the king list, and you can deduce it." "

Everyone's eyes shifted to the top of the list.

Start with the first name and work your way up.

"Strange, Wang Bang doesn't seem to have changed?"

Some people wondered.

But when they saw the tenth place, suddenly...

The air was still.

The huge Yaotai Holy Land, tens of thousands of people gathered, countless warriors, thousands of heavenly pride...

Everyone froze in place.

Looking at the tenth position of the king list motionlessly, it seemed that he had forgotten how to breathe all of a sudden, and it seemed that he had collectively been hit by the immobilization spell.

Even time seems to have been frozen.

"It's... How is that possible?!"

The powerhouse of the Daoyan Holy Land King Realm looked sluggish and muttered.

The palms of his hands trembled, and he could barely maintain the magic power of the water curtain.

The rest of the royal realms performed similarly.

I saw that the tenth position on the king list was impressively engraved-

"The tenth on the Wang List, Gu Xuan, age nineteen..."

These words were like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and they exploded in the minds of everyone present.

Rao is the king who has gone through the vicissitudes of time, and at this time there is also a trance on his face, as if he is living in a dream.

"Gu Xuan... Becoming a king?!"

"Nineteen-year-old Wang Realm powerhouse?"

"Wang Bang... Tenth?!"


The sound of gasps resounded in the field.

Everyone was in disbelief and wondered if something was wrong with their eyes.

As for the young generation of Tianjiao powerhouses, their pupils contracted, and their brains fell blank in an instant.

A crisp sword roar suddenly sounded in the field.

I saw Yuan Jian staring at the tenth name of the king in the water curtain, and the sword qi around his body was annihilated, and the sword intent had a tendency to collapse out of control.

The sound of the sword just now, now it sounds, but it is more like the sound of a sword breaking, the sound of a sword breaking, and the sound of a sword breaking.

Ji Lingsheng, Zhou Canglan and other people from the Southern Regions looked at the names in the water curtain with shocked expressions.

Ji Lingsheng clenched his fists tightly, and the blood of the emperor slowly flowed from between his fingers.

That's unwillingness.

Many Holy Land Saint Son-level figures, Prince of Divine Breath and other gods are arrogant, and the expressions on their faces are also wonderful.

There are also Qin Qingmiao, Tantai Qingyin, Zhu Ziyan and other women, in addition to shock, disbelief on their faces, there is more unparalleled brilliance.

"This, how is it possible?!"

Finally, a strong man in the Wang Realm shouted, it was the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord who was a little out of control.

"Lin Daoyou, can you make a mistake with this supernatural power?"

The powerhouse of the Daoyan Holy Land King Realm pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

At this time, he hoped that his supernatural powers were really wrong.

"I don't believe it, let's look at the life and death list!"

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord said with some unwillingness.

The screen reveals the content of the life and death list.

Sure enough, Gu Xuan's name had disappeared from the top of the list of life and death.

The current number one on the list of life and death is Yuan Jiansheng.

No one spoke.

Everyone was deeply shocked, and words cannot describe the shock in their hearts.

Suddenly, someone reacted violently and blurted out.

"Could the vision we see now be brought about by Gu Xuan after he was promoted to the King Realm?"

Suddenly, everyone in the audience seemed to have been struck by lightning, and their bodies trembled violently.

And the several kingly realm powerhouses on the field all showed indescribably complex expressions on their faces....


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