Gu Xuan's realm enveloped the entire audience, encompassing everyone, even many royal realms.

Many King Realm powerhouses were shocked, and with their knowledge, it was hard to believe that this was the power of the realm that a newcomer to the King Realm could have.

A King Realm powerhouse tried to let go of the power of his domain in order to counter Gu Xuan's domain.

But he surged with all his might, but he could only barely stretch the field within a few feet of his body.

"Damn, I can't hold my field?!"

This discovery shocked him and couldn't help but exclaim.

The rest of the royal realms also tried, and the results were similar to those obtained.

Even the strongest Lao Wang Realm is only able to expand his own realm to five feet around, which is already the limit.

"How many mysteries does this realm contain, and how terrifying the power is?"

One King Realm muttered in disbelief.

The foundation of the realm is the martial artist's comprehension and cognition of the mysteries and their own martial arts.

The deeper the mystical comprehension, the more it is, the stronger its own martial arts, and the more terrifying and stable the realm will become.

Moreover, the strength of the power of the domain decreases as the range increases.

Now Gu Xuan's realm enveloped the entire Yaotai Holy Land, still giving them the terrifying pressure of being under the abyss.

How terrifying would it be if this field shrank?


The powerhouses of the King Realm are still like this, let alone the rest of the people under the King Realm.

Under the shroud of the realm, even characters such as the Holy Land Son and Yuan Jiansheng also had a feeling of falling into a mortal.

In their eyes, Gu Xuan's body was boundless and radiant.

Like a heavenly sword, like the sun, like the only ancient god who dominates here!

"No matter how strong the realm is, what if I wait for so many kings, I'm afraid that he won't be able to make it a hairy boy who has just entered the king's realm?"

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord, who had retreated before, came back with a gloomy face, and sneered at the four kings including the Golden Crow God Chao Zifu Holy Land, and said, "Don't forget, what is the purpose of our planning for this? Now that the goal has been achieved, what are you still hesitating about?"

Still not making a move?!"

At this time, the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord had long forgotten his original intention of wanting to stay out of the matter.

She just wants Gu Xuan to die now!

As the Holy Lord of the Yaotai Holy Land, he is high up and has an existence like a true phoenix in the sky.

couldn't bear the fact that Gu Xuan, who was once despised by her and regarded as an ant on the ground, was now about to step on her head.

Can't tolerate it!


The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord shouted loudly and attacked Gu Xuan again.

King Jin Crow and the other four initiators looked at each other, and reason told them that it was the wisest choice to give up that idea now.

After all, Gu Xuan has brought them too many shocks and impacts from his appearance to the present.

He has become a king, and the appearance of a king is comparable to that of a king, and as soon as he becomes a king, he will be ranked tenth on the king list, and the strength of the field is incredible.

The odds of them trying to kill each other are too small and too small.

It's almost an impossible goal.

But the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord was willing to take the initiative to help, and now was another excellent opportunity to besiege and kill Gu Xuan.

If you miss this opportunity, I am afraid that it will really be impossible to curb Gu Xuan's power in the future.

The powerhouses of the Four Kings Realm fell into a deep entanglement.

But just when they hesitated, Gu Xuan made a move.

"When I didn't become a king, you couldn't keep me? Now that I'm a king, do you dare to appear in front of me?"

Gu Xuan said this sentence incomparably flatly, his eyes were like heavenly swords, and he landed on the four kings, causing their skin to sting, and their faces changed greatly.

Immediately after, the Ming Hong Sword appeared in Gu Xuan's hand, and he slashed at the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord and the four king realm powerhouses at great will.

"Knife of Humanity: Human!"

This knife slashed out, and the tens of thousands of sword soldiers around Gu Xuan's body all trembled.

Countless sword qi was released, and the sword qi converged into a vast river of sword qi.

The long river of sword qi is like a torrent, and in the long river, the scene of the primitive tribe is manifested.

The ancient battle flags were erected, and the barbarian tribesmen held high their bone weapons, punched their chests, and uttered ancient war songs in their mouths, fighting each other.

The sword qi swirled, and the war of the primitive tribes disappeared.

Instead, there was a war of conquest between human dynasties.

Banner hunting, the two armies fought together, and the murderous and soldier spirit soared into the sky!

The knife gas is re-rolled.

This time it evolved into a peaceful and prosperous era.

In the secular city, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is a scene of singing and dancing.

In the long river of sword qi, various scenes of the world have been continuously derived.

The mystery and charm of this knife made everyone in the audience dazzled.

This is a knife they have never heard of and never seen.

Just like the ancient emperors deducing the avenue of the world, the feeling of being a chess player made everyone moved.

This is one of Gu Xuan's "heaven, earth and man" three supreme sword paths-

The knife of the world.

The long river of sword qi carrying the rise and fall of humanity is rushing down, wrapped in indescribable terrifying power.

With just a slight touch, the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord, who bore the brunt of the attack, screamed, and the surrounding realm shattered like foam, swept into it by the long river of sword qi.

The sword qi continued unabated, and continued to attack the powerhouses of the four king realms.

The faces of the four kings changed greatly, and they were busy resisting.

The Golden Crow King of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty roared, and his body bloomed with infinite light and heat, as if the ancient Golden Crow had descended into the world.

But under the terrifying sword aura, even the most dazzling sun must be extinguished.

The Golden Crow King only lasted for a few breaths before he was swallowed up by the long river of sword qi.

Then there is the royal realm of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, the royal realm of the Daoyan Holy Land, and the royal realm of the White Elephant Holy Land.

was swallowed up by the long river of sword qi one after another.

The terrifying sword qi river hovered above the heavenly dome, engulfing the four kings' realms, roaring and churning like an angry dragon.

Gu Xuan's sword light turned, and the long river of sword qi gradually dissipated.

In the sky, four figures fell like stones.

Except for the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord, the other four King Realm powerhouses all lost their lives.

On their corpses, there was a strong sense of soul trauma.

The sword of the world contained Gu Xuan's god-devouring power, which directly wiped out the four kings ruthlessly.

All of a sudden, an endless rain of white light fell from the sky.

An inexplicable sense of great compassion circulates between heaven and earth.

This is the sorrow of heaven and earth.

The kingdom has fallen, and even heaven and earth have to be saddened by it.

The people in the audience were all stunned.

In a trance, he almost thought that everything he saw in front of him was a dream.

How many years has it been since the fall of a King Realm powerhouse had happened in the Tianxuan Continent.

Now four of them have fallen in one go, and they have fallen at the hands of the same person, under one sword.

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord retreated from a distance in embarrassment, his eyes widened, staring at the corpses of the four fallen kings, his face full of disbelief.

And the King Realms present such as the Seven Xuan Holy Lords who had never made a move, at this moment, their scalps were all numb, and an incomparably deep chill that they hadn't experienced for I don't know how many years was quickly rushing out from the bottom of their hearts.

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad!

Gu Xuan, who is tenth on the king list, how terrifying is his real strength? !

Kill the four kings with one sword!

No wonder it's called.... Sword Path Demon Star!

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