After a few kings left, Gu Xuan waved his hand.

Thousands of sword soldiers under his feet turned into an iron throne, and he sat on it, and the gods behind him evolved like the ancient kings in ancient myths and legends.

Dominate the Quartet and swallow the world.

Anu obediently snuggled up to Gu Xuan's side and looked up at him, his eyes full of joy and obsession.

Gu Xuan's eyes were deep, and he seemed to see through the infinite space to see the chaotic collapse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty.

He bowed his head and asked Anu: "Anu, do you also think that I am too indifferent and ruthless, and I have harmed the common people."

Anu shook his head and replied seriously: "On the road to fight for the king, it is extremely dangerous, since you have set foot on this road, you should be ready to die at any time."

Those holy sons and princes, their own skills are not as good as others, they died at the hands of Gongzi, but the forces behind them still shamelessly let Wang Jing end up seeking revenge, and even gathered many Wang Jing to find trouble with Gongzi.

Now that the son is powerful, they can't beat the son, so they pretend to be pitiful again, and use the righteousness of the common people to suppress the son, which is really shameless.

If you want Anu to say, it is not Gongzi who is harming the people of the Jinwu God Dynasty at all, but the powerhouse of the Wang Realm who they take as their pillars.

As you said, everything is cause and effect, everything is predestined..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly: "You're right, no one can escape the word cause and effect." Along the way, I have carried too many causes and effects, but this matter should be sorted out..."

After Gu Xuan was promoted to the King Realm, every martial intention he mastered advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching an unprecedented height.

And his understanding of the mystery became more and more profound.

"There is no strange old saying, there are clouds, and there are ants under the king's realm..."

"The realm represented by the Wang Realm is one thing, and the Wang Realm itself can be regarded as a real beginning of martial arts.."

"Before the king realm, I finally followed the footsteps of my predecessors and practiced step by step, and after entering the king realm, I really realized what the path I should take and how to go..."

In short, everyone in the King Realm powerhouse has their own path, how to practice, and there is no need to learn from their predecessors.

Heavenly heart enlightenment.

And the battle between the kings is no longer a simple realm competition, but more of a battle between the Dao.

The reason why Gu Xuan was able to kill other kings like chickens and dogs when he first entered the king realm was mainly because his accumulation was too strong, and the path he chose to take, every one of them was supreme, and it was crushing for ordinary king realm powerhouses.

And cause and effect is an important part of Gu Xuan's way, and it is also what he needs to recover, settle, and understand next.

Gu Xuan waited on the Iron Throne for three days.

Three days later, he felt something.

When he looked up, he saw the Seven Xuan Saint Lord and other King Realm powerhouses going and returning, reappearing in front of him.

"We have negotiated with the three holy lands of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, the Daoyan Holy Land, and the White Elephant Holy Land..."

The Seven Xuan Holy Lord said to Gu Xuan: "The three holy lands are willing to pay one billion top-grade spirit stones, 10,000-year elixirs, top-grade spirit pills, and heaven-level treasures as compensation to end this cause and effect..."

"What do you think?"

Gu Xuan hugged Anu with one hand and put the other hand on the armrest of the Iron Throne, although he faced seven or eight King Realm powerhouses alone, his momentum was not weak at all, and even better.

Wang Jing is a hero, and the posture of the overlord of the sword path is vividly revealed.

After listening to the words of the Seven Xuan Holy Lord, Gu Xuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "Add another fifty..."

Many Wang Jing frowned.

The compensation that the three holy lands are willing to pay is already very much, and this resource is enough to create a sect of the three holy lands out of thin air.

Plus three percent....


The Seven Xuan Saint Lord finally gritted his teeth and agreed: "I will try my best to convince them for Gu Daoyou."

Gu Xuan nodded.

Seeing Gu Xuan nodding, a stone in the heart of the Seven Xuan Holy Lord finally landed.

This matter is over, Zhongzhou can be regarded as being able to avoid the scourge of swords, and by the way, it can also mend the relationship between the Zhongzhou cultivation world and the demon star in front of them, whether it is for them or for the entire Zhongzhou, it is a good thing.

The expressions of the rest of the kings were also visibly relaxed.

As long as it can be solved with resources, it is not a big deal.

It seems that Gu Xuan, the demon star, is quite reasonable.

"Then I'll go and tell Gu Daoyou and the three holy places now..."

The Seven Xuan Holy Lord saluted Gu Xuan and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Gu Xuan suddenly spoke: "Wait..."

The Seven Xuan Saint Lord was stunned for a moment and asked, "What else is going on with Gu Daoyou?"

Gu Xuan slowly stood up from the Iron Throne.

"Compensation is just compensation, not cause and effect..."


The expressions of the Seven Xuan Saint Lords and many other kings changed as soon as their faces quickly condensed.

"What does Gu Daoyou mean by this?"

Gu Xuan said lightly: "My conditions are very simple. In addition to giving these compensations, the three holy places have to promise me one more thing?"

"What's the matter?"

An astonishing sword aura bloomed from Gu Xuan's body little by little, twisting the void in an instant, affecting the wind and clouds, and smearing the entire heaven and earth into a solemn slaughter.

Gu Xuan said slowly, word by word: "It's simple, as long as there are three holy places, each holy land can take me a knife." "


The Seven Xuan Holy Lord and the others were stunned.

Each of the three holy places received Gu Xuan's sword?

They didn't expect Gu Xuan to put forward this condition.

"I don't care if they send people, or use the Protector Array, no matter what the means, they only need to take me with a knife. "

"Under a knife, regardless of life and death, cause and effect are self-sufficient. "

"I gave the three holy places three days, and after three days, I visited my own door. "

After speaking, the Iron Throne transformed by thousands of sword soldiers carried Gu Xuan and Anu and flew towards the sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The Seven Xuan Holy Lord and many other royal realms looked at the direction where Gu Xuan had gone, looking at each other, not knowing what to do with their expressions.

After a long time, the Seven Xuan Saint Lord spoke, "Everyone, what do you think?"


A King Realm powerhouse snorted coldly: "This son is really too arrogant! he wants to use the three holy lands to establish the power of the overlord of his era!"

"I admit that this son is very strong, and when it comes to fighting alone, I'm afraid there are really few people in the king realm who can be his opponent. But if he wants to fight against the three holy lands with a single sword, he is inevitably too arrogant...

The heritage of a second-grade holy land that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years should not be underestimated..."

"Indeed, although the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty fell in its hands. But after all, it was the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty that did not prepare in advance, and this time he specially reserved three days of preparation time for the three holy places.

With the three holy lands fully prepared, Gu Xuan's so-called one-knife covenant would only be a self-inflicted humiliation!"

Several King Realm powerhouses sneered.

The Seven Xuan Saint Lord's eyes flashed, and he finally spoke: "He will fulfill his wish, just to take this opportunity to let the three holy lands frustrate his sharp spirit." Otherwise, this son really won't take the so-called Holy Land and the like into his eyes again in the future..."

"That's right!"

"It's time to teach him a lesson. "

"Good. "

Several powerhouses of the King Realm echoed one after another.

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