The newly-born Ming Hong Knife is completely white, as if it was carved from the finest white jade in the world.

The body of the knife flows with dark golden lines, outlining a gorgeous and mysterious pattern.

The blade is as thin as a cicada's wing, extremely sharp, and even just looking at it gives people the feeling that their eyes are about to be cut.

Anyone who sees this knife will have a feeling in their hearts -

Heaven and earth, supreme and unparalleled!


Gu Xuan looked at Ming Hongdao, happy in his heart, and couldn't put it down.

After the transformation of the Ming Hong Knife, Gu Xuan's last short board was also filled, and his combat effectiveness increased several times.

"After ten thousand years, the sword soldiers of the Tianxuan Continent should be respected by Ming Hong!"

After the rebirth, Ming Hongdao's spirituality increased, and when he felt Gu Xuan's heart, he trembled excitedly, and couldn't help but respond to him.

Coming to the White Elephant Holy Land this time, he not only got the entire inheritance of the "Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace", but also pushed the Ming Hong Sword to the rank of divine soldiers, Gu Xuan was quite satisfied.

"I am in a very relieved mood today, so I will not pursue it with you..."

Gu Xuan glanced at the two kings of the White Elephant Holy Land, and said lightly: "This is the matter." "

After speaking, he brushed his sleeves and left.

The two kings of the White Elephant Holy Land looked at each other.

Although they were unwilling, the power shown by Gu Xuan was too great, not to mention making a move, even standing in front of Gu Xuan, they all felt frightened and their scalps tingle.

The Iron Throne rose again, carrying Gu Xuan towards the west.

Everyone knew the destination of Gu Xuan's next stop.

Daoyan Holy Land!

"Purple Mansion, White Elephant, the two holy places can't stop Gu Xuan... Now that he has the Divine Blade, his arrogance is even greater, the world is so big, who else can stop him?"

The Seven Xuan Saint Lord looked at the direction in which the Iron Throne had fled, and muttered with a complicated expression.

The rest of the Wang Realm also had similar expressions.

Before Gu Xuan made the three-knife covenant, they also agreed that this was simply a fantasy, and Gu Xuan brought humiliation on himself.

After all, no matter how strong a person's strength is, how can it compete with a holy land heritage that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years.

Unless it is an imperial figure who is strong enough to suppress the first generation.

But now that the covenant between the two swords has passed, Gu Xuan's combat effectiveness has been displayed.

It is a kind of invincible spirit that swallows the world and pushes horizontally, no matter which aspect, it is shocking and amazing.

Although it is only the first time to enter the kingdom, it has already shown the style of "invincible in the world and the hegemon of the times".

In time, God knows how high he can reach...

"Go, go to the Daoyan Holy Land..."

Wang Jing gritted his teeth and said: "The Daoyan Holy Land is the holy land with the longest inheritance among the several holy lands, and it was once a glorious first-grade holy land, but after the imperial realm was cut off, it fell to the second grade.

With the foundation of the Daoyan Holy Land, there may not be no chance to stop Gu Xuan..."

The face of the King of Dry Realm sank like water, tearing through the void and leaving.

And for the rest of the martial artists, it was more about anticipation and excitement.

From Gu Xuan's appearance to his rise, it has only been a few years so far.

Many of them witnessed Gu Xuan's rise with their own eyes, just like witnessing the writing of a legend.

A living legend!

This feeling of witnessing history first-hand, as if they were in an epic, made their blood run and their emotions trembled.

This is an unprecedented world.

There should be a protagonist in the world, like Gu Xuan, the sun is in the sky, scorching and dazzling.

But the great world should also have supporting roles, and they are the supporting roles in this great world, like the stars next to the sun and the moon, although they are inconspicuous, they are witnesses of the light of the great sun.

It is precisely because of the reflection of the brilliance of the Great Sun that he has become a follower of the Great Day.

Many people enthusiastically followed the direction of Gu Xuan's departure, and most of them were sword warriors.

From the White Elephant Holy Land to the Daoyan Holy Land, it was only a matter of a dozen breaths across the void for a powerhouse in the King Realm, but for ordinary martial artists, this distance was too long.

Many people were exhausted on the way, so they left the light and ran wildly in the wilderness, as if tireless.

They didn't want to miss it, miss the beginning of Gu Xuan's legend.

When the sun rose on the second day, countless people rushed to the Daoyan Holy Land.

This is an unprecedented event, and almost more than thirty percent of the warriors in Zhongzhou have gathered here.

The aura emanating from the bodies of countless warriors gathered together, twisting the void and shocking the wind and clouds.

But this huge aura was easily pushed away by two other more majestic and immeasurable momentum as it approached the sky.

In the center of the celestial dome, the two realms of momentum are in opposition to each other, forming a vacuum-like zone, and everything is distinct.

Everyone looked into the sky.

One of them is Gu Xuan, who is sitting on the Iron Throne.

After successively crushing the two holy lands of Purple Mansion and White Elephant, and using the power of heaven and earth to forge divine weapons, Gu Xuan's momentum had already climbed to an unprecedented realm.

The current Gu Xuan, even if he is a king realm powerhouse like the Seven Xuan Holy Lord.

In front of him, you must also be frightened, and you will not be able to raise your head, and you will bow your head!

Gu Xuan....

The trend has come!

And Rao is so prosperous that Gu Xuan, in front of the people who confront him, he still can't have the upper hand.


The opponent's momentum is even better than him.

If you compare Gu Xuan to the scorching sun in the middle of the sky, the infinite light and heat are blazing.

Then this person is like a black hole, silently devouring all light and heat, and giving people great terror in the silence.

Many people's eyes can't help but be attracted to each other.

This is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

Dressed in a pale gold robe, the robe is engraved with many intricate patterns, which seem to change and flow all the time.

After staring at it for a long time, it seems that I can still comprehend many profound and inexplicable mysteries from it.

And the most peculiar thing about the man is his eyes.

The eyes have double pupils, like the alternation of the sun and the moon, which is strange.

This person stood outside the mountain gate of the Daoyan Holy Land, standing with his hands in his hands.

Just standing quietly, but it seems to hold up a piece of heaven and earth.

"Who is this person?"

"Is it the old monster of the Daoyan Holy Land?"

"I don't know.."

The onlookers speculated about the identity of the middle-aged man, and even more than a dozen powerhouses in the Wang Realm also showed doubts on their faces.

One of the oldest old Wang Jing's eyes suddenly widened, and his whole body trembled violently.

Lao Wang Jing took a step forward, came to the distance in front of the middle-aged man, made a big salute very respectfully, and said, "I've seen... Ten Thousand Saint Emperors!"



Suddenly, there was a violent commotion on the field.

Countless people's eyes widened, and there was an extremely shocked look on their faces, even a King Realm powerhouse like the Seven Xuan Saint Lord was shocked.

The Holy Emperor of the First Heaven!

The Emperor of Zhenzong in the Holy Land of Wanchu, ranked third on the emperor list, and one of the most promising figures in this era to impact the emperor's powerhouse.

The five people at the top of the entire Tianxuan Continent's strength pyramid... One!

Wan Chu.. Holy Emperor!


There was a gasp.

For many people in the field, the powerhouse of the Imperial Realm is a legend, out of reach.

Even the powerhouses of the King Realm may not be able to see the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm once in their lifetime.

But now the living legend has come to them.

How can this keep them from getting excited, not shocking.

Even Gu Xuan's mind fluctuated fiercely.

When he saw this middle-aged man, he already had a guess in his heart.

Now, that speculation has been confirmed.

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