Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram.

It records countless divine courts in the world.

When Gu Xuan broke through the King Realm retreat, he spent most of his time contemplating the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram.

After comprehending the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram, his Heavenly Sword Dao was like a seed that quickly grew into a big tree.

The image of the Heavenly Sword Dao has been increased thousands of times!

This time, with a knife, ten thousand gods were respected.

That kind of supreme and majestic power that dominates everything, even Gu Xuan himself has to be amazed.

Like a waterfall, the sword light carries countless images of the divine court, rumbling and pressing down.

The void was like rags, directly torn into pieces by this force.

The majestic and terrifying power almost made Gu Xuan unable to hold it.

The Divine Court of All Worlds, converged in one sword!

Boom Boom –

At this moment, it seemed that the world was about to collapse.

The avenue retreats.

The Immortal Emperor broke free from the great shock and was horrified.

The body retreated violently, and the movements in his hands did not stop.

"Ten Thousand Days!"

"Ten Thousand Laws Return!"

The Immortal Saint Emperor unleashed countless mysteries in an instant, and a powerful domain stretched out from his body.

But under Gu Xuan's knife, he made an overwhelmed sound...



Wan Chu Holy Emperor looked stunned, and the whole person was stunned.

The many onlookers were even more wide-eyed and unbelievable.

Even the realm of the Emperor Realm powerhouse can't withstand Gu Xuan's sword?

Who can believe it if they don't see it with their own eyes?

You must know that the realm of the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm is a hundred times stronger than that of the powerhouse of the King Realm?!

Now, it was slashed by Gu Xuan!

How terrifying is Gu Xuan's knife?!


The sword light tore through the void and pushed sideways all the way.

The Immortal Saint Emperor unleashed countless attacks in a very short period of time, but the whole person was still retreating.

The Divine Court is the supreme majesty above the Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor even gave birth to a little bit in his heart....

On the disobedience, there is a strong sense of fear and self-blame for the great rebellion.

It's horrible.

The wind pressure set off by this knife spread out in all directions with the Daoyan Holy Land as the center.

Thousands of miles of territory, I don't know how many mountains have been razed to the ground.

The crowd of onlookers retreated again and again.

Even if it is as strong as the King Realm, it is difficult to get close to watch at all.


The sword light dissipated.

The onlookers hurried back to inspect the results.

When they saw the situation clearly, they gasped one after another.

I saw that where the sword light landed, an incomparably huge pit appeared.

The Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor stood in the pit, and below him were the Daoyan Holy Land and the people of the Daoyan Holy Land who were firmly protected by him.

If it weren't for the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor forcibly taking Gu Xuan's sword, the Daoyan Holy Land that had been inherited for an unknown number of thousands of years might have been wiped out from now on.

The Daoyan Holy Lord, and a disciple of the Daoyan Holy Land, looked in a trance, and they didn't seem to have completely recovered from the aftermath of the sword just now.


Gu Xuan received the sheath, and the Ming Hong Knife let out a joyful trembling sound.

Gu Xuan lowered his head slightly, looking down at his feet.

Before this sword came out, the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor was high up and looked down on Gu Xuan.

Now, the two positions are reversed, and the one who looks down is replaced by him.

The Wanchu Holy Emperor raised his head slightly, looking at Gu Xuan, his expression extremely complicated.

Shocked, stunned, and there seemed to be a hint of imperceptible deep regret.

The Holy Emperor raised a hand.

Everyone's eyes were drawn away by this hand, and...

His pupils contracted suddenly, his eyes widened, and he inhaled in a lot of cool air.

I saw that on the hand of the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor, a stream of red blood snaked down like a small snake.

Drop by drop, drop by drop.

Blood of the Imperial Realm!

The Holy Emperor of the First Days...


Everyone was shocked.

With your mouth wide open, you can't say a word.

Words are hard to describe how shocked they were.

Before the knife, Gu Xuan said.

"My sword will hurt you!"

At that time, everyone still felt ridiculous, and felt that Gu Xuan was arrogant and inadequate.

But now...


Looking back, I just feel that everything is as unreal as a dream.

Just a king's realm....

It really hurt the powerhouse of the Imperial Realm with one sword!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's a novel, and no one can believe it.

"In 10,000 years, you are the first person to hurt this seat..."

The Wanchu Holy Emperor looked at the drops of blood that slipped from his white palm, and opened his mouth in a low voice.

I don't know if I'm talking to Gu Xuan, or if I'm telling myself.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless and he did not speak.

For a long time, the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor let out a long sigh.

Turning around, facing the soulless Dao Yan Holy Lord, he spoke: "This sword, this seat took it for you." After that, Wan Chu's last favor owed to Daoyan can be regarded as paying off. "

The Dao Yan Holy Lord stood stunned in place, waiting for the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor to finish speaking, before he reacted suddenly.

If you are busy, you should be grateful and thankful.

The Wanchu Holy Emperor no longer looked at him, but turned his gaze to Gu Xuan and looked at him deeply.

"Your talent is unparalleled. It's the only time I've ever seen it in my life!"

"If the Demon Throne is reborn, it may not be able to compete with you in the sword path!"

"The cause and effect of this knife is convinced by the heart of this seat!"

"Ten thousand years after that.... Tianxuan Zhongzhou, be your Gu Xuan's world!"

After speaking, the Wanchu Holy Emperor didn't say anything more, stroked his big sleeves, turned around and disappeared.

The onlookers were shaken.

"In the next 10,000 years, Tianxuan Zhongzhou should be your Gu Xuan's world!"

This sentence was said by the Holy Emperor of Wanchu himself.

Even the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor said such things, in the future, where else could anyone suppress Gu Xuan?

Gu Xuan, I'm afraid that he is really going to become the sole overlord of this great era!

Just as everyone was amazed, the sky suddenly shone brightly.

Everyone looked up.

I saw a golden light falling from the sky.

In the golden light, a huge phantom of an ancient monument slowly appeared.

"It's the king list clone!"

Someone had sharp eyes and exclaimed.

"How could Wang Bang's clone suddenly appear here?"

"Could it be because..."

"Look, there has been a change on the king list!"

Everyone looked closely.

I saw that in the first position on the king list, the original name was moved down.

A new name has quietly appeared.

"The first on the list, Gu Xuan, nineteen years old!"

And the introduction that follows is even simpler.

“... The first king of eternity, once wounded... Imperial Realm!"


After seeing the introduction on the Wang Bang, everyone present gasped.

Wang Bang commented.

The First King of Eternity!

Wang Bang represents the will of this heaven and earth avenue, and there must be no mistakes in the evaluation.

In other words, even the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth admits it.

Gu Xuan....

He is the strongest King Realm powerhouse in the history of the Tianxuan Continent!

In the history of the Tianxuan Continent, how many amazing and brilliant Tianjiao, how many overlords...

However, no one has ever received this evaluation.

Now, Gu Xuan got it!

There is no one before, and there is no one after.

Famous ... Annals of history!

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