
Xiao Chen's heart was shocked.

For him, the biggest secret in his body is his identity as a "reborn".

The matter of rebirth, Xiao Chen couldn't find it even after rummaging through the classics, and it was even more unheard of.

He knew very well in his heart that once his secret was leaked.

Those in the mind are still secondary to the direction of the future world.

The most feared thing is that he will be caught and deskinned and studied by curious powerful people as guinea pigs.

That's the real life is better than death.

Thinking of such a result, Xiao Chen's heart couldn't help but tremble violently.

He forcibly held back the panic and uneasiness in his heart, and forced himself to calm down: "What does King Gu mean by what he said? "

Gu Xuan said lightly: "Everyone will have secrets, and I am the same, you don't have to panic, I won't do anything to you, it's just pure curiosity." "

Xiao Chen barely squeezed out a smile on his face, but cold sweat involuntarily rolled down his forehead, and even his face turned pale.

Anu looked curiously at the young man in front of him who was as terrified as a trapped beast.

She was very curious about what secrets were hidden in this seemingly ordinary guy that could make Gu Xuan come in person now.

But curiosity is curiosity, Gu Xuan didn't say it, so she naturally wouldn't ask more.

"Don't you say?"

Gu Xuan saw that Xiao Chen was silent, and said something to himself.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's cold hair suddenly stood up, and he was about to say something.

In the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he watched Gu Xuan stretch out a finger and point at the center of his eyebrows.

"It's okay, I'll check it out for myself..."

Gu Xuan lightly tapped his finger on Xiao Chen's eyebrows.

In an instant, Xiao Chen's whole person was like being struck by lightning and stood in place.

The light in his eyes quickly dimmed, turning into confusion.

The power of "Nerve Eater"!

"Nerve Eater" is originally the cultivation of the soul, the first wonder scripture of the heavens and the earth.

After becoming a king, Gu Xuan's comprehension of "Nerve Eater" has reached a new level.

Many of the wonderful uses of the power of the divine soul described in "Nerve Eater" are also handy.

The current Gu Xuan, even if he doesn't devour the other party's soul, can easily check the opponent's soul memory.

This is the reason why Xiao Chen suddenly fell into confusion.

Gu Xuan slowly closed his eyes, and the huge power of the divine soul was instilled with his index finger.

When he opened his eyes again, a huge gray vortex appeared in front of him.

Xiao Chen's soul is deep.

"Sure enough, it's weird. "

Gu Xuan saw the full picture of Xiao Chen's soul, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Xiao Chen's Divine Soul....

It's so powerful!

Although it was insignificant to Gu Xuan, for a Divine Sea Realm martial artist, it was a bit outrageous.

Combined with Xiao Chen's qualifications and cultivation, the strength of this divine soul can no longer be simply described by the word adventure.

If there is no problem, Gu Xuan naturally doesn't believe it.

"Then let me take a good look, what is your secret?"

"What kind of secret can be used as a colorful chance!"

Gu Xuan thought and stepped into Xiao Chen's soul.

The huge Divine Soul Vortex trembled violently, and soon calmed down.



In a beautiful courtyard, outside the wing room, a handsome middle-aged man dressed in rich clothes with a short beard was walking around anxiously.

From time to time, he turned his head to look at the room, wanting to push the door in, but every time his hand touched the door, he reluctantly put it down.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly, a loud cry rang out in the room.

The heroic man instantly perked up, with a look of surprise and anticipation on his face, and pushed the door in without saying a word.

In the room, the midwife picked up a white and chubby baby, sent it to the heroic man, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Xiao, congratulations to Master Xiao, Mrs. gave birth to a son." "

The heroic man picked up the baby as clumsily and carefully as he did with a rare treasure, and smiled brightly.

"Okay!good!Come on, reward the midwife with ten taels of silver...hahaha....."

The midwife's face bloomed with a smile, and the heroic man couldn't help but be overjoyed.

On the bed, a beautiful woman with a pale face smiled weakly when she saw this.

Only then did the heroic man react, hugged the child to the bed, and said gently: "Madame has worked hard." "

The beautiful woman shook her head with a smile and said, "Master, have you thought about the name of our child in the future?"

The heroic man smiled: "I've thought about it a long time ago, how about calling Xiao Chen?"

"Xiao Chen...."

The beautiful woman whispered the name, "It's good, it's called Xiao Chen." "

"Haha, my Chen'er. "

The heroic man and the beautiful woman whispered all kinds of whispers around the child, as if they didn't see it at all, and next to them, a handsome young man was quietly watching this scene.

It was Gu Xuan.

"The worldly rich family is born without any abnormality...."

Gu Xuan muttered to himself and waved his hand.

In an instant, the scene in front of me became blurry, and it quickly advanced forward as if it had fast-forwarded countless times the movie screen.

After a moment, the scene calmed down.

At this time, the scene in front of Gu Xuan had changed slightly.

It was still the same courtyard, but it was snowing heavily, and a boy of about three or four years old with pink makeup was running around in the snow.

followed by a few subordinates, spreading joy everywhere.

Under the eaves, the heroic man and the beautiful woman looked at the scene in front of them with a smile.

The heroic man spoke: "In two years, it will be time to find a teacher for Chen'er." "

The beautiful woman looked up and asked, "Master, do you want Chen'er to practice martial arts or literature?"

The heroic man muttered: "My Xiao family has a rich family, and there is no shortage of martial artists in the nursing home. Moreover, those who practice martial arts will inevitably have a competitive heart, and in the long run, they may invite trouble.

So I want Chen'er to learn the text, if he can be named on the gold list in the future, then he will enter the court as an official and glorify his ancestors.

If not, then it is good to inherit the family business and always be by your side. "

The beautiful woman nodded, "What the master said is very true. "

While the two were talking, the fate of the children playing in the courtyard was decided.

Gu Xuan watched quietly from the side.

Three-year-old Xiao Chen's eyes are clear and ignorant, and there is nothing unusual at all.

"It's a bit interesting to abandon literature and follow martial arts...."

Gu Xuan waved his hand again.

The image in front of me continues to fast-forward.

When the picture stabilized again, Xiao Chen had grown into a handsome boy of seven or eight years old.

Eight-year-old Xiao Chen, with a thin body and a bookish body, looks much thinner than ordinary children of the same age.


As soon as the young Xiao Chen got out of private school, he shouted the name of his personal servant at home.

A subordinate hurriedly came and called out to the young master.

Seeing the slave, Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "I'll go out, and if my mother asks back, she will say that I will go to Mr.'s house to Wen Shu." "

The slave Laifu looked mournful, "Young master, the old lady has specially instructed you several times not to let you play with those wild boys outside. If you find out..."

"Shut up!"

Xiao Chen scolded: "If you don't say it, I won't say it, how will they know." I'm leaving, you give me a little smart!"

With that, Xiao Chen walked through the courtyard and ran towards the outside of Xiao Mansion in high spirits.

Gu Xuan looked at Xiao Chen's small figure in the distance, took a light step, and quietly followed.

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