"The first king on the list, when he first entered the king realm, he injured the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor with a knife, and was appointed as the first king of eternity by the Heavenly Dao King List...."

"That man!"

"Gu Xuan!"

The Void King slowly pronounced the name from his mouth in surprise, and then his face became a little solemn.

"Why is he here?"

The Heavenly Demon Sect Sect Master was equally stunned.

Her eyes flickered, and her mind kept circling the words that Gu Xuan said when he came, and her eyes suddenly burst out with a strong and incomparable brilliance.

The originally flustered look instantly calmed down, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

Gu Xuan's gaze swept over Qin Qingmiao's body, paused slightly in her lower abdomen, and her eyes flickered.

Soon, a cold killing intent flowed out of his eyes, and the majestic divine thoughts firmly locked the Ancient Saint Son.


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and an invisible divine soul sword broke out of his body, slashing at the Ancient Saint Son in an instant.

"Not good!"

The Void King suddenly reacted, his face changed greatly, and he wanted to stop it, but how could he catch up with the speed of the Divine Soul Sword.


An invisible wave erupted from the Ancient Son of Oblivion.

Before the Ancient Saint Son could even figure out what was going on, he saw a powerful and incomparable divine soul break free from his body.

In an instant, the void collapsed.

A figure with an indistinguishable face and an imposing figure appeared in the field.

This person was dressed in ordinary clothes, but his body exuded a terrifying aura that crossed the endless void.

"Holy Emperor!"

Seeing this figure appear, the Void King's face was overjoyed, and then he immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

And the Ancient Son of Annihilation also woke up like a dream, and hurriedly knelt down.

Emperor Realm powerhouse!

The powerhouse of the Imperial Realm is coming!

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master's color changed instantly, his face was solemn, and his mouth was tightly closed without saying a word.

Gu Xuan looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his expression remained unchanged.

"You are that Gu Xuan?"

The eyes of the figure who couldn't see his face clearly raised, and he looked Gu Xuan up and down with interest.

"Yes. "

Gu Xuan looked at the other party and said lightly, "The Contemporary Holy Emperor of the Ancient Holy Land?"

The figure nodded, and immediately glanced at the Ancient Saint Son below, and said, "Spare his life, the old man will accept your favor." "


Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Especially the Ancient Holy Son and the Void King.

They originally thought that the Ancient Saint Emperor would appear and stand up for themselves, but they never thought that the Ancient Ancient Holy Emperor would bow his head to the other party?!

A powerhouse of the Imperial Realm bows his head to a Royal Realm?

This is simply a ridiculous joke in the world, if you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it!

But he never thought that Gu Xuan shook his head when he heard the words of the Ancient Saint Emperor.

"I don't need your favor. "

The figure made a surprised voice: "Why can't you use it?" How can the old man say that he is also a powerhouse in the dignified realm, can he still help you?"

Gu Xuan said lightly: "It won't be long before I can set foot in the Imperial Realm, what is the significance of the human affection of the Imperial Realm to me?"

Hiss –

As soon as Gu Xuan's words came out, everyone on the field was suddenly speechless.

It won't be long before I can set foot in the Imperial Realm, what is the meaning of the human affection of the Imperial Realm to me?

What a tone of voice, how much self-confidence, does it have to be to say such a thing.

If they were someone else, they would have scoffed.

But in the face of Gu Xuan, the Void King and the others actually had a feeling of taking it for granted in their hearts.


Even the Ancient Saint Emperor was stunned by Gu Xuan's words.


The Ancient Holy Emperor smiled bitterly, changed his attitude, and said, "Can the little friend give the old man a face and let the two of them go?"

The Void King and the Ancient Saint Son subconsciously looked at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan just said lightly: "If your real body comes today, I don't want to give this face." It's a pity that you are just a wisp of soul differentiation today, so why should I give you face. "

"You .."

The Ancient Saint Emperor was finally annoyed by Gu Xuan's words, and said in a cold tone: "Boy, don't really think that the old man will not dare to come here in person and kill you on the spot!"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and said coldly: "If you can really come here, why bother to use a wisp of divine soul to talk to me here for a long time." Take a step back, you really have confidence...."

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said word by word: "When the real body comes, you can kill me?"

The Ancient Saint Emperor did not speak, and fell silent.

On the sidelines, the Heavenly Demon Sect Master came to Qin Qingmiao's side, looked at Gu Xuan, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Qingmiao, do you see it? This kind of man is truly unparalleled in the world!"

Qin Qingmiao covered her lower abdomen, feeling the fluctuations of life gradually stabilizing in it, her eyes staring at Gu Xuan without blinking.

"Then let the old man try you, the first king of eternity, what kind of eternal method is it. "

The Ancient Saint Emperor opened his mouth flatly, suddenly raised a finger, and slowly pointed in the direction of Gu Xuan.

The finger of the Ancient Saint Emperor seemed to contain endless space, folding countless layers of space together.

With the point of this finger, the void of this heaven and earth was like a cloth, shrinking towards the position of his finger.

A terrifying black hole vortex is formed.

The people in the field changed color one after another, even if they were as strong as the Void King and the Heavenly Demon Sect Master, they couldn't help but retreat wildly.

Under this finger, they can't say anything about resisting, even if they don't have the courage to face it.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and his expression was still unwavering.


The Ming Hong knife was unsheathed.

The snow-white long knife slashed straight towards the finger of the Ancient Saint Emperor without any fancy fancy.

The long knife quickly approached the terrifying vortex of fingers.

But the strange thing is that the Ming Hong Knife and the Black Hole Vortex seem to be in two different dimensions of space and time.

I actually went straight through.

The sword light was like a waterfall, and it was directly slashed at the Ancient Saint Emperor.

The Ancient Saint Emperor's eyes burst out with an incomparably strong essence.

The next moment, the terrifying vortex in the void directly collapsed.

Also disbanded was the Divine Soul Body of the Ancient Saint Emperor.

"Holy Emperor... Why did you suddenly stop it?"

On the sidelines, the Void King muttered, looking puzzled.

The Ancient Saint Emperor looked at Gu Xuan with complicated eyes, and suddenly sighed.

"What an eternal first king, really... It's unprecedented!"

After speaking, the figure of the Ancient Saint Emperor disappeared directly into the void.

The two didn't even fight directly.

To outsiders, it seems extremely weird.

But only Gu Xuan knew it.

He had just tried to use the power of the Space-Time Origin Seed to perfectly avoid the confrontation with the Ancient Saint Emperor and slash his Divine Soul Body.

He stabbed this in order to tell the Ancient Holy Emperor.

He is fully capable of killing anyone in the field in front of him.

This divine soul clone of the Ancient Holy Emperor....

Can't stop him!

The Ancient Holy Emperor understood this, so he directly withdrew and retreated.

"The Space-Time Origin Seed is really powerful, even the Emperor Realm powerhouse who specializes in the way of space has to marvel at its mysteries..."

Gu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

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