The fetus in Qin Qingmiao's womb was like a bulge, and the weather was amazing.

Even Anu on the side couldn't help but speak:

"It is recorded in ancient books that some beings with extremely strong accumulation, or extremely noble bloodlines, will have all kinds of amazing visions at birth.

The child in Sister Qin's belly had such a strong movement before she was born, and her birth must be even more extraordinary. "

Qin Qingmiao listened to Anu's words, smiled, and touched her huffed lower abdomen, her face full of pride and happiness.

After finding out that she was pregnant with Gu Xuan, Qin Qingmiao had been worried, not daring to let people know that she was pregnant, so she was careful everywhere.

Now not only can it be shown openly, but it is even possible that the mother is expensive by virtue of her son, and it is not necessary to use this child to become the most important woman to Gu Xuan, so how can she not be happy in her heart.

Gu Xuan was also quite satisfied.

He bears the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", one of the four great ancient scriptures, and his qualifications are the first in the world, and his divine body is natural.

In terms of the strength of the heel background, even if it is more than many ancient emperors, it is not in vain.

The child in Qin Qingmiao's belly has obviously inherited some of his qualifications, and his achievements in the future will definitely be extraordinary.

Gu Xuan looked at Qin Qingmiao, thought for a while and said, "I will tell the world in a few days that your Heavenly Demon Sect's contemporary witch Qin Qingmiao is my Gu Xuan's woman." "

Qin Qingmiao raised her head suddenly, her eyes sparkling at Gu Xuan, her face full of joy.

At this time, hearing Gu Xuan admit it in person, and took the initiative to tell the world, the happiness in Qin Qingmiao's heart was almost overflowing.

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master was also smiling.

Gu Xuan did not hesitate to be the enemy of the Void Saint Emperor and the Void Holy Land, and he also officially stated that Qin Qingmiao was his woman, which showed the weight of Qin Qingmiao in his heart.

From now on, the Heavenly Demon Sect's side Gu Xuan, a promising overlord-level figure, must be different from what it used to be, and it will be thriving.

When Gu Xuan said that he would tell the world to give Qin Qing a wonderful name, he clearly felt that the causal mystery in his body was quietly transforming.

Grow directly from one percent to two percent.

Gu Xuan pointed into a knife and slashed it out in the void with his hand.

There is not the slightest fluctuation.

Not far in front of him, a mountain peak silently cracked smoothly from it.

"The mystery of cause and effect is two, and the power of this 'fruitless' created at the beginning of the micro end has also become considerable..."

It is one of the five sword techniques of the Infernal Sword, and the power is not superb, but it can definitely be called the first in terms of weirdness and subtlety.

"If I want to make the way of cause and effect, I have to pay off all the cause and effect, and I have to reach the state of not touching cause and effect. "

"But it's almost impossible, in this world, there may be people who can escape the power of time, but they will never be able to break free from the shackles of cause and effect..."

"I am burdened with the system of cutting off beards by chance, and there are too many causes and fruits on my body, which are hundreds of times or even ten thousand times more than ordinary people. This is my advantage and disadvantage in practicing the path of cause and effect.

However, I don't need to be free of cause and effect, I just need to sort out some of the more important cause and effect lines, which is enough for my cause and effect path to grow significantly. "

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

He already had a plan for his next destination.

It's just that now I still need to stay in the Heavenly Demon Sect for a while.


Half a month later.

South of Midstate.

A huge city.

Countless high-rise buildings in the city, all of which are carved with beautiful glass and jade, at first glance there is quite a bit of the charm of the heavenly fairy pavilion.

This place is the place where the general altar of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is located - Extreme Immortal City.

At this time, on the top of the highest pavilion in the center of the Extreme Immortal City, a group of people in wide robes and big sleeves were sitting on the ground, as if they were discussing something important.

Most of these people are elderly people, with a strong aura on their bodies, and they are all strong people above the realm of life and death.

Two of them had white beards, and their momentum was even more terrifying, as if they were Venerable Ones who had already set foot in the royal realm.

"Recently, the old man always feels a little restless...."

At the top of the Immortal Pavilion, the Great Venerable Elder with the highest status in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance opened his eyes and scanned the people in the audience, and slowly spoke.

Hearing this, the elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance sitting cross-legged below were suddenly startled, and their expressions became grim.

You must know that as one of the two great elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, the Great Elder is a powerhouse in the royal realm.

In order to reach the point of the king realm, one's own way senses the avenue of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to have no purpose, and it is even more impossible to be restless for no reason.

Once it happens, it will definitely be a catastrophe that can endanger itself.

And for the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, it is more likely to be a catastrophe.

"Why does the Great Venerable Elder feel this way, my Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance has been keeping to itself for the past few years, and has never provoked any sect or force..."

The elder of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance asked suspiciously.

The elder of the Great Venerable frowned slightly and shook his head slightly.

Because of this, the old man felt even more uneasy. Now that the world is about to begin, anything can happen. Even if it is a first-grade holy land, I don't dare to say that I will definitely be able to retreat from it, let alone a small force like our Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance..."

The two elders next to him opened their mouths to comfort him: "Brother Dao don't have to worry too much, when the world is sealed, the heavens are obscure, and it is normal to be a little uneasy." To tell you the truth, I've been feeling the same way from time to time lately, but it's just a little irritability hidden by the avenue."

The Great Venerable Elder nodded, and after a moment of silence, he spoke: "In this way, from today onwards, I will order the disciples of the Immortal Alliance to be more careful when walking outside." Don't pick quarrels and provoke trouble, get into disputes with others, and cause trouble."

Many elders said "yes" when they heard this.

The Great Venerable Elder waved his hand, and was about to dismiss everyone and retreat.

At this moment, an inexplicable feeling suddenly befell everyone.

All the elders in the Immortal Pavilion changed their faces almost instantly, and they suddenly stood up from their seats.

Even the two elders who are kings are no exception.

The fairy wind bone, the long-sleeved fluttering elder suddenly opened his originally slightly closed eyes, and the eyes that had been ancient and waveless even set off a stormy wave.

This feeling is like the sky is about to fall, the black clouds are overwhelmed, and the catastrophe is coming....

All of a sudden, everyone suddenly had this feeling, how can people not feel horrified and terrifying.


The Great Venerable of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance had a serious face, let out a low snort, and walked towards the outside of the Immortal Pavilion in one step.

The rest hurried to follow.

Everyone came to the outside of the Immortal Pavilion, stood in the void, and scanned the Extreme Immortal City below.

There was no cloud in the Extreme Immortal City, a clear sky, and the Extreme Immortal City was peaceful and calm, and there was nothing unusual.

However, the elders were solemn and worried.

In their eyes, there seemed to be an incomparably huge haze gathering in the sky above Extreme Immortal City, which weighed on everyone's hearts like a mountain.

No one knows what kind of unknown horror is hidden in that haze..........


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