The universe is vast, and the realm is as numerous as the stars.

Countless realms are independent and implicitly connected to each other, slowly flowing in the infinite void like the sand and gravel of the Ganges.

And in the center of these countless realms, there was a huge ball of light that was ten million times beyond the ordinary realms.

This ball of light is like the center of thousands of realms, the only one of all realms.

The vastness of the world inside the ball of light, words cannot describe it, and countless strong people reflect each other, more than the sun and moon in the sky.

From time to time, there is a trace of terrifying qi rolling between this heaven and earth, and if it falls into the lower realm, I am afraid that it can easily crush a piece of the domain boundary.

Somewhere in the desolation of this world, an indescribably magnificent ancient hall stands quietly.

Half of the hall exists in nothingness, as if it were eternal.

In the main hall, there was a void of emptiness.

A figure in a black robe, unable to see his face or form, sat cross-legged in it.

In front of the black-robed man, a gray disc full of cracks was slowly spinning.

The black-robed man's body flowed all the time with a trace of aura pouring into the gray disc, and this aura was mending the cracks on the gray disc little by little.

It's just that the speed is extremely slow, and if it continues at this speed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to repair it completely for hundreds of millions of years.

And if you look closely at this gray disc, you can find that there are still gaps in this gray disc.

It's like a piece of porcelain that has been broken and tried to be repaired, and there are some scattered fragments that have never been recovered.

At this moment, the slowly rotating gray disc suddenly trembled slightly.

The peace in the main hall was broken, and the black-robed man who had been closing his eyes slowly opened his eyes.

The two gray whirlpools in the gray eyes continued to rotate, and the whirlpools reflected the scenes of the birth and death of countless worlds, and the Tao and principles contained in them were difficult for ordinary people to guess.

The black-robed man looked at the gray disc in front of him, stretched out his finger and lightly tapped it on the disc.

In the dark, an invisible silk thread was quickly pulled out.

"Where's the blue candle?"

The black-robed man spoke softly, and his voice was difficult to distinguish between men and women.

Not long after the words fell, a man in a robe shrouded in immortal light and purple qi suddenly appeared in the main hall.

"Disciple Blue Candle greets Tianzun, what does Tianzun command?"

The man in the robe saluted respectfully to the black-robed man.

The black-robed man stretched out his hand and lightly touched the void, and the void rippled like water.

The ripples are like mirrors, reflecting a scene of the realm.

"Send someone to this nether realm, this realm contains fragments of the destiny chart. "

The black-robed man commanded lightly.

The robed man nodded, "It's Tianzun, disciple understands." "

The robed man vanished.

When calm regained in the main hall, the black-robed man looked at the gray disc slowly rotating in front of him, a faint trace of vicissitudes flowed from his eyes, and sighed softly: "One step closer to consummation." "

After saying that, the black-robed man closed his eyes again.

The great palace once again fell into eternal peace and dead silence.


"Originally, the life clan was just an ordinary remnant clan, and many years ago, because they were hunted down by the enemy, the whole clan moved into the underground and survived.

In my last life, I turned around here and guided them for a while, and made them grow like this.

But I never thought that I would still want to keep me in this life..."

After the fate of the clan, Shangguan Yue began to explain the cause and effect.

After hearing this, Gu Xuan said lightly: "Human nature is like this, desire breeds ambition. "

"Don't talk about it. "

Shangguan Yue smiled, changed the topic, looked at Gu Xuan and said, "Gu Lang, you are growing faster than I saw. It's a pity that I'm running out of Origin Qi now, and it may be difficult to help you in a short period of time. "

Gu Xuan's eyes softened, he reached out to hold Shangguan Yue's soft, and said calmly and firmly: "It's okay, I don't need to hide in Tibet like before." "

Shangguan Yue nodded, looked at Gu Xuan again and said, "You should know what you are carrying and what you are going to do next." "

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded slowly.

When Xiu Wei set foot in the King Realm, Gu Xuan's trajectory of the Heavenly Dao and his own control of the Dao and Reason became clearer and clearer.

In the words of the secular literati, it is - knowing the destiny of heaven.

He knew exactly what he was going to do and what to do.

This is a little similar to the principle of finding out one's own destiny, but it is much simpler.

It can be said that after the martial artist reaches a certain level of strength, the influence of the Heavenly Dao trajectory that he senses in the dark has on himself.

Therefore, many martial artists will subconsciously do things that are beneficial to themselves, and stay away from people or things that will bring disaster to them, and the higher their cultivation, the more obvious this phenomenon becomes.

It can be regarded as the instinct of a warrior to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The stronger the strength, the stronger this instinct becomes.

"But there's something else to do before we go..."

Gu Xuan raised his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate through the barrier of the endless earth and stones underground, penetrating into the world above the underground.

"After all, I'm back in the South. "


Southern Regions, Qianlong Ancient City.

The ancient city, which had been sealed in the dust of history for many years, gradually radiated new vitality and vitality year after year after being awakened by the blood of fresh geniuses.

Today's Qianlong Ancient City, full of people, bustling, rainbow light weaving, faintly has a bit of the atmosphere of the first martial arts city in the Southern Regions.

"Good guy, this year's Eight Nations Genius Battle, so many people came, it's so lively. "

"Since the birth of the Hidden Dragon True Dragon Double List, the geniuses of my Southern Regions have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and it is really exciting and lively every session. "

"Hey, speaking of which, it's still the genius battle of the True Dragon Hidden Dragon List that was just born is called wonderful. Ji Lingsheng, who was born a god, the two holy sons of the Demon Sect, the two holy sons of the Hanhai Sect, the Demon Star Su Prison of the Nanli Dynasty, and... That Xuanyue King Gu Xuan, who claimed to be the most talented in the history of my Southern Regions, was proud on the first day, and monopolized eighty percent of my Southern Regions' luck!"

The old man from the Southern Regions said slowly with a look of remembrance on his face.

When he spat out those two words, the expressions of the people around him were obviously shaken.

This name, in the minds of many warriors in the Southern Regions, has long been synonymous with legend.

"I don't know what level of cultivation Gu Xuan has reached now, and what kind of reputation has he made in Zhongzhou?"

Some admirers said with a wistful expression.

While everyone was talking, there was a sudden commotion in the direction of the ancient city gate.

Someone shouted.

"The top Tianjiao of the Eight Kingdoms is here!"

All of a sudden, countless eyes converged in the direction of the city gate.

Countless people are looking forward to it.

The brunt of the attack was a fiery figure as the sun.

In the retreat, he is a handsome young man with a golden crown.

The young man has a long body, a handsome appearance, and an indescribably noble temperament, which reminds people of the word emperor and nobleman at a glance.

The warriors of the Hidden Dragon Ancient City recognized this person's identity at a glance.

"The eighth prince of the Jiuhuang Dynasty, Ji Lingye!"

"Good guy, the momentum around Ji Lingye is obviously a sign that he has already stepped into the realm of gods. It is said that the royal blood of the Ji family on Ji Lingye's body is second only to his brother Ji Lingsheng, and he is the second person in the Ji family in thousands of years. /

Now it seems that the rumors are true. "

Some people are amazed, and some people are emotional.

"It's a pity, although Ji Lingye is strong, in the end it is still quite different from Ji Lingsheng.

At the beginning, Ji Lingsheng was ranked second on the hidden dragon list, and before the battle for the true dragon list was opened, he was known as the person on the top of the mountain, overlooking the stars!"

"yes. "

Everyone talked about it, and from time to time they compared Ji Lingye with Ji Ling's Sanctuary.

The emperor's noble Ji Lingye listened to these words, and his face changed slightly, but he couldn't attack, because this is an indisputable fact.

Compared with the power of Ji Lingsheng at the beginning, he was indeed much inferior.

At this time, several more escapes entered.

These rays of light presented a strange formation arrangement, like the Big Dipper.

Every breath was incomparably powerful, almost all of them were above the Divine Realm.

Among them, the one that was guarded by the six rays of light in the center, and the one that was in the position of the heavenly pivot was even more terrifying.

The momentum is so strong that it almost suppresses the entire Hidden Dragon Ancient City, even Ji Lingye has to bow his head under this breath, like a bright moon rising in the west, which is terrifying.

"It's Tianshu! The first of the Seven Yao Heavens in Beichen!"

Many people were moved.

I saw the young man in the light, his eyes were as bright as stars, and the brilliance was so strong that people could hardly notice his true appearance.

Behind him, there is a vision of stars floating, among which the Big Dipper is even clearer.

"Compared to the original battle for the True Dragon List, Beichen Tianshu doesn't know how much stronger!"

"At the beginning, Beichen Tianshu's strength was not bad, if it wasn't for the one who met the legend in advance, he might have a chance to compete for the top ten. Moreover, even if he was defeated by that one, he was praised by that one - 'not bad'!"

"Yes, it is also because of the battle with that one that Beichen Tianshu's strength will be reborn qualitatively, not broken or standing, and it has grown to this day, and it can almost be called the head of the new generation of young people in the Southern Regions. "

"Except for the Youyue Princess of the Yin Moon Dynasty and the Heavenly Clothes, I'm afraid that no one can suppress the current Beichen Tianshu!"

"If nothing else, Beichen Tianshu may become the leader of this Eight Nations Genius Battle!"

"It is said that after this genius battle, Beichen Tianshu will go to Zhongzhou to follow the footsteps of that one and Ji Lingsheng and others. "

While everyone was talking, another beautiful flying boat came across the river.

On this flying boat, there are four figures standing.

One of them is the most eye-catching.

It was a woman in a black dress.

The woman wore a veil on her face, making it impossible to see her face, but just from the eyes that were revealed, it was clear that she was a beautiful woman of peerless beauty.

A woman's temperament is like an epiphany, a strange flower that blooms only late at night, and when it opens, the flower only exists for a quarter of an hour.

Just like a woman's temperament, mysterious and attacking.

Behind the woman stood a thin young man in black, whose face was unclear, like a shadow, but it was hard to ignore.

Next to her was a young man dressed in white.

The young man's expression was indifferent, but his eyes were extremely bright, and they seemed to contain infinite wisdom and truth.

As for the last person, he was a teenager with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The young man hugged a long knife and looked at the people below with wide eyes and curiosity.

"Youyue, untie the heavenly clothes!"

"And the shadow guard of the moon, the shadow!"

Onlookers recognized the identities of the first three at once, but the young man at the end was puzzling.

The arrival of a few people in Youyue also attracted many geniuses in the field to look at each other.

Even Beichen Tianshu has been focusing on the three of them for a long time.

"I know this man!"

On the flying boat, the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a long knife looked at Beichen Tianshu and said excitedly: "This person was defeated by Shizun's sword at the beginning, and Shizun once praised his martial arts - not bad!"

"In the entire Southern Regions, only your master can have this qualification to say such things to Beichen First Yao Tianshu..."

Youyue glanced at the young man and said with a smile: "You be careful not to be heard by him, annoy him, even if I make a move with Xie Tianyi, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop him from teaching you a lesson." "

When the boy heard this, he didn't care, and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white and neat teeth.

He grabbed the long knife in his arms and said with a smile: "So what, but my master's subordinates are just defeated." Those who my master has defeated, I will be defeated sooner or later!"

The young man's eyes bloomed with a bright and enthusiastic light, and he said word by word: "I, Yan Shaoyang, should re-take the invincible road of my master!"

The young man's words were sonorous and powerful, like the sound of a long knife coming out of its sheath, and even Xie Tianyi, who had been silent next to him, was attracted by these words and turned his head to look at him.

"We have all been defeated by your master one by one, are you going to beat us up one by one?"

Yuyue angrily and amusefully grabbed the young man's ears.

The young man was in pain, and hurriedly said, "Aunt You, how dare I do it with you." When the master comes back, he won't pick my skin?"

The boy screamed, and Yuyue was about to say something.

But suddenly, there was a throbbing in her heart for no reason, and she suddenly turned her head to look at a certain position below.

I don't know why, just now, a figure suddenly appeared in Youyue's mind.

That person.

The man who shook the entire Southern Regions and brought endless glory to the Yin Moon Dynasty.

"Your Highness..."

The shadow behind him noticed that something was wrong with Youyue, and couldn't help but ask in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Yuyue withdrew her gaze in nothing, a little lost, but quickly shook her head calmly.

"Nothing. "

The young Yan Shaoyang couldn't help but mutter: "Aunt You must miss my master again..."

After speaking, Yan Shaoyang violently covered his ears and hid back, lest Youyue come up and pinch his ears again.

However, this time Youyue was not annoyed, but was silent for a while and sighed lightly.

"I don't know how he is now, with his natural qualifications, he may have stepped into the realm of life and death now..."

At this time, Xie Tianyi also spoke:

"So, it's time for us to leave.

If we stay in the Southern Regions, the gap between us and him will only get bigger and bigger..."

Yuyue nodded.

Yan Shaoyang couldn't help but shout: "Take me with me, I haven't seen my master for a long time..."

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