
A figure rolled out of the ring and fell heavily to the ground, looking dazed and apparently unconscious.


An exclamation suddenly sounded from the audience.

"Another one!"

"This is already the fifth..."

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the ring.

I saw a thin and gloomy young man standing on the stage, staring coldly at the people below, his eyes were cold and cruel, like a ghost without feelings.

It is the ghost prince who has reappeared after many years of silence.

"Even the little marquis of Fufeng has been recruited..."

In the stands, Xie Tianyi looked calm, looked at the unconscious man who was carried down and spoke.

Youyue, Phantom Shadow and the others also had a somewhat solemn face, and the eyes of the ghost prince were full of jealousy.

The methods of the ghost spirit prince are extremely strange, but whoever fights with him, within a few rounds, will definitely fall unconscious and unconscious, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

So far, a number of famous geniuses in the Southern Regions have been recruited.

"I suspect that the Ghost Spirit Prince should have practiced some kind of martial art that can directly attack the Divine Thoughts, but anyone with a weaker will will be easily attacked..."

Xie Tianyi stared at the direction of the back of the Ghost Spirit Prince, his eyes flickered, and said to Youyue: "If you meet him, remember to defend against his attack on your divine thoughts." "

"I understand. "

Yuyue nodded cautiously.

After several battles, the unpredictable methods of the Ghost Spirit Prince have already shocked many people, and many people are full of shock and fear when they look at him.

And the Ghost Spirit Prince seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment as well, and he kept a mocking smile on his face, looking down on everyone.

"In the next game, the Beichen Dynasty Tianshu will fight... Ghost Prince!"

The lottery for the new game was announced, and there was an uproar in the venue.

The eyes of countless people converged on one person.

Beichen Tianshu was expressionless and walked up to the competition platform indifferently.

"The opponent of the next Demon Spirit Prince turned out to be Tianshu!"

"I don't know if Tianshu can block the unpredictable methods of the Ghost Spirit Prince?"

"Just kidding, how can the Ghost Spirit Prince compare to Tianshu, Beichen Tianshu is the leader of the genius battle for four consecutive years!"

"It's hard to say, Tianshu's strength is obvious to all, but if the Ghost Spirit Prince is not sure, he will not choose to appear in this session. "

"Anyway, it's a good show..."

While everyone was talking, the Ghost Spirit Prince sneered and walked onto the competition platform.

There was no nonsense between the two, and they just started to do it.

"Beichen Killing Technique!"

Beichen Tianshu pointed out, and in an instant, half of the sky seemed to be descending like a starry night, and the seven Big Dipper stars were shining like diamonds, and the shaking stars among them were even more radiant.

Tianshu's fingering martial intent of this move has been close to ten percent consummation, and once it is used, countless people are amazed.

But in the face of Beichen Tianshu's powerful move, the Ghost Spirit Prince showed disdain.

He also stretched out a finger and met the attack of Beichen Tianshu without evading.

Before the two fingers touched, a strange scene had already happened.

Beichen Tianshu's face suddenly turned pale, and his body shook violently.

In the next moment, the starry night shattered, and the shaking star dimmed.

Before the Beidou Killing Technique could unfold, it had already collapsed!


The audience exclaimed in surprise.

Many geniuses couldn't even resist standing up.

As the first person of the younger generation in the Southern Regions, Tianshu's combat effectiveness is obvious to all, and few people in the younger generation can compare with it.

I didn't expect to compete with the ghost spirit prince, and I actually suffered a loss at the beginning.

"Beichen Tianshu's divine mind is injured!"

Xie Tianyi's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong essence, and he said in a deep voice.

Youyue nodded, her face calm.

"Beichen Killing Technique, Fist Technique!"

Beichen Tianshu changed from fingers to fists, and the starry night rose again.

This move is three points stronger than before, and the martial intent has completely tended to a ten-percent consummation state.

But the Ghost Spirit Prince still disdains it, and he is pointing at it again.


Tianshu snorted, the starry night shattered again, and the whole person involuntarily took a few steps back.

Immediately afterwards, the Ghost Spirit Prince kept pointing out.

His fingering was mediocre, and he didn't even contain too much Yuan Force fluctuation in it, but Tianshu kept getting hit and retreating.

He retreated to the edge of the ring, and there was even a snaking trail of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Weak, too weak! You are also worthy of being called the first person of the younger generation in the Southern Regions?"

The Ghost Spirit Prince made a mocking voice from his mouth, pressing forward step by step, and his posture was rampant.

Tianshu's eyes were firmly fixed on the Ghost Spirit Prince, he took a deep breath, and slowly spoke: "I never said that I was the first person of the younger generation in the Southern Regions, the first person of the younger generation in the Southern Regions, from beginning to end, there was only that one..."

When the Ghost Spirit Prince heard this, he was stunned.

The people below were also stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted to who the one Tianshu was talking about.

"Originally, I was going to ask him for advice when I met him again, but now it seems..."

Beichen Tianshu said lightly, and then his face returned to calm, and then, he stretched out his hands flat, and made a move that seemed to be a fist but not a fist, a palm but not a palm, and a finger but not a finger.

"Beichen Kill-Destroy!"

This move was played, and in an instant, there seemed to be an inexplicable power mobilized between heaven and earth.

The sun is shining.

An illusory, brilliant star chain phantom appeared out of thin air, exuding an incomparably terrifying strangulation power, directly crushing the Ghost Prince.

"This is...."

"Mystery! The power of martial arts!"

Someone exclaimed.

Even some of the Eight Kings Realm powerhouses in the stands couldn't help but stand up, their faces showing a look of shock.

"Mystery, Beichen Tianshu has actually comprehended the legendary martial arts mystery!"

"Among the younger generation in my Southern Regions, I am afraid that Tianshu is the only one who can comprehend the mysteries of martial arts in the Divine Aspect Realm. "

Someone exclaimed.

It was not long before there was a rebuttal.

"No, I'm afraid you have forgotten that the one at the beginning, but in the Xuandan Realm, he comprehended the mystery, and even the bloodline of Ji Lingsheng's Emperor Realm had to bow down under his sword!"

"Of course, that one can't be measured by common sense, I mean that in addition to that one, Beichen Tianshu can indeed be called amazing!"

"Yes. "

Beichen Tianshu's mystical martial arts shocked the audience.

Even the face of the Ghost Spirit Prince changed.

But soon, his body burst out with unparalleled power.

The eyes are round, and the pupils are like a whirlpool, which is extremely weird.


A terrifying explosion sounded on the stage.

A figure was violently repulsed and fell from the stage.

Everyone looked at each other, and the next moment their eyes widened suddenly, and their faces showed a look of disbelief.

"Lose.. Lost?!"

It was Beichen Tianshu who was defeated!

"The U.S. Martial Arts has also been defeated?How is this possible?!"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Beichen Tianshu, whose face was as white as paper and extremely weak, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Looking at the Ghost Spirit Prince again, his heart was already full of shock and fear.

"Is that all? I thought you were strong, haha."

The Ghost Spirit Prince's face was also a little pale, but the whole person looked extremely excited.

He exuded a powerful momentum that belonged to the eightfold divine appearance, looked at the audience, and shouted arrogantly: "What kind of genius battle of the Eight Kingdoms, it's just some local chickens and tiles, and the rest of the waste, you can go together!"

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