Yan Shaoyang was in a trance, and in an instant, he seemed to return to the scene when he first learned knives as a child.

The little boy, sweating profusely, kept his eyes fixed on the wooden knife in his hand, trying to clench it tightly, constantly adjusting his posture.

A young and handsome young man stood aside with his hands behind his back and said lightly: "The heart and eyes are one, put aside distracting thoughts, and slash down with a knife." "

The boy held his breath, and his immature eyes became resolute.


The wooden knife made a graceful arc in front of him, making a slight sound of breaking through the air.

"Is that so, Brother Gu!"

The boy turned his head to look at the handsome young man with an excited expression.

The young man smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Not bad." "

"yes! I did it!"

The boy was recognized by the youth, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed and danced.

"Just like I taught you. You don't have to think about what to fight, take out the knife and cut it down. "

The flat voice sounded in Yan Shaoyang's ears again.

In an instant, the child in his memory and Yan Shaoyang overlapped.

The movements in Yan Shaoyang's hand suddenly became extremely resolute.

In a trance, Yan Shaoyang seemed to see a figure looking down on the world and overlooking the common people looking at him silently.


A soft murmur.

Hand up and knife down.


A big head rolled down from under Yan Shaoyang's knife, and blood gushed like a pillar.

There was still a cruel and pleasant smile on the face of this crazy and gloomy head, frozen in the second when it was cut off, and it was still immersed in illusory pride until death.

The head of the Oni Prince.

Yan Shaoyang was stunned.

He stared blankly at the long knife in his hand, unable to believe the facts in front of him.

Myself... With his unfinished cultivation of Xuandan, he was able to behead a top martial artist like the Ghost Spirit Prince?


Isn't that a dream?

The rest were stunned as well.

The eyeballs almost didn't protrude out of their sockets.

The Ghost Spirit Prince is dead?!

The Ghost Spirit Prince, who was about to be defeated by Beichen Tianshu in his hands, was actually cut off by an ordinary young man!

It's too dreamy, a little too incredible.

Oh no, the boy who killed the Demon Prince was not ordinary.

At least, he's... That legendary disciple.

Wait a minute.

A lot of people came to their senses.

When Yan Shaoyang resisted with his sword just now, they clearly heard a voice whispering in their ears.

Could it be...

It was the voice of the One.

"Gu Xuan... Gu Xuan is back?!"

Youyue's eyes burst into a strong light, and she looked around excitedly, trying to find the figure that made her think about it.

Yan Shaoyang was the same, looking around excitedly, and shouted in his mouth: "Master, is it you, Master, where are you, Master?!"

All of a sudden, there was a commotion on the field.

"What's going on?!"

The black-robed man who was planting the underworld seed for several Southern Regions King Realm powerhouses noticed that something was wrong, and he was distracted and immediately angry.

The Ghost Spirit Prince is dead!

"How dare you kill the ghosts?"

A black-robed man flew over.

It is not a pity that the ghost spirit prince died, but as soon as the ghost spirit prince died, they lost a loyal dog's leg, which added a lot of trouble.

"It seems that I was too polite to you, and dared to kill people under my nose..."

The black-robed man's expression was cold, and the powerful power of the King Realm enveloped everyone in this area, and many people couldn't help but fall to their knees under this terrifying pressure.

"You won't be arrogant for long!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

The black-robed man was stunned for a moment, and looked down in surprise.

I saw a young man with his chest puffed out, looking at him without fear, his eyes burning.

"My master is back, and you people will be finished sooner or later. "

The boy said loudly.

Hearing this, the expression on the black-robed man's face gradually became strange, so he simply didn't make a move, but stared at the pitiful young man in front of him with interest, and asked, "Oh, who is your master?

"My master..."

Speaking of this, Yan Shaoyang's face immediately showed great pride and confidence, and he pointed behind the black-robed man and said, "That's my master." "

Behind yourself?!

The black-robed man was startled.

He hadn't noticed anyone who could appear behind him silently.

Hurriedly turned around, only to find it empty.

"My master is the first on the double list of the True Dragon Hidden Dragon, the first day in the history of the Southern Regions, Gu Xuan!"

Yan Shaoyang pointed to the gold list behind the black-robed man and said loudly.

Only then did the black-robed man react, it turned out that Yan Shaoyang was referring to the name on the stone tablet of the gold list.

A false alarm.

couldn't help but sneer: "The frog at the bottom of the well, vainly claiming to be arrogant, even if he is given a hundred years, can he be qualified to stand in front of me?"


Yan Shaoyang's face turned red with anger from the words of the black-robed man, and he was speechless at once.

And the rest of the people, hearing the words of the black-robed man, their faces quickly darkened.

Yes, the black-robed man was right.

Even if Gu Xuan came back, what would he do.

When Gu Xuan left the Southern Regions, he had just set foot in the Divine Appearance.

It's only been a few years now, no matter how talented Gu Xuan is, he has a great cultivation of life and death.

Even the powerhouses of the King Realm were killed in an instant under the hands of the black-robed people, and Gu Xuan, who was in the realm of life and death, was still able to turn the tide?

The little hope that had just risen in my heart disappeared in an instant.

Yan Shaoyang still stubbornly wanted to defend his master.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something extremely incredible, and he pointed in the direction behind the black-robed man, so excited that he stammered.

"Division... Master, Master..."

"Want to do it again?"

The black-robed man frowned and sneered.

His divine perception told him that there was nothing behind him.

was "played" by Yan Shaoyang once before, and he already felt a little embarrassed, how could he be hit a second time.

"Still pretending?"

The black-robed man's face grew cold, and he spoke coldly.

But he soon realized that something was wrong.

Not only Yan Shaoyang alone, but Yan Shaoyang's side, all the Southern Regions martial artists and geniuses who were facing him all looked in the direction behind him, their eyes wide, and their faces were full of excitement and incredulity.

There was an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in the black-robed people's hearts, and they finally turned around.

Then he saw ....

An extremely young man appeared in front of him.

The man is extremely handsome, wearing a superb black satin robe with gold wire trim, and his temperament is indescribable.

The man's eyes were dark and warm, but they seemed to be hiding two sharp and unparalleled heavenly knives, and when he looked at them, he only felt a tingling pain in his eyebrows.

This man just stood in front of the black-robed man as usual, but it seemed to have become the center of the entire world in an instant, and the whole person revealed the domineering momentum of the heavens and the earth.

Even the black-robed man had a strong urge to kneel down unconsciously in front of this person.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The black-robed man was shocked, and subconsciously flew back to distance himself from the man.

The man's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "This seat Gu Xuan." "

The black-robed man's pupils shrank fiercely, and he thought of the name at the top of the gold list for a moment.

Gu Xuan?!

It turned out that he was Gu Xuan!

Suddenly, the black-robed man suddenly found out.

He flew back for so long, and the distance between him and the man in front of him was not widened at all, and he kept flying backwards, and he kept moving in place.


The black-robed man's heart shook violently, and an indescribable shock and panic quickly rose from his heart....

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