"Still dreaming!"

Doubu Xingjun said in a cold voice: "This Xingjun will personally clean up the portal today!"

As he spoke, Doubu Xingjun snorted coldly, and his body exuded a powerful and incomparable momentum.

He took one step and arrived in front of Gu Xuan in an instant.

His hands were clenched into fists, and he swung his fists at Gu Xuan like a mortal reckless.

Only the powerhouses above the King Realm can see that what the Doubu Xingjun is using is an ancient tactic.

This method of warfare takes the limbs of the human body as the axis, secretly conforming to the way of heaven, and there are all kinds of mysteries and Taoism circulating in every gesture.

If an ordinary King Realm powerhouse is against him, he is afraid that he will not even be able to catch a punch from the Doubu Xingjun, and he will be beaten to death by the Raw Explosion Realm.

"This seat has been sitting in the position of the Doubu Star Monarch for nearly a thousand years, and the Doubu tactics have long been familiar with it, and it is only one step away from the Imperial Realm. You are an ignorant child of the sixth level of the king realm, no matter how talented you are, what do you want to fight with me, why do you fight with me?!"

Doubu Xingjun's eyes shot cold light, and his body was like Yue, like a god of war walking in the wild land in ancient times, and his body was full of domineering and incomparable strength.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

"I haven't seen Xingjun make a move for many years, compared to the last time, although Lord Xingjun didn't take that step, his strength is even more terrifying..."

The Great Priest of the Fighting Department muttered feverishly.

"It's terrible this might, the Doubu Xingjun is not a god of war figure who has been in charge of the Doubu for many years, within the Nine Heavens, except for a few emperors, his combat power is afraid that he can rank first!"

Onlookers marveled.

Even the faces of the Star Monarchs such as the Thunder Ministry, the Gold Ministry, and the Fire Ministry also became serious.

"This old horseman is really powerful, if it weren't for Gu Xuan this time, I'm afraid no one would be his opponent when he went head-to-head in the next game..."

As soon as Doubu Xingjun made a move, the upper Xuantian was a terrifying scene of heaven and earth changing color.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Doubu Xingjun is like an ancient giant who connects the heavens and the earth.

And Gu Xuan is an incomparably small ant under the feet of the giant, dust.

The next moment, it will be in ashes.

"Good. "

In the face of such a terrifying Doubu Xingjun, Gu Xuan was not shocked but became excited.

A strong glint burst out of his eyes, and the Minghong knife in his hand trembled wildly.

"You're excited, aren't you?"

"It's been a long time since you've drunk the blood of such a powerful opponent..."

Gu Xuan let out a long laugh, his figure was taller, and he suddenly slashed at Doubu Xingjun diagonally.

"The knife of humanity - the world!"

In an instant, countless battle flags evolved in the light of the sword, ancient tribes rushed to kill, human dynasties rose and fell, battlefield armies were killed, and fireworks rose in the world....

It was like a picture of all things in the world slowly unfolding from Gu Xuan's sword light.


The sword light and Doubu Xingjun's fist collided fiercely, the sword light continued to shatter, and the power on Doubu Xingjun's fist continued to wear out.

Gu Xuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and then he kept stabbing out.

Those destroyed sword lights continued to appear, and the human world continued to evolve.

The scroll-like sword light surrounded the Doubu Star Monarch, who roared angrily and rampaged in the sword light, like a giant trapped in a giant net.

The Humane Sword was the weakest of the three major sword paths of Gu Xuan, Heaven and Earth.

But this weakness does not mean that his sword path is too weak, but that Gu Xuan's attainments in the humane sword are too shallow, and he spends too little time and energy.

In terms of potential, the knife of humanity is not inferior to the second knife of heaven and earth.

The knife of humanity is determined to evolve all kinds of things in the world and all kinds of things in the world.

The way of cultivation is also simple, the realization of Hongchen, or...


Non-stop fighting!

Constantly fight against a variety of opponents.

The more people and things you see, and the more opponents you have experienced, the stronger the sword of humanity will be.

In other words, the Humane Knife is a terrifying way that can be improved in battle, and it will never have a limit.


When Gu Xuan slashed out again, the scene that evolved in the sword light finally changed.


The sound of drums rang out from the sword light.


The sound of the trumpet seems to come from the vast antiquity.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of figures came from all directions, one after another, warships, hunting with flags.

On the flag, there are vigorous and powerful characters written on them.

Fight, gold, thunder, fire, water...

"This is..."

Doubu Xingjun's expression was shaken.

It's clear... It was the scene at the beginning of the Divine Hunting Conference, and Gu Xuan was able to integrate this scene into the sword technique, which was incredible!

"So what? Flashy! Break it for me!"

Doubu Xingjun roared angrily, and his combat power instantly skyrocketed nearly tenfold.

"The secret technique in the ancient battle method of the Doubu can open the Divine Power Dao Palace to the ninety percent realm, and even the peak of the King Realm can skyrocket nine times the combat power in an instant. "

Doubu Xingjun laughed loudly, and stepped on the void and punched Gu Xuan fiercely.

This punch directly shattered a large area of knife light, and the picture scroll in the world instantly showed a faint collapse trend.

Gu Xuan's face did not fluctuate, but his eyes were extremely bright, like bright stars.

He slashed out with a mediocre sword.

This knife encompasses all the previous knife lights.

The sound of war drums and trumpets vanished, and with them thousands of figures...

In its place, there is a giant that connects the heavens and the earth.

roared, and in almost the same posture, he punched Doubu Xingjun fiercely.


The two fists collided, making a deafening and terrifying loud noise.

The void at the location of the confrontation exploded directly, spreading out a large area of black.

The overflowing terrifying power blew everything around him away, Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he slashed at the center of the explosion.

The light of the sword tore through the void and pierced the sky.

With a muffled snort of pain, the figure of Doube Xingjun flew out of it in embarrassment.

There was a long knife mark running through his chest.

If it was a few inches deeper, it would almost dissect his entire person.

Doubu Xingjun, defeated!


In an instant, there was a sound of gasping in the sky.

"Doubu Xingjun is defeated?!"

The Star Monarchs of the Ministries were so shocked that they stood up directly from their positions.

Some even broke the handrails they were doing.

Gu Xuan, who was only six in the King Realm, actually defeated Doubu Xingjun in a head-to-head confrontation?!

Who can believe it unless they see it with their own eyes?!

Some people who had laughed at Gu Xuan before and sarcastically mocked him who didn't know the height of the sky, had begun to have a faint fever and pain on his face.

"It's... How is this possible?..."

On the side of the Doubu, all the great priests were stunned.

In their minds, the invincible Doubu Xingjun was defeated.

And he was defeated at the hands of a new great priest who was three realms lower than him and had only been in the Doubu for a few years.

They couldn't believe it, wondering if they were dreaming.

"Xingjun was defeated... Defeated... How is this possible?.."

Su Hu looked at Doubu Xingjun, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, his face was pale, and he muttered in his mouth.

Next to him, Uncle Ji, who looked indifferent, as if he had expected all this for a long time, glanced at him and said, "It's because the Great Priest Chao Jie has been defeated." Now Doubu Xingjun is Lord Gu Xuan!"


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