
When the lightning struck, the top of the entire Wanzhang Peak suddenly went dark.

It's not that the light has really dimmed, but the light that erupted from the center of engagement was too blazing, making everything around it dim for an instant.


Everyone was reaching out their hands and covering their eyes, a violent torrent suddenly swept over, causing Sha Fei to go away.

Those who were closer, spurted blood on the spot, and their internal organs were about to be shattered.

Even those farther away were thrown to each other and couldn't stand firm.

"So strong!"

"Is this still the strength that the younger generation of Practitioners can have?"

"It's terrible!"

While trying to stabilize the figure, everyone was shocked to the extreme.

However, the fierce battle on the ring only lasted for a moment.

But in the blink of an eye, the blazing bright light dimmed.

That violent thunder and lightning also turned into countless small electric snakes, rushing away, and dissipated in the surrounding air.

And Nangong Yun, who has condensed the shield to the extreme, is always calm and unmoved.

Only the shield that enveloped her was so dim that it was almost invisible.

"Who lost?"

"It should be Nangong Yun, her shield is not broken!"

"It seems that we looked at Ye Chen a little bit earlier!"

"Yes, the combat skills he used are actually huge, but finally it seems a bit loud and rainy!"

"Oh, it's a pity. I originally thought that he would turn the tide of the battle and help Misty Sect win the first ring. It seems impossible!"

"Even though he failed, after this battle, he will definitely shake the whole Haoshan from then on!"

Seeing that Nangong Yun's shield hadn't broken open, the expressions of everyone around him were immediately complicated.

After all, everyone wants to see miracles happen.

But in the end, Ye Chen disappointed everyone!

However, the face of Nangong Yun in the shield was pale and bloodless, and the gaze towards Ye Chen was full of horror and disbelief.

Because what she hadn't said yet was that Ye Chen had just kept his hand.

At the moment when the thunder and lightning was about to tear the shield, Ye Chen waved his hand, causing it to dissipate actively.

Otherwise, just stick to that blink of an eye, no matter how strong her shield is, it will definitely fall apart.

Moreover, as a client, she knew better than anyone that as long as Ye Chen was willing, she could completely make the overbearing thunder and lightning last longer!




She just persisted for a moment, and a fine cracking sound came from the shield.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blast, and the entire shield was scattered into a brilliant rain of light, which was quickly involved in the turbulent turbulence.


The shield had just shattered, and a puff of blood spurted out of her mouth.

"what happened?"

"Why did Nangong Yun vomit blood?"

"Didn't she block Ye Chen's offensive?"

"Could it be that she is just bracing?"

"It's no wonder that Ye Chen's combat skills just now are really terrifying. She can block it directly, and maybe she has reached the limit!"

Everyone realized it later.

"Do you want me to continue to shoot?"

Opposite the ring, Ye Chen stood with his hands behind his hands, his posture indescribably indifferent, as if he hadn't tried his best from beginning to end.



Just about to say something, Nangong Yun couldn't hold on anymore, and Jiao Chu fell to the ground on the spot.

Just being able to hold on for such a short instant has exhausted all her Spirit Power, and now she doesn't even have the strength to stand.

For a while, now it's quiet as death!

Everyone was deeply shocked by this subversive result.

"I, I lost!"

It wasn't until Nangong Yun's weak voice came out that everyone who fell into a sluggish drowsiness did not wake up like a dream.

"What? Nangong Yun gave up?"

"It seems she was just bracing for it just now!"

"Can't you see it now? Ye Chen is just showing mercy!"

"Yeah, look at Ye Chen, his face is not red, and he is not breathing, it seems that he did not try his best just now!"

"But, this is too terrifying, right? Nangong Yun has been completely lost in combat without exerting all his strength. If he makes a full shot, I really don't know what the consequences will be."

All kinds of yells and screams one after another, resounding over the entire Wanzhangfeng.

At this moment, everyone's gaze looking at Ye Chen changed.

There is no longer a trace of contempt before, instead, there is endless reverence and admiration.

In this world, the strong is respected!

As long as you show enough strength, you can win the respect of everyone!

Otherwise, explain for a long time, and others will only think you are farting!

And this is also the reason why Ye Chen always adheres to being able to speak with his fist, so he will never say a word of nonsense.

"Since you admit defeat, I will guard the number one ring from then on!"

Ye Chen smiled, and then looked at the five major forces on the judging stage, Elder, "Seniors, can you announce the results of the discussion?"

On the judging stage, a total of fifteen old men with all white beard and hair were sitting.

These are the elders selected by the top five powers of Haoshan. They are highly respected and act impartially and rigorously. They will be judged by them, and almost no one has any opinions.


The fifteen trials looked at each other and seemed to have reached an agreement soon.

One of them stood out from the crowd and announced the result of this competition.

No surprise, Ye Chensheng!

After all, this is a process that everyone has witnessed. Even if one of the Elders is biased towards Nangong Yun, he would not dare to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

"After our 15 trials and deliberations, we have unanimously reached a result. This challenge, the Misty Sect disciple Ye Chensheng!"

As soon as these words came out, the sentiment was in an uproar!

Although I had guessed the result a long time ago, after hearing the announcement of the trial Elder, there was still a heated discussion among the people.

After all, seeing is the same thing, and if the result is announced, then it is a certainty.

For a time, everyone's expressions are extremely complicated.

The Misty Sect is cheered, with more joy and less worry.

On the other hand, when you look at Jinchan Temple, Soul Hall, Cangyu City, and Vientiane Mountain, all of them sighed and looked bitter.

Which force can win the No. 1 ring is the first group of people to enter the treasure hunt after the seal of the emperor’s tomb is opened.

The disciples of his own power are not as good as others, knowing that there may be an opportunity to become an emperor in the tomb of the emperor, there is nothing he can do about it.

Ye Chen didn't seem to be very excited about this result. He looked around and asked in a vertical voice: "According to the rules of the competition, as long as the younger generation of Practitioners who have not yet challenged, they can continue to challenge me on stage!"

The sound resounded like a bell, resounding through the audience.

However, no one replied, and no one dared to jump into the ring to challenge.

After all, Nangong Yun, a disciple of Vientiane Mountain who was guarding just now, is already recognized as the first person in the younger generation of Haoshan.

But even Nangong Yun was defeated in Ye Chen's hands. Just ask all the young people present, no matter how arrogant and arrogant, they are still not so arrogant that they can contend with Ye Chen head-on.

However, just when everyone chose to be silent, an extremely discordant voice came out from a corner.

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