“What task?”

Lin Yuan spoke, obviously a little curious.

“In three months, a secret realm in the Eastern Wastes will be opened, and at that time, our Mandate of Heaven Academy will also send students to go through the experience and exploration.”

Li Chunqiu said so.

“The Secret Realm?”

Lin Yuan seemed a little curious and wanted to understand.

“Yes, the secret realm, this secret realm is called the Tianyun Secret Realm, which is the secret realm left by the existence of the Heavenly Cloud Immortal.”

“When the time comes for you to lead the team and lead the students to go, rest assured, you will be treated as a good experience, and there are two reasons for letting you lead the team to go, one is that as the head of the Destiny Academy, you have to show your face.”

“Second, I hope that in this secret realm, you can promote the reputation and prestige of my Destiny Academy.”

Li Chunqiu opened his mouth and began to explain to Lin Yuan at the same time.

If in the past, Li Chunqiu would have directly sent someone to tell Lin Yuan, naturally there would be no time for Lin Yuan to talk in detail.

After all, in the eyes of such a genius, in the eyes of Li Chunqiu and other figures, it is like that.

A genius who does not grow up is not a genius.

And now, Lin Yuan has shown his own, with the potential to vacate the sky for nine days, naturally it is different.

So it’s an attitude, an attitude that shows a completely different attitude.

Under Li Chunqiu’s story, Lin Yuan understood what the situation was.

In the Xuanhuang Great World, there are many secret realms, tombs of the strong, relics and so on.

Every once in a while, there will be a birth.

Just like the remnants of the Sacred Dragon in the Sacred Dragon Mountains last time.

The cloud secret realm on this day belongs to a very special existence, belongs to the repeatable mining secret realm, and will be opened every ten years.

After each opening, there will be new treasures inside, heavenly treasures, and inheritances.

The specific reason, no one knows.

Three months later, it was time for the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm to open again.

“Since you don’t know, why is it called the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm, and is left behind by a being named Tianyun Immortal?”

When Lin Yuan heard this, he felt a little curious.

Li Chunqiu smiled and explained that the reason was very simple.

Because there was once someone who got a fairy inheritance in it.

And this immortal was named Tianyun Immortal, so he took this secret realm as the Tianyun Secret Realm.

“That’s the way it is.” Lin Yuan nodded.

Li Chunqiu continued to say to Lin Yuan, not in a hurry.

Because of the special nature of this secret realm, it is guarded by major holy places.

It is also equivalent to a contest between major holy places, a secret contest.

As the highest institution of the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage, the Heavenly Destiny Academy is naturally also ranked among the holy places of the Xuanhuang Great World.

He is qualified to go to the Secret Realm of Heavenly Clouds.

However, in previous years, whether it was the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm or other similar experiences, in the competition.

Among these holy places, the Destiny Academy did not rank very well.

Or even countdown.

It is not that the students of the Destiny Academy are worse than those of the Holy Land students.

The reason is simple, the cultivation time of the Destiny Academy is ten years.

When the decade comes, either graduate or join the academy and become a mentor, or a deacon or something.

And the people who participate in these experiences naturally have to be small characters, students.

If you send some teachers to you, what kind of system will it be?

The disciples in other holy places are different, and they generally count the Son as the Holy Lord, counting them as a generation.

The average age of such a generation of disciples is fifty years.

So, how does that compare.

Among the students of the Mandate of Heaven Academy, Jin Danjing was the existence of the number of beings.

Although such beings are strong, invincible in the same realm, and challenge beyond the ranks.

However, the core true lineages of the other holy places were not bad, they were all outstanding, and the mainstream of strength had reached the Golden Dan Realm.

Therefore, the Destiny Academy suffered a loss here, so it has not been able to compete.

With the strength that Lin Yuan had shown in the Divine Realm now, Li Chunqiu was completely in his eyes.

One of them defeated the chief of the Twelve Halls, and two of them were Jin Dan.

This kind of combat power can be described as terrifying.

When Lin Yuan broke through the Golden Dan, then the absolute existence of the Golden Dan Realm was invincible, and only those Divine Sons and Daughters could contend.

So now, let Li Chunqiu want Lin Yuan to fight for him and beat the prestige of the Mandate of Heaven Academy.


Lin Yuan nodded and answered directly.

As the head of the Destiny Academy and the chief master brother, this kind of thing naturally could not be shirked.

Moreover, this is also one of the responsibilities of the Destiny Academy, the head of the academy, the head of the temple, and the need to win glory for the academy.


Lin Yuan was named a pint, a champion of the matter, although the holy will has not yet been announced to the world.

But it was also passed out from the Manchu Dynasty’s culture and martial arts, and many family giants knew about it.

Everyone who heard the news was in disbelief.


Taking the meaning of “meritorious champion of the whole army”, the title of young general is a legend in any dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan became the champion Hou.

Or a pint.

But the Mandate of Heaven Holy Emperor had already confirmed, and it was clearly already set.

And no one can say anything.

In one day, Qianzhou was pacified and the Xuanhu State was pacified by a million troops, and then in the rest of the month, without spending a single soldier, the entire Xuanhu Kingdom was pacified and incorporated into the territory of the Mandate of Heaven Holy Dynasty.

Such achievements, such military feats, it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole army has won the championship, and it is completely reasonable.

From the time when Lin Yuan was still fighting outside, the entire capital focused on Lin Yuan.

Today, when Lin Yuan returned to Beijing, riding the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal, all the way from entering the city to the Imperial City, a group of people guessed that Lin Yuan was going to take off for nine days.

Wuhou Province.

“A pint! Champions! ”

Lin Xi’s face was fierce, and he gritted his teeth.

Hearing that Lin Yuan was rewarded as a pint marquis and a champion marquis, he could be described as very uncomfortable and very depressed.

The last time Lin Yuan was crowned marquis, he could still comfort himself that as a Marquis of Wu, his future was immeasurable.

Why take Lin Yuan’s waste to heart and compare.

Facing Lin Yuan, he had a natural sense of superiority in his heart.

But now, this sense of superiority was crushed by Lin Yuan’s trampling.

The title of champion Hou is a junior general, which can be described as everyone’s lifelong pursuit.

His dream was also to be crowned as a champion.

But it’s too hard to get to this point.

And now Lin Yuan has become the champion Hou.

Or because of the war in Qianzhou.

So the more he thinks about it now, the angrier he gets.

Because at the beginning, he also had the task of asking for orders to pacify Qianzhou.

Lin Xi kept thinking in his heart if he went to Qianzhou to quell the chaos.

Then this champion is his own.

He was already overwhelmed by anger, completely forgetting that when Lin Yuan issued the military order, some of them were just sneering, like watching a play.

Forgetting that he had asked Qianzhou to quell the chaos, he only wanted to defend against the Xuanhu army, not the Ping-Pong League.

At the same time, the word “waste” kept echoing in his mind.

It was Lin Yuan riding the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal, and when he passed by the Wuhou Mansion, he also reprimanded him.

The rebuke, extremely dismissive, but clear echoed in his mind.

Lin Xi couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart, so he was going to go into the fire, so he quickly pushed the door and went to meet his mother, Gu Shi.

For Lin Xi’s thoughts, Lin Yuan did not know anything about it.

Even if you know, you won’t take it to heart.

Because in the entire Wuhou Mansion, the only person who could make him pay attention to was Wuhou Lin Xuanji.

In his eyes, everyone else was just a clown jumping beam.

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