Lin Yuan’s words were of course to scare Lin Jue.

Lin Xuanji was a man who wanted to save heaven and was indifferent and ruthless.

But if Lin Yuan killed Lin Jue, if he really attracted Lin Xuan’s hands, there would still be unnecessary trouble.

For a character like that, it’s not worth it.

But Lin Jun didn’t know it at all.

He was completely confused.

Just now Lin Yuan struck a blow, and he had no power to fight back at all.

When Lin Yuan stared at him, he felt unable to move.

This gap is simply different.

How long had it been, less than three months since the last duel with Lin Yuan, such a gap had occurred.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words now, he couldn’t help but be afraid.

It’s a kind of fear in the heart.

Since the last duel between the two, defeated at the hands of Lin Yuan, and because of the attack of the Qi in the cliff, Lin Yuan had become a demon in his heart and a barrier in his heart.

And now, this barrier has grown into a barrier.

“Meet the head of the hospital, because I was angry in the cliff of thought, all of them went home to recuperate.”

“As for coming here, I heard the name of the champion Hou Weiming, came to visit, and took a look.”

Lin Jun swallowed the blood in his mouth and said with severe pain in his body.

There was no humiliation in his heart, shame was said, and now that he was facing Lin Yuan, he now had almost no courage to even look straight ahead.

Originally, he also wanted to threaten that he was the son of Wu Hou, this was the Heavenly Street, and if he committed murder here, it would be a crime.

However, when Lin Yuan looked at him, his brain went blank.

“So it was, did you say that earlier?” If that’s the case, then take good care of your wounds. ”

Lin Yuan saw the other party’s appearance and laughed softly, and his voice was full of contempt.

Directly stand up and take a big stride, shooting stars, and walk towards the barracks.

When he came to the barracks, the guards directly recognized Lin Yuan, was very respectful, and immediately went in to report.

“Humble Zhu Fan, meet Lin Shuai, congratulations to Lin Shuai for becoming the champion!”

In the barracks, Zhu Fan heard Lin Yuan coming, immediately ran out, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Lin Yuan.

“You’re welcome, I’m here to see the soldiers and fulfill my original promise.”

Lin Yuan waved his hand, very politely, and let him get up.

“Thank you Marshal Lin, in the battle of Qianzhou, 100,000 soldiers did not lose a single soldier or a pawn, how can you ask for your settlement fee!” Besides, this time we have all received pilgrimage awards, which are all given by Lin Shuai. ”

Zhu Fan said respectfully.

“I said yes, you just take it.”

Lin Yuan patted Zhu Fan’s shoulder and asked him to lead the way.

At the same time, I asked what reward they received.

After he returned to Beijing and went to the court, he went directly back to the retreat and did not pay attention to these things.

Zhu Fan heard the words and said to Lin Yuan happily.

With this reward, he obtained a large amount of cultivation resources, was able to cultivate directly to the Jin Dan Realm, and took over and commanded these 100,000 troops.

The remaining 100,000 soldiers also had a reward.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded, it seemed that they had not been embarrassed or anything.

Thinking about it, the military power is not in his hands, and who in the DPRK will bother with these ordinary soldiers.

Moreover, these rewards must have been rewarded by Lin Yuan, a dime a dozen.

Immediately, Lin Yuan directly took out five million Spirit Stones and handed them to Zhu Fan for him to send down.

According to the calculation of 100 times the settlement fee, 100,000 soldiers are five million spirit stones.

After doing all this, Lin Yuan did not choose to return to Wuhou Mansion, but to return to the Mandate of Heaven Academy.

Because for him, the Mandate of Heaven Academy was obviously safer than his own champion Houfu.


Wuhou Province.

In a gorgeous courtyard.


The corner of the table was broken into powder by the second lady Qin’s slap.

“Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan again!” It’s just too deceitful. ”

Her face was livid, looking at her son Lin Jun, who was lying on the bed, her chest was constantly rising and falling, and her anger was rising.

“Mother… I don’t want to. ”

Lin Jun’s face was pale, and his eyes were full of resentment and resentment.

After Lin Yuan left, his injuries combined with his flesh qi attacked his heart, and he directly fainted on the road, and then was sent back.

At this time, where did he have the appearance of the Jade Qilin that he once was.

“Jun’er is assured, this matter will not be let by her mother like this.”

Qin Shi came to the bedside, looked distressed, and shook Lin Jun’s hand and said.

“But… Lin Yuan is now a marquis, even his father…”

Lin Jun’s words were full of unwillingness.

“There is nothing to do, your father’s identity is not convenient to take care of these things, but your mother will definitely not let it be counted, this matter has me, I will make Na Lin Yuan pay the price!”

“I will write to your uncle about this, and it will certainly make that Lin Yuan look good.”

Qin’s voice gradually became colder.

Even if Lin Yuan was the champion Hou, she still had the confidence to say such words.

She can become Lin Xuanji’s second wife, Ping Wife, how can she be an ordinary identity, and her background behind her is also very unusual.

In her eyes, even if Lin Yuan became a champion, he had no foundation in the imperial court at all, and was just a pawn in the Destiny Academy.

“Thank you mother.”

When Lin Jun heard this, his face immediately showed joy.


Destiny Academy, the head hall.

Lin Yuanpan sat in the practice room, surrounded by heavenly treasures.

These were all cultivation things that had been harvested in the Xuanhu Kingdom, but most of them were ordinary things.

Subsequently, Lin Yuan took out twenty-eight different cultivation items exchanged from the Hall of Merit.

The whole practice room was filled with different medicinal aromas.

“So much, I don’t believe I can’t condense Jindan.”

Lin Yuan’s face froze, and he made up his mind that he would definitely break through Jin Dan.

Strength, he needs strength!

“There is no Shinto way to swallow the heavens!”

Performing the supreme divine skill, a terrifying figure appeared behind him.

The Heaven and Earth Treasure was constantly levitating, and was devoured and refined by the terrifying human figures.

These heavenly treasures had just entered the human shadow body, instantly turning into powder, powerful medicinal power, and energy turned into a rolling river, and through the swallowing of heaven and creation, there was no divine way rolling into Lin Yuan’s body.

Eight hundred and forty million particles roared, constantly absorbing these vast energies.

One by one, the particles woke up again.

Bang bang bang bang…

The ancient tea tree-like Essence Charm of the Path of Enlightenment levitated from the top of his head, slowly took root in the Heavenly Gate above Lin Yuan’s head, and merged into one, and the charm of the Great Avenue continued to fall.

A hundred! Two hundred! Three hundred! Five hundred! A thousand!

A little time passed, and the heavenly treasures around Lin Yuan seemed to want no money, burning madly and being devoured and refined.

The power in Lin Yuan’s body also exploded wildly, a thousand! Two thousand! Three thousand! Four thousand! Five thousand…

An ancient giant elephant condensed behind Lin Yuan, spitting clouds and mist, forming an ancient image of ancient gods.

Each god and elephant is dignified and dignified, without a hint of demonic aura, and is incomparably holy and high above.

Six thousand! Seven thousand! Eight thousand! Eight thousand six hundred!

Just when the Lin Yuan giant elephant particles reached three five or six thousand five hundred.

The one hundred and eight Void Dan above the Ancient Tea Tree of the Enlightenment above his head all burst into dazzling brilliance, all turning into Essence Golden Dan.

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