As soon as Lin Yuan’s words came out, it almost made everyone next to him smirk.

Not sure if it’s arrogance or whatever.

The Holy Son of the Taishang Holy Land, the Taishang True Dragon, was rumored to have broken through to the Fa-phase realm, which was simply terrifying.

There is a qualitative difference between Jindan and Fa.

What’s more, the existence of such a level as the Holy Land Saint Son was superior in combat strength, and its strength was no longer weaker than that of the elders.

In fact, this is also very normal, in the general holy place, fifty years old is the generation, which is also the time when the Son becomes the Holy Lord.

Now Lin Yuan, facing the threat of Taishang Qingfeng, actually asked him to directly send a message to let Taishang Zhenlong come.

Taishang Qingfeng’s face was pale, and some of them couldn’t speak.

Lin Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped on his chest with one foot, and the Yuan Divine Needle tore apart the Divine Thoughts of the Taishang Qingfeng Storage Ring, directly erased them, and then inspected the contents inside.

Under this behavior, Taishang Qingfeng couldn’t help but hum.

“Is this it?”

Lin Yuan saw a golden jade rune from the storage ring, and without saying much, directly crushed it.

The Jade Charm turned into a soaring golden light, and a vision of a golden sun appeared in the sky.

This scene made Lin Yuan nod slightly.

Seeing that the other people reluctantly did not want to hand things over, there were colorful lights emerging behind them.

Five-color divine light, nothing is brushed!

Boom boom !!!

The five-colored divine light swept through, and everyone only felt a breeze, and the storage rings, magic weapons, and heavenly treasures on their bodies all fell into Lin Yuan’s hands.

After these things were brushed by the five-color divine light, the marks inside were directly erased, and there was no need for Lin Yuan to do it again, which was very convenient.

Lin Yuan took out all the messenger charms inside and used them all, whether it was true or not.

Right now.

Ten thousand miles away from here, many figures suddenly froze and looked in the direction where Lin Yuan was.

The distance between these messengers is ten thousand miles.

After Lin Yuan had done all this, he immediately said, “Okay, you can leave.” ”

When someone heard Lin Yuan’s words, they couldn’t help but be overjoyed, turned into a rainbow light and left, not daring to stay.

“When I say leave, I leave with a jade card.”

Lin Yuan stepped out, probing the void of his hand, and in an instant, the wind and clouds changed, and a large hand print of the void appeared in the Heavenly Dome, crushing the space.

The person who had disappeared from the rainbow was suppressed in an instant, and with a loud thud, it landed in front of Lin Yuan’s eyes, covered in blood.

Everyone watched this scene, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and their eyes kept changing.

“It’s horrible!”

“Isn’t his strength the Golden Dan Realm?”

“I was so unlucky, I didn’t expect to come across such a star when I first came in.”

They could clearly see that the teenager in front of them was not something they could resist at all.

As for the threats, harsh words or something.

No one does this, says this.

Because, this kind of behavior is obviously a self-seeking death.

Lin Yuan’s strength was not only stronger than theirs, I don’t know how many times.

Moreover, as the head of the Heavenly Destiny Academy and the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage Champion, his status was better and higher than that of any one of them in the field.

In addition, with the experience of having the Taishang Qingfeng, Lin Yuan crushed all the messenger hoops in front of them, what does this mean.

This is a kind of self-confidence, invincible self-confidence, even if the strength is strong, there is no fear.

At this moment, even if they were helpless, they could only crush the jade card and leave.

Because there was no resistance at all, if he stayed, Lin Yuan would really have to take away the jade card and kill it, even if it was not necessarily found out in the Sect Gate.

Watching everyone take out the jade card and crush it away, Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

He had already given everyone a chance, and since they all knew each other, he wouldn’t kill them all, and if anyone didn’t know each other, he wouldn’t mind doing it.

Everyone in the field left, including the arrogant Taishang Qingfeng at the beginning.

When the jade plate is crushed and left, a small jade plate will appear again on the original ground.

Each small jade card represents one point.

This is also part of the game.

There are nine small jade cards and nine storage rings.

“It’s too poor.”

Lin Yuan looked at the storage ring and couldn’t help but sigh.

He casually estimated that the nine storage rings combined were worth about twelve million Spirit Stones.

Among them, the storage ring of Taishang Qingfeng occupies most of it.

Lin Yuan did not leave, planning to wait here for a while, catch some fish, and see if anyone returned.

Before long, people came one after another.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yuan didn’t say a word and went straight to work.

Each time it is a one-hit suppression, and then the original operation is repeated.

“Forget it, you still have to go to the exit and wait, otherwise, it is too inefficient.”

After three times, Lin Yuan felt tasteless.

It’s too inefficient, too few people come, too dispersed.

Lin Yuan said to himself, and a pair of dark and deep wings suddenly appeared behind him, condensed by mana, and his whole body was dark and wide.

Wings of Freedom!

The wings stretched out, and a dark breath pervaded, evil, vast, mysterious, and breathtaking.

Lin Yuan’s entire body had already disappeared, appearing high in the air, while holding the map to compare his location.

“My place is now called Cloud Forest, so the exit is in Tianyang Mountain, flying about 800,000 miles to the east.”

Without hesitation, Lin Yuan flew directly towards Tianyang Mountain.

Now his strength, with the Wings of Freedom, is extremely fast, and the distance of eight hundred thousand miles can be reached in three or four hours, which can be described as terrifying.

Within three hours, Lin Yuan had come directly to Tianyang Mountain.

In the process, he also sent warmth four times.

“I’ve seen the head of the house.”

There were two figures, a man and a woman, dressed in the uniform of the Mandate of Heaven Academy, who came forward to pay respects to Lin Yuan.

They landed here in Tianyang Mountain, and wanted to leave, but thinking of Lin Yuan’s order to let everyone gather at Tianyang Mountain, they still stayed, and they didn’t expect Lin Yuan to come to Tianyang Mountain so quickly.


Lin Yuan nodded with a smile on his face, he didn’t expect that there were still two people there, since this was the case, it was more convenient.

There is an altar at the top of Tianyang Mountain, like a white jade square, very magnificent.

This is the exit of the Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm.

A month later, he came to the top of Tianyang Mountain and left through this altar.

Lin Yuan came here and sacrificed the Eight Wilds Town World Banner, and the banner hunted and hunted, constantly getting bigger, ten zhang, twenty zhang, thirty zhang… Hyakujo… Thousands of feet.

The Eight Wilds Town World Banner is like a heavenly curtain, enveloping the entire White Jade Square in it, making it impossible for people to enter and exit at all.

“What is the head of the hospital going to do?”

The female student, Wang Wu, looked at this scene with some doubts.

The male student Zhang Shan’s eyes narrowed, and he said with some disbelief, “When the head of the academy came to Tianyang Mountain in advance, he would not want to set a ban and a formation, and then the entire Tianyun Secret Realm and other strength people would be wiped out.” ”

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