In the secret realm of the clouds.

Lin Yuan looked at the situation in front of him, and his face did not change in the slightest.

On the contrary, not far behind, the students of the Mandate of Heaven Academy looked a little worried and worried, and they were obviously panicked.

At this time, outside the Tianyang Mountain, thousands of cultivators had already gathered.

The reason for all this was naturally caused by the words of the cold-clad boy in black before, Han Li.

Because of that prompt, many monks were wary.

Coupled with seeing the exit of Tianyang Mountain, the fog was swirling, and there was obviously a prohibition, which made the words even more confirmed.

The Heavenly Xuan Sect’s more than a hundred people were completely wiped out in a short period of time, which was terrible and exaggerated.

At this time, a carriage appeared, nine Xuanhuanglong horse-drawn carriages.

When everyone saw the carriage, they couldn’t help but give way to a road.

At the same time, a look of joy appeared on their faces.

“It’s the prince of the Immortal Qin Hall, Zhao Wushen!”

“Zhao Wushen cultivated the Way of the Holy King, the Inner Saint and the Outer King, has always been extremely domineering, and now he will definitely fight with this Lin Yuan.”

“There are good dramas to watch, and I heard that Lin Yuan of this Heavenly Destiny Academy is because of Zhao Wushen, so he made a golden-winged giant bird to pull a cart, which is obviously to suppress Zhao Wushen.”

The crowd was shocked, knowing that in such a king-to-king situation, there would inevitably be a battle.

“I don’t know who won or lost between the two.”

“That must be Zhao Wushen, Zhao Wushen is the Nine Emperors Holy Body, with the King’s Qi Protective Body, the ordinary Dao Fa Divine Power is completely ineffective against him, and the only way to suppress him at the same level is to suppress him with the flesh.” But Zhao Wushen had already cultivated the Black Dragon’s true body to the fifth layer, and his flesh was comparable to that of a Rare Treasure. ”

“This Lin Yuan can rise like this, absolutely cannot be underestimated, and if nothing else, even the Holy Son and Saint Daughter can not do it, it is a person with great luck.”

“Lin Yuan is naturally extraordinary, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to become the head of the Heavenly Destiny Academy, but he is too young, as far as I know, this Lin Yuan is only seventeen years old now, and he has only been cultivating for a few years, and how the foundation foundation compares to Zhao Wushen.”

People kept telling the information they knew, surprising everyone.

“Hey, seventeen years old, that’s too evil!”

“This Lin Yuan’s strength is already Jindan, seventeen-year-old Jindan, this and this…”

Everyone was shocked by Lin Yuan’s age.

Seventeen-year-old Jin Dan is too young.

Such as the Taishang Holy Land, the Purple House Holy Land, and the Holy Sons and Daughters of these holy places of all sides, are called the younger generation.

But like the Taishang Divine Son, the Taishang True Dragon, he has reached the age of forty.


The nine Xuanhuang Dragon Horses hissed, and the carriage stopped.

The curtains on both sides of the carriage are embroidered with black and gold-rimmed dragon embroidery.

A handsome man stepped out of the carriage.

His long hair was pitch black, tied up by a black jade crown, and he wore a black true dragon robe, and the real dragon on it seemed to be swimming, adding a lot of majesty.

The man’s eyebrows and eyes give people a very sharp feeling, which makes people subconsciously have a sense of oppression.

At first glance, you can see that this is a very strong man, extremely strong, as if everything is in his own hands.

The man stepped out, shrunk into inches, and appeared in front of Lin Yuan, with a true dragon in his eyes, looking at Lin Yuan like a trial.

“Destiny Academy Lin Yuan?”

Zhao Wushen opened his mouth, like a thunderclap, and his voice carried a sense of majesty.

Lin Yuan did not speak, pointed to the stone tablet on the ground, and signaled for Zhao Wushen to see, he was honest, and he did it.

Zhao Wushen followed Lin Yuan’s point, looked down and saw the big characters of the dragon flying phoenix dancing on the stone tablet, as if he saw some kind of joke, he suddenly burst out laughing.

King’s Road Kill Fist!

Lin Yuan saw Zhao Wushen smirking like this, he didn’t bother to talk nonsense with the other party, his five fingers squeezed his fists, bursting out endless divine light, and his fist like a big sun appeared and then fell towards him.

With a loud bang, the endless void shattered, and the Great Sun appeared in front of Zhao Wushen.

Zhao Wushen, who was laughing loudly, faced this sudden punch, and tried to block it in a panic, but found that it was too late, too fast, this speed was too fast.


Zhao Wushen was smashed the chest by Lin Yuan’s fist, like a cannonball, directly hitting the ground, smashing the ground, and once again a loud noise appeared, and the ground exploded, accompanied by soaring dust.

Lin Yuan did not pursue, this punch seemed to be just an ordinary punch, just a casual punch, standing in the God King’s chariot, looking down at him.

Everyone looked at it with their eyes and could see that the place where Zhao Wushen had fallen had left a deep pit several inches wide.

Everyone was a little unresponsive, a little stunned.

Just now, Zhao Wushen was still a light and cloudy posture, like a supreme king, and in the blink of an eye, he was directly suppressed.

Although it was said that Lin Yuan was unexpected, Zhao Wushen suffered a loss.

But this picture is also too tragic to see.

The students of the Destiny Academy were behind, and this scene could be seen clearly and stunned.

As for Zhao Wushen, the crown prince of the Immortal Qin Hall, they were not like Lin Yuan, they did not know what they did not understand and were not afraid.

I know deeply how terrible this Zhao Wushen is.

As a result, I didn’t expect to be directly punched into the pit by Lin Yuan, what Saint King’s Way, Inner Saint Outer King, King’s Qi, under this punch, all of them were destroyed.


A long roar sounded, like a human roar, and like a dragon groan, there was an explosion in the deep pit, and Zhao Wushen rose from it and hung in mid-air.

His black jade crown fell under this blow, his hair was dancing wildly, surrounded by large stones, and the void was distorted.

“I want you to die!”

Zhao Wushen was furious, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he rushed over, conceiting incomparably much, wanting to use the other way, and also to use the other body, and physically suppress and destroy Lin Yuan.

A stream of dragon qi appeared around Zhao Wushen’s body, causing the void to be faintly distorted.


Zhao Wushen’s fist exploded, like a dragon like a dragon, strong and powerful, turning into a dragon pillar and suppressing everything.

Lin Yuan stood on the God King Battle, his face did not fluctuate at all, he greeted him and took a step forward.


The two fists and fingers touched together, making a violent sound, like a god and demon beating a drum.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the sound of a faint bone crack.

Zhao Wushen flew out, his right arm trembled slightly, the skin of his hand bone opened and flesh, Sensen’s white bone was exposed, and his face was angry and shocked, “How is this possible, how can your flesh be so powerful.” ”

He was full of disbelief.

You must know that he has the Nine Emperors Holy Body, has the King’s Qi Protective Body, is born with all laws and no law, and the demons dare not rely on him, and the only defect is the flesh.

Zhao Wushen was very proud, and he wanted to take the invincible path and cultivate the true body of the Black Dragon with his own king’s aura.

The black dragon is the first weight, and it can have the power of a dragon.

And now that he had cultivated to the fifth level, he already had the power of ten thousand dragons, and he could fight the Fa.

Although he hadn’t used his full strength just now to reveal the true body of the Black Dragon, his every move also had great power, how could he be completely crushed by Lin Yuan.

“Be self-conscious, there are still so many people waiting behind you.”

Lin Yuan said in a calm tone to Zhao Wushen.

For Zhao Wushen’s strength, he could feel that the other party was very strong.

But the other party should not be, should not compete with him for strength, now the number of particles in his giant elephant is nearly seventy thousand, this power can already explode everything.

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