“The hunt is over, now start publishing the rankings”

“First Life, Champion Hou, Lin Yuan 1300 points”

“Second place, 17th Crown Prince Gu Wuqian 300 points”

“Third place, Lin Qingxia 240 points”

Lin Yuan heard that he was the first place, and he didn’t expect that his score would be so high, after all, he didn’t seriously go hunting.

But after winning the first place, Lin Yuan still felt that it was okay, after all, the first place still had a reward.

Moreover, the imperial family would not be stingy, and directly distributed 100,000 Shangpin Spirit Stones to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was actually very happy to see that it was a spirit stone, after all, he needed a spirit stone to read it now.

Since he had ascended to the Fa Realm, he had only read the book once, and although he could now read the Great God-level works, he had never had the opportunity to read it because of the lack of a spirit stone.

“Thank you Holy Emperor for your gift, and you will definitely work harder after that,” Lin Yuan said with a salute.

Lin Yuan still knew that this was the meaning of the Holy Emperor, after all, if it were not for the Holy Emperor organizing such activities, who would dare to engage in these things privately, and still call so many princes.

Therefore, Lin Yuan directly thanked the Holy Emperor.

“Hahaha, yes, I still hope you can work harder, champion Hou, you are the future”

The Holy Emperor was also very happy, after all, at least this showed that Lin Yuan still had strength.

Although he also understood that the strength of these princes was not strong, it was also rare to be able to directly crush them to become the first place.

And he also understood that Lin Yuan did not take this hunt seriously at all.

Otherwise, such a score would certainly be impossible, and it would certainly be an unimaginable score.

Thinking about this, the Holy Emperor was directly ready to go back, after all, everyone was very busy during this time.

“Then I’ll go back first, and I’ll remember to come to me later when I have time,” Lin Yuan said to Fang Qingxue.

Fang Qingxue bowed his head and said hello in the smallest voice.

Then the two said goodbye and went in different directions.

“You can be said to be famous again today, worthy of being a champion Hou,” Li Chunqiu said with a smile.

Lin Yuan laughed a few times, and did not want to chat, after all, he was now full of thoughts about how to bring back his mother’s spirit card.

This is Lin Yuan’s greatest wish, as long as he does this well, then he will die without regrets.

After Lin Yuan said goodbye to Li Chunqiu, he went to the Champion Hou Mansion, because he needed to think about how to bring back the ancestral hall spirit card.

After Lin Yuan arrived at the Champion Hou Mansion, he asked Xiao Ma not to disturb him, and then went to his room.

“Do you want to go directly to Wuhou Mansion and get it back?” Lin Xuanji should not come back either. ”

Lin Yuan thought about this, and finally decided to go directly to get his mother’s ancestral hall spirit card.

After all, no matter how many plans you consider, it is not as good as the reality that you directly grab.

After the decision, Lin Yuan prepared to leave the next day.

And the Qin clan, who was in Wuhou Mansion, would never have thought that Lin Yuan would come to her the next day.

At the moment, she was still in contact with the people of her own family, but her own family simply ignored herself.

This led her to go and not to stay. 、

After all, it was also a bad choice for him to stay here, and Lin Yuan had spoken out to kill her entire clan.

She was still a little afraid of Lin Yuan, so she would always think of a way.

“I hope Lin Yuan doesn’t come to me during this time, I hope I can survive it.”

Thinking like this, Qin Shi entered the dream.

“Second lady, second lady, not good!” Lin Yuan is coming, Lin Yuan is coming! ”

The next morning, a loud noise made Qin Shi run out in fright.

When he saw Lin Yuan standing in Wuhou Mansion, he knew that something was going to happen.

After all, Lin Yuan may also come over for no reason, which means that there is only one thing that is, to kill himself.

“I tell you, Lin Yuan, even if you are a champion Hou now, you can’t kill me, I’m Lady Wuhoufu!”

Qin Shi yelled at Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan walked towards the ancestral hall with no expression.

“Stop! The Second Lady talks to you, and you dare to ignore it! What a system! ”

A servant who had been bullying Lin Yuan yelled at Lin Yuan. ,

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, stopped and suddenly the crowd in his mind made him instantly angry.

Because it was this servant who had been bullying Lin Yuan, bullying Lin Yuan’s low status and not giving Lin Yuan food.

Thinking of this, the angry Lin Yuan directly smashed his fist on the servant’s body.

“Aaaah! Killed! Champion Hou killed! ”

Everyone present saw Lin Yuan’s move, and all of them ran around in direct fear.

Because they also did not expect that Lin Yuan would directly do it.

After all, everyone has a principle in their hearts, that is, this is the Wuhou Mansion, and no one can make trouble here.

“Lin Yuan! You are a member of the Wuhou Mansion! Kill the next person! Who gives you power! ”

Qin Shi really couldn’t bear it, because she didn’t expect Lin Yuan to do it directly.

And when she was angry, Lin Yuan directly killed these servants.

Because he remembers very clearly, these people have been abusing themselves and not eating themselves.

After killing these people, he finally walked slowly to the ancestral hall, because his main purpose was the mother’s spiritual tablet in the ancestral hall.

And his heart was finally a little more comfortable, after all, it was too cool to be able to kill these people who had bullied him with his own hands.

“I’m sorry, mother, I’m late, and I will never let you be wronged again, please let me take you away.”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he took the spirit card and put it in the storage ring, and then walked to the door.

And Qin Shi saw Lin Yuan come out and continue his insults.

Because she was sure that Lin Yuan did not dare to kill herself, after all, Lin Xuanji was behind her.

Killing these servants Lin Xuanji would not care, but killing himself Lin Xuanji would definitely take revenge.

Moreover, Qin Shi understood that Lin Yuan would definitely not be able to defeat Lin Xuanji.

Therefore, this is the reason why Qin Shi has always been arrogant.

After all, there is a backstage here, how can you lose.

“Lin Yuan, I tell you! Don’t think about going to Wuhou Mansion today! Lin Xuanji will definitely kill you! ”

Qin continued to insult, but these made Lin Yuan finally unable to bear it. ,

He felt that if he did not express his strength again, these people would certainly be more arrogant.

So he instantly unleashed his own coercion.

The Fa Phase Realm is complete, and the Lin Yuan Fa Phase Realm is a crushing existence.

Therefore, the coercion can be described as too strong.


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