“Do you want to come back to Zhongzhou with me?”

Lin Yuan looked at Hei Tong, who had become a fairyland and was excited, and said.

Hei Tong said that although his target was Lin Xuanji, he now believed that Lin Yuan could solve Lin Xuanji.

Therefore, he decided to stay, and Lin Yuan did not show anything, he was still very grateful to Hei Tong in his heart.

Because of the existence of Black Tong, he had improved his realm and obtained the artifact.

So after saying goodbye to Kuroki, he rode his golden-winged roc bird and flew in the direction of Zhongzhou.

“It’s time for revenge”


Lin Yuan looked at the familiar town and sighed with emotion, because he had been away for a month, so when he saw the capital again, he still said that he missed it very much.

Then he flew to the Champion Mansion, but he found that there were many people standing at the door of the Champion Mansion, so he quickly jumped down.

“Lin Yuan is gone, you haven’t handed over the Champion Palace yet, I tell you, the Imperial Dynasty doesn’t have time to take care of these things for you, so don’t expect anyone to save you.”

The leader was very arrogant and shouted at the pony, but the pony stood in the doorway and did not back half a step.

“You said no one came to his rescue?” Am I not human? ”

Lin Yuan, who fell from the sky, could be described as domineering, and Xiao Ma saw that the comer was Lin Yuan, and instantly jumped up with excitement.

Because he had faced this kind of thing too much during this time, after all, many people were waiting for Lin Yuan to die.

And now Lin Yuan had disappeared for so long, and he had fought with Lin Xuanji before he disappeared.

Therefore, everyone naturally thought that Lin Yuan had been killed by Lin Xuanji.

But now it suddenly appeared again, causing fear to everyone present.

Because Lin Yuan exploded his mana in the air.

“Become a wonderland! It turned out to be a fairyland! ”

“Lin Yuan turned into a fairyland consummation!” What’s going on! ”

“Run! Come on! ”

Everyone began to flee in fear, but how could Lin Yuan let them go?

Just unleashing their own pressure, everyone present was directly stunned in place, and then lay down in pain.

Xiao Ma looked at Lin Yuan, who was directly crushing everyone, and waited in place with a face full of adoration.

And Lin Yuan also saw that the person who bullied the pony was spinning in pain, so he turned his head and walked towards the Champion Hou Mansion.

“Good job, sure enough, I didn’t see the wrong person,” Lin Yuan said as he looked at the pony.

Xiao Ma was shyly scratching his head, although he was indeed afraid, but as soon as he thought of Lin Yuan bringing himself back, he was rejuvenated.

So every time he stood at the door of the Champion’s mansion and told others that this was his master’s home.

Lin Yuan looked at the familiar place, and then entered his room, while the pony was understanding, slowly closed the door and stood in the doorway.

Lin Yuan wanted to redeem a book, after all, the number of borrowings this month had been refreshed, and he had become a fairyland.

He could already borrow books of the Great God Level, so the first thing he did when he came back was to borrow books.

In the capital city, the fact that Lin Yuan had returned to show his strength had completely spread.

“I heard that no, the champion Hou became the consummation of the Immortal Realm, and it was the same as Lin Xuanji’s realm.”

“I heard that I just came back and ran away from the people who wanted to occupy the Champion Palace”

“I really didn’t think about it, I thought it was dead, and I knew that not only was it okay but it became a fairyland.”

“Worthy of being the head of the forest, there are surprises everywhere”

They had been discussing, so the news also reached Lin Xuanji’s ears.

“Lin Yuan, what are you thinking, becoming a perfect fairyland, is it to kill me?”

“What happened to you that will become the consummation of the wonderland so quickly”

Li Chunqiu in the Destiny Academy heard that Lin Yuan had returned, and quickly ran out of the academy happily.

Moreover, he also heard the news that Lin Yuan had become a perfect immortal, so he decided to go directly to Lin Yuan.

“You guy, really give me a lot of surprises, every news has such a huge news”

“My head is blowing up, you guys”



Book Title: The Black Dragon

Level: Great God level

Word count: 6 million words (finished)

Synopsis: The legendary life of Black Dragon, the first ruler of the Western Desert, became such a powerful being when he became a monk

Lin Yuan was directly dumbfounded when he saw the name of the book, because he did not expect that it was the story of the Black Dragon.

This means that the reward is likely to be the Black Dragon’s practice.

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan quickly opened the book and read it.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for completing the reading, getting rewarded, and returning to Tiandan”

Lin Yuan was directly dumbfounded when he saw the reward, because he did not expect to get a Dan Medicine.

Although this elixir can bring people back to life, it can also be revived if taken in advance.

But compared to the other exercises in the book, this elixir is really too cheap.

But Lin Yuan also knew the legendary life of the Black Dragon through reading.

Lin Yuan had never imagined that the Black Dragon would have such a tragic experience.

Because according to the book, Black Dragon’s parents abandoned him when he was a child and ran away.

The Black Dragon was placed at the door of a monk’s house.

That’s why the Black Dragon became a monk.

But things did not go well, and the monk who adopted him was beheaded by a force.

Therefore, the Black Dragon began to cultivate, and slowly at the age of sixteen, he broke through to the perfection of the Immortal Realm.

So through absolute strength, the Black Dragon quickly took revenge, and then ruled the Western Desert.

But when the Black Dragon was thirty years old, he suddenly disappeared, making everyone wonder why he disappeared.

After his disappearance, Ximo was also accepted by another person, and the monk’s days as rulers lasted only ten years.

But there is a sentence at the end of the book that makes Lin Yuan very concerned.

“If you want to become an immortal, you must first let go of all hatred, or live only for hatred”

Lin Yuan looked at these words and fell into thought.

Although Lin Yuan read these books to get rewards, there will still be some words that make him unforgettable.

So he read it again, trying to understand the meaning of this sentence thoroughly.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for having finished reading, get rewarded, tail fire tiger”

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