Lin Yuan looked at the Heavenly Demon King who rushed towards him, and he reacted quickly.

After all, according to Lin Yuan’s realm, it was very simple to avoid the attack of the already mad Heavenly Demon King.

Therefore, when Lin Yuan faced the Heavenly Demon King, according to the current situation, he was still very confident.

The Heavenly Demon King saw that he could not go up to Lin Yuan, and he was even more angry, completely insane, and had lost his sanity.

“Lin Yuan, don’t want to leave today!”

“You human beings dared to break into my territory and kill my people, and I will never forgive you!”

The mana in the Heavenly Demon King’s body began to expand wildly, and his current state was his true state.

His magic horns are very scary, his wings are also bloody, and the feathers on his wings will continue to grow with his mana.

The current Heavenly Demon King was the real master, and the sense of oppression in his body had also reached the extreme. ,

Lin Yuan, who saw this scene, was thinking about how to resist the madness of the Heavenly Demon.

And when the Green Fairy saw the appearance of the Heavenly Demon King, he was already afraid of himself, and at this moment, he was completely desperate.

“Lin Yuanbo, you should be careful, I feel that his current strength is no longer the strength of the Great Luo Realm, you must be careful.”

“If you can’t support your mana, tell me, I’ll restore your mana, you must hold on.”

The Green Fairy shouted hysterically, because she really didn’t want to lose Lin Yuan again, after all, it was because she hadn’t thought clearly about it before, which led to misunderstanding Lin Yuan.

But now after solving the misunderstanding, the Green Immortal didn’t want to lose Lin Yuan anymore, after all, Lin Yuan would do this all because of himself.

Thinking about this, there were already tears in the eyes of the Green Fairy.

And Lin Yuan heard the call of the Green Fairy, and his heart was warm, after all, it was the best thing to have such a girl who cared about herself.

Lin Yuan looked back at the Green Immortal, and then prepared a move to solve this Heavenly Demon King.

After all, Lin Yuan didn’t want the Green Immortal to be afraid because of this Heavenly Demon King.

“Actually, before you, I didn’t really want to kill you, but now I want to kill you.”

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

“Sky Eye”

“All words are secret”

“Shura Mask”

Lin Yuan’s most powerful punch began to brew in Lin Yuan’s hand. ,

Then this punch rushed towards the Heavenly Demon King with great speed,

When the Heavenly Demon King saw the mana in Lin Yuan’s hand, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear in an instant.


A moment of slack made Lin Yuan seize the opportunity.


With a loud noise, a powerful thick smoke directly enveloped the area. 、

When Lin Yuan’s fist touched the Heavenly Demon King, the mana wave generated directly caused the Qing Immortals to take half a step back.

And the shock wave generated by this battle not only alarmed the various sects, but even those people in the sky were all Jingdong.

“What’s going on! Why such a powerful shock wave! ”

“I don’t know! Could it be that the people above came down? ”

“They won’t do it like this when they come down, after all, there is no existence that can make them do it.”

“I think it’s those people in heaven who have clashed with which sect leader?”


“You found that it was Lin Yuan, this guy, I didn’t expect to hide such a powerful force.”

“It’s really a miracle, this lower world people have given us too many surprises”

“Sure enough, Lin Yuanhe’s strength is more than that?” Where the hell are his limits?”


And the Heavenly Sect Patriarch looked at the distance with a sad face,

Because he also felt in an instant that this shock wave was caused by Lin Yuan.

“I hope you don’t have anything, Heavenly Demon King, if you can defeat it, then you are the peak, Lin Yuan.”


“I didn’t expect that you had become so strong, did you use Excalibur in the end?”

Lin Xuanji looked at the direction of the shock wave, he didn’t expect that Lin Yuan would have such a powerful strength.

If he knew that this was Lin Yuan’s King’s Dao Killing Fist, then Lin Xuanji would definitely know the gap between them.

After all, Lin Yuan could also make such a shock wave, but he needed to rely on the artifact.

Therefore, a punch like Lin Yuan could cause the existence of such a shock wave, except for those who were suzerains, others would definitely not be able to do it.


As the smoke slowly subsided, the Green Immortal rushed madly in the direction Lin Yuan had been before.

After all, causing this result, the Green Fairy was really afraid that he would never see Lin Yuan again.

“Please don’t be in trouble!!!!”

The Green Fairy roared in despair, but got no response.

And when she felt Lin Yuan’s breath, Qing Xian Zi found that she couldn’t even feel Lin Yuan’s breath.

But the Green Fairy still saw the corpse of the Heavenly Demon King.

I saw that the corpse had become completely disfigured, and there was no longer any life.

“Lin Yuan!!! Where the hell are you!!! ”

The roar of the Green Fairy spread throughout the mountain range, but she still did not wait for Lin Yuan’s voice.

“Green Fairy!!”

The voice of the Heavenly Sect Patriarch appeared in the mountains.

The Green Immortal quickly turned around and rushed towards the Sect Lord.

The Sect Master looked at the Green Immortal with a puzzled face, but after feeling Lin Yuan’s breath, he frowned slightly.

“Patriarch, Lin Yuan is gone!” It’s all because of me, and I shouldn’t have let him avenge me! ”

The Green Fairy let go of herself completely and began to cry.

And the suzerainty can only pat the green fairy after being comforted by her. 、

“He’ll be fine”

The Patriarch was comforting the Green Immortal, but he also knew in his heart that this kind of comfort was really useless.

Moreover, the suzerainty was not sure what was wrong with Lin Yuan.

“Where have you been, Lin Yuan?”

The suzerainty looked into the distance and fell into the memory.


“Where am I?”

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw the unfamiliar environment at noon.

And this environment was a scene that Lin Yuan had never seen before.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to come here”

A pale voice directly startled Lin Yuan. 、

After Lin Yuan turned back, he saw the white-robed old man, floating in the air, looking at Lin Yuan.

“Who are you?”

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