“I will give you an artifact, the same as the Excalibur, but another form, the magic sword.”

“And you will become a being capable of devouring despair, the devil”

Hearing the old man’s words, Lin Yuan was directly stunned, because he did not expect that this place was actually hell, and the person in front of him was really the Demon King.

There was another thing that made Lin Yuan very concerned, that is, the Excalibur actually had another form.

Magic sword? Lin Yuan said that he had never heard of this.

In fact, it is normal that he has not heard of it.

The two artifacts were originally the most powerful, but they split in two in an accident.

In fact, Excalibur is not the strongest artifact, and two artifacts put together are the strongest artifacts.

Moreover, Excalibur can only exert its most powerful strength when it encounters the magic sword.

The creator of the magic sword was the old man standing in front of Lin Yuan, the Demon King.

“Lin Yuan, I know that telling you this in this instant will indeed make you have no way to believe it.”

“But I really can’t get in here for everyone, and if you can be chosen, that means you have the qualifications to be chosen.”

“I didn’t think to put pressure on you, but I think I have to tell you these things.”

“I want you to be the next Demon King, maybe it’s hard this time, it’s unacceptable to you.”

“But in the midst of the adjustments I just made, I changed your physical fitness to be able to withstand my strength”

“Your own strength will not change, you need to do this yourself.”

“After all, your own state is the same as your own willpower and everything else.”

“And my strength will become able to enhance your existence, and when you become a demon king form, you can exert your true strength.”

“When you are in the form of a Demon King, your body must accept powerful magic, and you yourself have to be careful not to be swallowed up by magic.”

“So, I want to give you some ways to use your own strength dozens of times when you fight later.”

“And your magic, you will control more accurately.”

“Would you like to?” Lin Yuan”

The old man’s words made Lin Yuan feel that his brain was not big enough for a moment.

After all, he accepted so much information in an instant, and the old man also told Lin Yuan that he would become the next Demon King.

All this made Lin Yuan begin to doubt the meaning of his existence.

“Can you please let me think about it?”

Lin Yuan slowly looked up, and when the old man saw Lin Yuan, the corners of his mouth showed a smile.

Because the old man saw that two tiny demon horns began to appear on Lin Yuan’s forehead.

And this Demon Horn will be a sign that he has become a Demon King. ,

The Demon King had actually been waiting for this Demon Horn, so when he saw it, he was still very happy.

In fact, what Lin Yuan didn’t know was that he couldn’t become a demon king or not, and he wasn’t looking at himself at all.

Instead, the Demon King wanted to test Lin Yuan, and now Lin Yuan began to have magic in his body, and this magic would guide Lin Yuan. 、

After all, what magic needs most is to be able to fulfill your dreams.

And the Demon King’s biggest dream is to rule the Immortal Realm again.

In fact, the old man is also a servant of magic.

After all, magic only appears in people they recognize. ,

And the Demon King has always felt that magic has a will.

Otherwise, how could I be controlled so thoroughly by such a thing? 、

The Demon King’s greatest wish is to be able to control the magic in his body. 、

After all, the Demon King could clearly feel that he had not been able to control the magic power in his body, and the Demon King believed that if he could control the magic, then his strength would reach its peak.

However, after working hard for tens of thousands of years, he could not fully control the magic, and he could clearly feel that his magic would fall into a state of rage many times.

“Okay, I’ll give you time to think about it”

After the old man finished speaking to Lin Yuan, he slowly drifted to a room and left Lin Yuan in the hall to think.

And Lin Yuan stood where he was, full of thoughts about how to take revenge and how to rule the Immortal Realm.

“What’s going on?”

Lin Yuan thought like this and began to feel the changes in his body, after all, he suddenly had this kind of thought, and he had no way to control it. 、


Lin Yuan felt an energy in his body that did not belong to him, and this energy was manic and restless.

And this energy has been hitting his heart.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that it was this inexplicable energy that was changing his heart. ,

Then Lin Yuan also touched the two demon horns above his head.

Although Lin Yuan was confused in his heart, the benefits brought by the Demon Horn made him forget about the existence of this thing.

Because after this demon horn existed, Lin Yuan could feel the other energies around him.

Lin Yuan found that the mana in this castle was not as much magic.

“Is this magic?”

Lin Yuan felt the energy that entered his body.

He could clearly feel the ambition in this energy, and he could also know that this energy wanted to devour himself.

“Decided, no matter what he is, let’s improve our strength first.”

As soon as this idea appeared in Lin Yuan’s heart, the old man appeared in front of him in an instant, looking at him with a smile on his face.

“Good choice!!!!”

After the old man roared angrily, his body began to change.

Compared with the kind white-robed old man before, the current form can be described as domineering.

Because the skin on the old man’s body fell off little by little, then the whole body appeared dark black, and the magic on his body was raging and devouring the magic around him. 、

And the bright red eyes, like the abyss, do not see the bottom, just a glance will make people fall.

The wings behind him were also domineeringly open, feeling like they could take Lin Yuan’s life at any time.

“This is the true form of the Demon King!”

After the Demon King transformed, he looked at Lin Yuan, and finally showed Lin Yuan his true form.

“Is this the Demon King?” Devouring all despair? A demon that can rule this world? ”

Lin Yuan looked at the demon king in front of him with adoration on his face, because the invisible oppressive feeling of the demon king in front of him could make Lin Yuan feel the powerful strength.

“Then Lin Yuan, are you ready to become the Demon King?”

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