“Elder Lin Yuan, it’s time to get up”

Lin Yuanben was practicing in the spiritual space, but he was called up by the Heavenly Sect disciples.

Then Lin Yuan slowly walked out of his own courtyard, and then saw the disciple waiting for him.

“What’s up, so early”

Lin Yuan looked at the disciple in front of him, and he knew that he must have something to come back to find himself.

And the disciple was still very scared when he saw Lin Yuan come out, after all, he called Lin Yuan out, and if Lin Yuan lost his temper with himself, he couldn’t keep it.

But this disciple had never imagined that Lin Yuan had not even lost his temper with himself.

“Elder Lin Yuan, it was the Patriarch who called you over, and I came to call you, and I am really sorry to disturb you.”

The disciple performed the ritual and waited for Lin Yuan’s response.

When Lin Yuan heard that it was the Patriarch who called himself, he was slightly surprised, and then he walked outside the door.

“I see, it’s all right, let’s go”

The disciple led Lin Yuan to the largest courtyard of the Heavenly Sect, the resting place of the Sect Master.

“Patriarch, I brought Elder Lin Yuan with me, then I will retire first.”

The disciple finished speaking and left.

The Patriarch looked at Lin Yuan and smiled for a moment, and then slowly walked down.

“I know what happened yesterday, and I believe that other sects also know that someone has broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm Consummation, and there really is you.”

Although he was very worried that Lin Yuan would know the secret of the Green Immortal, but looking at Lin Yuan’s expression, the Sect Lord was still convinced that Lin Yuan had not found out.

“I didn’t ask you to come here today for this matter, in fact, you just came back, I shouldn’t have sent you to the task, but because this task is very important to us, I decided to call you over.” 」

“A few days ago, when the Sin Sect was on a mission, he discovered the oldest secret realm in the Immortal Realm.”

“And it is said that there is the wreckage of the Demon King in this secret place, so I think I should send you to see it.”

“And this time in this secret realm, almost all the sects will participate, and our sect can’t lose, so you will lead the Qing Immortal and a few disciples to go over together to see what the situation is.”

“Remember, the secret place can be unwanted, but don’t hurt your own life”

“The location of the Secret Realm, I have already told the Green Immortal, if you don’t want to go, the Qing Immortal can lead the Heavenly Sect disciples to the past, after all, she is also the Golden Immortal Realm consummation now.”

“But I still hope you can pass, after all, I think there will be something you want in it.”

The Patriarch looked at Lin Yuan and waited for his answer.

And Lin Yuan was stunned in place, because the suzerainty said that it was the remains of the Demon King, but he had obviously seen the Demon King before, so Lin Yuan did not accept this news for a while.

But then Lin Yuan decided to go and have a look, after all, his sect just needed himself, and he was interested in this place, so it was reasonable for him to be in the past. 、

After he passed, others would not know his identity as the Demon King, after all, there was the identity of the Heavenly Sect Elder here.

“I see, Patriarch, I’ll lead the team,”

“Please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task successfully”

Lin Yuan finished speaking and withdrew from the Sect Lord’s courtyard. 、

The suzerainty stood where he was, watching Lin Yuan’s back sink into the memory.

“Lin Yuan, this wreckage, what can you find?”


After Lin Yuan came out of the Sect Lord’s Courtyard, he went directly to look for the Green Immortal, after all, he didn’t have anything to prepare.

So he can now go at any time.

“You’re here, Lin Yuan, can you go?”

The Green Immortal looked at Lin Yuan and said.

In fact, when the Green Immortal first heard about this task, he didn’t want to go, after all, his realm had just improved, and it needed a little time to consolidate his strength.

But when Qing Xian heard that Lin Yuan would also pass, she still couldn’t help but decide to go over and have a look.

After all, the current Qing Immortal only wanted to follow Lin Yuan. 、

After Lin Yuan’s previous accident, Qing Xian Zi decided that she must be optimistic about Lin Yuan, after all, she did not want to lose Lin Yuan again.

Lin Yuan felt that things were almost ready, and then he nodded slightly, indicating that he could go.

The Heavenly Sect disciples were already waiting at the Sect Gate, and their faces were full of excitement.

After all, this was the first time they had followed Lin Yuan on a mission.

In fact, the entire sect disciples wanted to follow Lin Yuan out on a mission, but because this task was a bit arduous, the Sect Master chose a disciple who was a true immortal. 、

Therefore, many disciples could only envy these True Immortal Realm disciples, and they only hated that their realm was too low at this time.

“I’ve seen Elder Lin Yuan, I’ve seen the Green Immortals”

The Heavenly Sect disciples quickly greeted Lin Yuan when they saw him.

After all, they wanted to give Lin Yuan a good impression, so that they would understand that their own affairs would be better resolved later.

“Don’t be so restrained, this mission will be completed as a vacation, other things will be handed over to me, you come out with me, there is no need to be so serious”

Lin Yuan smiled and chatted with those disciples.

However, since the sense of oppression of the Demon King in their bodies was naturally generated, all these disciples would be a little uncomfortable when chatting with Lin Yuan.

Although these disciples did not say it explicitly, they all found it difficult to stay with Lin Yuan. ,

“Is this Elder Lin Yuan?” Just standing next to me, I don’t dare to speak.”

“Yes, the first time I saw Elder Lin Yuan in such a long time, I didn’t expect such a powerful being.”

“There is no such sense of oppression when staying with the Sect Lord, is Lin Yuan even stronger than the Sect Lord?”

“How could it be, Elder Lin Yuan, but only the Great Luo Realm is complete, maybe it is just his own sense of oppression?”

“Anyway, I think it’s very safe to follow Elder Lin Yuan.”

The Heavenly Sect disciples were discussing Lin Yuan all the way, and Lin Yuan didn’t say anything after hearing it.

But there was one thing that made him very concerned, and that was what these disciples said about the sense of oppression in themselves.

Lin Yuan felt that he had not released the pressure, why did he feel oppressive.

“Could it be the Demon King’s own attributes?”

Lin Yuan thought so and continued to hurry.

At this time, the Green Fairy roared.

“Here we go! Lin Yuan! ”

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